40| Relationships

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I've been living in the boys' office for over a week and it feels weird here. It's as if it's a castle here and there just happen to be offices on a few floors. I rarely leave the room I'm staying in and the only human contact was the boys and the occasional blonde woman.

The weather was getting colder out and it was clear snow would be falling soon. I started exploring the building and it was starting to get familiar, some offices though I stayed away from including Namjoon's.

While doing my daily wandering, Yoongi had walked beside me, "Where are we going?" he asks playfully, but I focus on remembering where the theatre room was.

"Getting used to where things are," I slow down my pace, "what was it that you needed?" I ask and he reveals two coffee that he had behind his back.

"I thought you would let me tag along today in exchange for some coffee," He flashes his gummy smile.

I squint and eye the coffee in his pink veiny hands, "Hm. I suppose I can make that trade, but you also must tell me how great am I to boost my ego." I say and he smiles, but looks confused.

"Low self esteem?" he asks.

"Hey, no need to come for me." I say jokingly, although my self esteem was in no danger.

Yoongi finally gives me my coffee, "You're so amazing that when you walk into a room everyone immediately fall in love with, forced to part like the red sea in order to let your beauty pass and admire it from afar as they have been blessed with your presence." He says, not once breaking.

"I know you did not just compare me to Moses," I say laughing and he joins me, "Who's Moses?" he asks making me laugh harder.

"Anyways, I didn't say anything that I don't think is true, you're really cool." He says grinning.

"Aw, thank you Mr. Min for telling me that I am quote, really cool." I say and he rolls his eyes.

"Whatever 'Ms. Can't Take a Compliment', what day is today? I think I'm off today so I can hang out with you since you're really cool." He says and I smile while pulling out my phone. My heart clentches once I see the date, but I try to hold back my expression.

Clearly I wasn't any good because Yoongi quickly points it out, "What's wrong? Is today something important?"

I hesitate whether or not to talk about my feelings when all I've been doing do them was piling my burden onto them. As if he read my mind, "Don't be quiet and sheltered now, tell me Y/n."

"Today my brother should be having his leave from the military, if he didn't get discharged already." I say and Yoongi listens politely before leading me into

"Do you have a bad relationship with him?" He asks and I realize that I may have insinuated that my brother and I were on bad terms.

"No, no, no, he and I are really close, so close that he started asking me for money for drugs," I scoff in disbelief of the reality of everything.

"Is that why you don't want him back?" Yoongi prys and I think for a moment.

"I miss him of course, but I don't want to see him so awfully. My mom was too caught up in herself to notice her own son was dying, well until he suddenly sobered up to join the military. It's mandatory, but he said he did it for the 'sake of humanity'. I'm still not sure if he was high when he said that. I genuinely want to see him, but will he be the same person?" I ask rhetorically.

"I see," He responds because there's not much to say when someone dumps all that onto you.

"Do you have any siblings? Or any of the other guys?" I ask on the topic of siblings.

He inhales then nods, "I do, an older brother. He's a lot older than me so he should've been my legal guardian when my mom passed, but he didn't seem too interested since he was focusing a lot on school."

"Oh, have you tried reaching out to him?" I asked, but he shakes his head.

"And for the other guys," He looks into a glass window of an office, "they all have siblings as well, but they're relationships are pretty private from each other. I know Joon has a younger sister, but I haven't heard anything about her, Hobi has an older sister and they're really close. Kookie has an older brother, but none of us know where he went so Jin became his brother. Jin had an older brother, but no clue on that and Jiminie has a younger brother, and I think they're good. Tae is the only one who never spoke about his family, we know little to none about his past." He explains and I ingest every word. The thought of them all having siblings, but never speaking about it to their closest friends. It must be really personal.

"I didn't mean to be nosy or anything," I say looking at the ground.

"No it's okay, I started first." He says nonchalantly, locking arms with me. "So where are we going?" He asks and I realize I wasn't paying attention which way we were going.

"Theatre room," I say, my face showing I wasn't sure where we were.

"Oh, well it's this way," he says pulling me in the opposite direction and I simply leave an awkward "oh".

As he keeps pulling me he begins another conversation, "So how do you feel about having kids?"

"Are you asking to have children with me?" I ask dramatically, batting my eyes.

He chuckles and shakes his head, "I just wanted to know if you planned on ever being a mom."

I take in the question before answering, "No, after seeing how both my parents fucked up with my brother and me, I don't wanna risk the pain I went through. I'm not saying that if I got pregnant, I wouldn't keep it, I would but it's not in my plans." I look over to him and he pulls me into a dark room with a big screen, "What about you?" I ask as I look around the room.

He pulls me to sit next him in a big black cushiony seat, "I do. Not a lot, but I want to have a kid that can feel the love and affection that I didn't get. I want them to feel loved and be able the things I couldn't experience." He explains, his eyes never leaving mine.

"How many do you want?" I ask, leaning closer to him, although with the dim lit room, I can still see how dark Yoongi's beautiful eyes were.

"Maybe one or two, it doesn't matter to me. I just want to love them and maybe my wife." My cheeks flush when he says that and he rests his hand on my thigh.

"You want to get married?" I ask, I wasn't aware that they were interested in getting married since they all were busy and focused on using women for pleasure.

"Someday," He says, his eyes glancing over my lips.

I feel myself start panicking, "I did things with Jimin," I say exposing myself, and he looks stunned, "I know."

"What?" His words don't match his face so now I'm confused.

"He told me, how do you feel about it?" He asks, as if he were a therapist and asking about my feelings.

"Um," I'm still confused, "well I like you, so I feel kind of guilty." I say and his eyes narrow.

"I like you a lot Y/n, but I don't want you to get hurt. You don't know us, you're going get hurt. You should leave if you're not okay with it."

"Why do you keep saying that? Everyone tells me how great I am and I should spend more time with you, but you're the only one who isn't like that. You know I'm alone besides from you all? If you don't want to hang out with me anymore, tell me." I rant and he comes closer.

"I want to be near you, that's the problem." He says before he smashes his lips against mine.

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