21| Dying Flowers

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"What are you doing here?" I hear Yoongi from the door and I negotiate with myself if I should peek to see who's there, but then I hear another voice.

"Well, you didn't show up to work and we needed you today. Money is rolling down and we have to find someone to bring to-"

"Okay, but I'm busy." Yoongi cuts him off, the voice belongs to Hoseok.

"Busy at home? Who's here, another girl?" Hoseok asks, making my heart sink. I knew what I was doing when I kissed him, but I forgot that the reason he probably wanted to hang out with me today was to get with me. Hearing that I'm probably another girl disappoints me knowing damn well that I'm the one who willingly went there. Was he planning to take my virginity?

I get up and look at the mess on the floor, what was I doing here? I leave the room to see Hoseok and Yoongi standing at the doorway. Hoseok's face drops when he sees me and his eyes flash from me to Yoongi. "Y/n? Oh that reminds me, I need to kidnap you today." He reaches his arm out and bows.

"I'm going to go hang out with Jimin right now," Hoseok say, his eyes bugging out of his sockets as I flirtatiously link my arm with his, "Okay, can I come?" and his head nods almost immediately. "Well, you have no choice."

We start to walk away and I turn to look at Yoongi's face, but it wasn't what I was expecting. His eyes were full of anguish and annoyance, his lips turned into a deep frown.

I wasn't someone to be passed around, but here I was. I don't know why I let myself fall so fast the second they gave me attention, that wasn't like me. I will never like them or fall for them like they want me to.

Hoseok excitedly opens the car door for me and I try to hold back my grin from his sweet intentions. "I'm sorry for saying that earlier, you're not just another girl. I actually think you're cool." He tells, but I feel myself laugh at his flattery.

"So, what's the deal with Yoongi?" Hoseok asks, probing.

"He asked to hang out and I didn't mind doing charity work for the needy." I say to which he laughs, but I couldn't bring myself to laugh at my joke.

"Where exactly are we going?" I ask, once we turn into the parking lot of a shining black building, tinted windows, and neatly cut bushes.

Hoseok doesn't say anything, causing me worry of where he's taking me, but then he turns to me with his blinding smile. "Happy birthday, beautiful." I roll my eyes, "What are we doing here?"

He rushes to my door and opens it for me and I giggle at his weird attitude. "What's going on?" I get out of the car as he puts his arm around my shoulder and basically drags me into the double glass doors.

Before my eyes can adjust to the lighting in the room, someone rushes to me and lifts me off the ground. My pupils focus on the cheesing face below me, Jimin.

"What's going on?" I ask when Jimin finally levels me to the glossy floor. His face still holding a smile, "It's your birthday!"

"Yes, it is?" obviously still confused on where I am and what's going on.

"I wanted you to see where we work and hang out here until we get off then we can go to a party." Hoseok explains. What? What are they talking about? I'm not going to stay here while they work on my birthday. "What are you guys talking about?"

"Okay, I know that kind of sounds lame, but Hoseok was supposed to get you later." Jimin, eyes Hoseok. "Not my fault, when I went to see what's up with Yoongi she was there so I thought it would be the perfect time to get her since she was already there." He defends.

Before I say that I will just go home and sleep, I don't need to party on my birthday anyways, a deep voice makes me jump out of my skin. "What the hell is she doing here?"

My head snaps to see who the voice belonged to, Taehyung. "Hey, Tae." I say, sarcastically. So they all work here together and then continue to hang out outside of work? They don't get tired of each other? I get tired of them spending 5 minutes together.

"I'm not repeating myself," he ignores me, focusing his attention to the playful boys beside me.

"We're older than you, so please do repeat yourself, my ears can't hear you, my child." Jimin says in a old man voice, messing with Taehyung, whose face softens to stifle a laugh.

"I just want to know why she's here, you know she can't come here." Tae says again, making himself sound serious. I ignore their cat fight while I walk around the room we were in.

It was dark and everything was black. There were painting on the wall, flowers in a glass vase on the table that clearly were dying from a lack of water. I walk over to the receptionist, she was blonde, thinner than me but had no curves, also taller than me by a lot. "Can I help you?" She asks, her voice kind as well. "Can I get some water?" I ask and she nods leaving me at the desk.

The boys continue to argue, this time quietly. I take a step, my nosy self wanting to know what's going on but then the receptionist returns with a large glass of water. "Thank you-" I look at her name tag, "-Tzu-yu." She nods without looking at me. Okay.

I take my large glass of water and take it to the dying plant. I evenly distribute the water to the dry dirt. I feel someone looking at me and I assume it's the thousand of cameras in here, but then I notice the boys had gotten quiet. I turn and they're already looking at me.

"What are you doing?" Taehyung asks coming closer. "Watering your dead plants, have you ever heard of it?" I say looking back at the flowers, "Oh wait, you probably don't know what water is, considering all you drink is beer." I comment, to which he scoffs.

"I drink water," He says annoyed, sounding almost insecure, but I smirk for getting him annoyed at my dumb joke. "Whatever you say."

"Do you want to take it outside?" Jimin asks coming beside me, "It might need sun."

I smile at his youthful face, "That would help too." I agree. I pick up the now moist plant and follow Jimin outside to the sun.





Sorry for the slower updates, they'll go back up again since it's almost the weekend!!! But bare with me until then because school has been torture. Thank you all so much, I love all your sweet comments. Thank you again and enjoy!


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