36| Confrontation is Bad

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There's three rings before Jennie finally picks up, "What's up?" She asks, her voice jittery.

The sudden courage goes away once I sneeze, "Are you okay?" She asks. "I'm sick, but that's not why I called you."

"Okay, then what is it?" She asks and my chest tightens with anxiety.

"Remember the reason my mom got pissed at me right?" I ask and she pauses.

"Oh yeah, I mean you shouldn't work there if it pisses your mom off." She remarks.

I inhale, "Did you send photos of me to my mom?" She doesn't answer for a moment, "What?"

"My mom stopped talking to me because someone sent her photos of me working at Drinks Affair. Did you do that?" I asked, my heart aching in hope she would deny it.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Her words stinging me, "I don't know where you got that idea from, but if you think that then you really must be stupid. You don't even deserve to have that job, you're scared of men. If anything you should fucking quit since all you do is complain about it, I'll gladly take that job from you."

"I never talked about it around you because whenever I did you would whine about how you should've gotten it, but guess what Jennie, they wanted me. Me! Not you, clearly they could sense the whore from you." I argue, I feel awful for slut shaming, but right now I didn't care.

"At least I was getting something, you're a child who's afraid of the big world and hid behind me and your mom." I exhale listening to her, but my anger was growing.

"So this is what you actually thought about me, huh? I finally get something that you want and you do whatever you can to one up me? It's embarrassing that you're so insecure that I may have something you don't and it's embarrassing having to be with you when all you do is swing onto men and rely on them to take you home for the night." I make sure to emphasize my words.

"I'm insecure? If anything you're jealous of everything I do, my bad for men liking me, having a rich dad, and having a perfect family that you can only wish for. You're the embarrassing one, needing me to babysit you like the child you are. Go to your mother or something- oh wait you can't." My throat burns and I hold my breath.

"You honestly are the worst person to come into my life, so selfish that you had to do some bullshit to make yourself feel better about yourself. Fuck you." I hang up before letting her get the last work in, knowing it would only hurt me more. I'm not sure if Jennie actually did send those pictures to my mom, but now I didn't care. As much as I wanted to not believe it, I knew she was right about a lot of stuff.

I drop my phone and inhale, trying to hold back my tears as I walk back into the room. Jungkook is now sitting up, wide awake, "Hey, are you okay?" he asks and the tears pour out.

"I'm okay, I'm okay," I start wiping my tears, repeating that I'm fine, but I can't stop crying.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook asks, rushing to my side, but I can't answer from crying and my nose being stuffed.

"Bring her over here," Yoongi says, still sitting on my bed as he was before I went and yelled at Jennie.

Jungkook sits me in between them, while he rubs my back, "Tell us what's wrong." He says.

Once I calm down, I pull my sleeves over my hands to wipe the leftover tears better. "I thought Jennie might've been the person who took photos of me working and send them to my mom, but she got pissed for me asking, which I get, but then she told me really horrible things." I say, my voice shaking.

"Well, you didn't know and she's wrong about what she says, you'r-" Jungkook starts comforting me, but I cut him.

"But they're true, I'm a bad person and I'm selfish and a prude and a child." I explain, Yoongi this time comforting me. He pulls me into a hug and lets me cry, not saying anything which feels better than talking about it right now.

I feel my tears soaking his shirt so I pull away apologetically, "Sorry about that." I say point to the wet spot, "Geez Y/n, you sure cry a lot." He says and I laugh. Yoongi was so comforting to me even when I didn't know how to calm myself down, he always knew what to do and say. Jungkook from my left holds on my hand and squeezes, the worry I felt minutes ago is drifting away.

"I don't know what the hell just happened, but thank you guys." I say and they don't say anything.

I lay against the headboard, closing my eyes. As upset I was, they were here for me and they were all I had right now. I was thankful.

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