17| Childish Butterflies

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3 days later


"You look nice today, Wooyoung" I say passing my co-worker.

I grab drinks for some tables, not once being annoyed with the unnecessary flirtation throughout my rounds. The back room is reserved for the boys again and I'm not feeling disinclined to serve them.

Before heading to the back, I see my usual customer, Mr. Lee. I walk to him, my hips moving to the beat of the overbearing sound of the music from the dancefloor.

"Hello, how are you this evening, Mr. Lee?" He gives a familiar front, preparing his words wisely to begin his chatting.

"Oh, how wonderful. Especially considering how much I appreciate seeing you." Under this light, I'm able to see the eye bags that hang lowly under his eyes.

"That's good to hear. So what can I get you?" I roll my shoulders back, awaiting his response.

He tells me and I continue with me chipper attitude. Personally, I become annoyed when I see people act like the way I'm acting, but I want today to be good. Mr. Lee eyes me, but lets me slip away without too much protest.

Before long, I've return with his drink, "There you go, Mr. Lee."

"Felix," He corrects me, this time he continues to stare at my body.

"Oh right, Felix." I nod and his face changes.

"Did you get a boyfriend?" He suddenly asks, throwing me off. "Excuse me?"

"Well, you're acting... happier. I just assumed that now you're in a relationship since you're not as defensive." He explains, motioning with his hands.

I burst out laughing, "No, I'm not. I'm just in a really good mood today." His face shows that he wants to continue prying, but he lets me go.

I then soon walk into the boy's back room and make no hesitation to ask them their orders. Namjoon orders for the others while they stare at my beaming face. "Alright, I'll get all that."

Hoseok dances up to me and spins me around, usually I would push his away in discomfort, but today I played along and laughed out loud. Hoseok seems pleased with my reaction since he proceeds to dance with me to hear me laugh again.

I push him away teasingly, letting him know that I have to get their drinks and his hands remove themselves from my hips.

I nearly bounce out of the room and back in with their drinks. While placing them down, Namjoon appears next to me. "You seem happier today," He points out, "is something happening?"

I nod and think of how my mood has lifted once I've gotten into work today. "Yeah, tomorrow is my birthday. I'm supposed to take a day off from work and spend it with my friend. I actually really like my birthday, so I wanted to make it as special as I possibly can."

"Ah, well I like seeing you like this. I think the others do as well." He notions to the boys making not-so-secretive glances at me to check on what's with my mood.

I make no other response except by smiling and thinking of the happy day I would be spending. Every year, I had spent it with the people I love the most. Once my dad was gone, the list of people started going down, my dad, my brother, now my mother assuming that she is still heated from the argument we had.

My phone buzzes from a call and I check to see it's Jennie. She and I were supposed to spend the day together, and I was prepared for all the crazy fun we would have.

"Excuse me," I say to Namjoon, excusing myself from our short interaction.

"What's up?" I ask into the phone, being met with a panicked voice.

"Hey, Y/n. My dad is in the hospital right now out of state, and I don't want to be an asshole, especially for your birthday, but I think I need to see him to make sure everything is ok-"

"It's okay. Just make sure he's alright and send him my best wishes okay? Don't worry about me. I'll be fine." I cut her off, letting her anxiety levels decrease.

After she ends the call I can feel my heart sink. This would be my first birthday alone, and I know others have it worse, but I still felt my stomach ache from the disappointment. I return to the room, trying to hide my very obvious pout face.

I start to think about my mom and our fight, I know it was something over stupid, but now I was going to be alone. Maybe it would be best to ask for another shift and instead of being alone with my thoughts tomorrow, I can distract myself with work.

I go back and do my second rounds, serving dozens of people. I walk to the bathroom and sit on the toilet seat and hold my head. I hold in my tears and refrain from crying, something I try to avoid overall, but mostly in public places.

"Y/n, you in here?" I hear the stern voice of my boss asking in the bathroom. "Yup!" I say, unlocking the stall and stepping out. She looks at me and begins again. "You're break is not until the finish up with that back room and they're asking for you."

I flatten my dress out and rush back to the room, but as unfocused as I was, I walk into a body who feels like a brick wall. I look up to see Yoongi and on instinct, the many apologies spill out of my mouth like it was a waterfall.

"Hey, you okay?" he asks, placing his hands on my shoulders. That question makes me feel emotional, but I refuse to cry so I straighten my back and stare into his eyes. "Yeah, what was it you needed?" I say back, my voice holding itself together, refraining from cracking and crying.

"Come here." Yoongi pulls me to the door and the fresh cool air from the evening hits my face. "What are we doing? I have to work and I don't plan on making this day any more shitty." I ramble until my hand is not cold, but met with another hand, warmer than mine.

I look down to see Yoongi's pale hand grasping onto mine, it was warmer than I thought. The colorless skin tone seemed to be cold, but his was quite the opposite. He squeezes harder while my eyes stay glued to our intertwined fingers.

"Calm down." He says, his voice calm. I look up to him, our eyes meeting and I get a familiar feeling in my stomach. Butterflies. The weird childish feeling was something I didn't want to be feeling, but I wasn't able to stop them from happening.

"Tell me what's wrong. You were happy a few minutes ago, but now you feel-" He stops himself looking at the clouded moon. "You look sad. What happened Y/n?" My name purring off his tongue.

I hesitate to tell him about my fight with my mom, but everytime I would stop, he'd squeeze my hand, almost reassuring me. I continue to speak about how I would be alone on my birthday, emphasizing that it wasn't a big deal, but the constant up and down feelings this week was too overwhelming and I needed something good. He listened to every word, analyzing my sadness, but also focusing on the movement of my mouth while I spoke.

"Things will get better, we just have to wait. Running away and burying up those feelings don't help anyone. It's better to get them out in the open now. I want you to be happy, but first you have to talk. Okay?" He says, his words filling the holes in my heart. They were what I needed to hear, but no one was there to tell me, up until Yoongi did.

"When my dad left, I never really grieved it. I hid those feelings, the anger towards him, away from everyone. I'm the strong one, for my mom, my friend. I never thought about how heavy it all was until I realized I was holding it for no reason." Yoongi rubs his thumb on my hand.

"I hate my dad. I hate that I'm able to blame so many problems on a person who doesn't even care about me." Yoongi hugs me tightly, rubbing my head.

We stand like this for a while until he pulls away and cups my cheeks, "I want to hang out tomorrow. You and me." He says, waiting for my reaction. I give him a smirk and nod.

Yoongi isn't like the others, he's softer. We're not strangers anymore I think. But now what?

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