Chapter 28

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~Timeskip To Wedding~

You waited for the time to come.

You and Josh haven't made up, so you were going to your dad's wedding alone.

Well, not alone because Sophie was coming, but you hoped Josh would come because you wanted to show your dad what he missed out on.

You were currently waiting for Sophie's mom to pick you up.

Your mom didn't feel comfortable driving you to wedding, so Sophie's mom was driving you.

You curled your hair, and put a green bow in it.

You heard a knock on the door.

Expecting it to be Sophie, you said, "Hey Soph, Josh and I still haven't-"

You stopped yourself.

There in front of you, stood Josh Hyland, dressed in Vineyard Vines clothing. {A/N: I hate Vineyard Vines, but Josh just seems like a Vineyard Vines guy!😂}

"(Y/N)." He said.

"Josh." You said.

"What are you doing here? You asked, crossing your arms.

"You look amazing." He breathed out.

You didn't say anything.

"And those shoes are so you." He smiled.

"Thanks. But seriously. What are you doing here?" You replied.

"Can I still come to your dad's wedding?" He asked.

"Why?" You snapped.

"Because Jess tried to kiss me the other day." He said.

You froze.

"And I wanted to apologize. You were right about Jess." He said.

You smiled. "Of course you can come."


You arrived at the wedding, and got a program.

An usher brought you to your seats, at the from row.

You waited for the wedding to start, when a guy in a tuxedo came up to you.

"(Y/N)?" He asked.

"Yeah?" You asked.

"Your dad would like to see you. Alone." The guy told you.

"O-Okay." You said, and followed the guy.

He lead you to a room, and closed the door.

Um...creepy much.

Then he came into the picture.


"Hi honey." He smiled.

He looked exactly the same from the last time you saw him.

Which was two years ago in court.

"I'm glad you came." He smiled.

"Yeah." you said, crossing your arms.

"So I hear you're gonna be on Dance Moms. Your mom would fit in perfectly." He laughed.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't make fun of my mother. You know, the one you promised you wouldn't cheat on, but you did." You said.

He sighed.

"Your mother and I weren't compatable. Nothing good came out of our relationship." He stated.

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