Chapter 18

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"Hey Josh. Let's talk out here." You whispered.

You walked out of the room, and closed he door.

"Sorry. I should've spoken up, earlier." You said.

"Yeah. I just wanted to clear the air." He said, grabbing your hands.

"To make sure I'm still your date?" You asked.

"Yeah. I can't have you not be my date." He smiled.

This is what every girl wanted.

To have an almost boyfriend talk to you like that.

"When did you know you liked me?" You asked.

"Well let's see. I love how you put so much work into this..." He said pulling out a kindergarten made macaroni necklace.

"You kept it?" You gasped.

"It reminds me of you."

You smiled.

"Nice slippers." He said.

You looked down at your unicorn slippers.

"They're cute!" You defended yourself.

"Wanna watch a movie?" He asked.

"Sure." You smiled.

"Wait! It's like 1:00 a.m.! Are your parents asleep?" You asked.

"Yeah. But we'll be quiet." He whispered in your ear, sending shivers up your spine.

"Frozen?" You asked.

He groaned.

"No way! That's so boring!"

"It's one of my favorites!" You pleaded.

He sighed. "Fine. But only for you."

You pecked his cheek, and you pressed play.

It was the sing along version, so when 'Love is and Open Door', you and Josh sang along.

"God I need to take down dance lessons." Josh said, out of breath.

"Yeah. If you wanna dance with me." You smirked, cuddling up against him.

After the movie was finished, Josh walked you to Brooke's room, and gave you a goodnight kiss on the cheek.

"Bye." He blushed.

"Bye Josh." You said, blowing him a kiss.

He pretended to catch it, and put it to his heart.

You giggled, and walked into Brooke's room.

They had finished watching PLL and were sound asleep.

You didn't want to wake anyone, so you stepped around everyone.

You accidentally stepped on Paige, but luckily she didn't wake up.

You sighed in relief, and went in your sleeping bag.

You played on your phone for a little, and decided to go to sleep.


You woke up, to everyone surrounding you, still in their P.J.'s

"What?" You asked.

"You went to bed awfully late last night." Paige crossed her arms.

"I was really hungry. So I made some midnight snacks." You said.

"(Y.N), you know I love you, but cut the crap. We know you were with Josh. We have a witness." Paige said.

"Sorry, (Y/N) I did see you walk off with Josh." Brooke said.

"So what if I was?" You asked.

"Did make out with him or something?" Maddie asked.

"No! We just watched Frozen and he kissed me on the cheek! That's it!" You said.

"Alright. C'mon! Mom made waffles!" Paige said grabbing your hand.

You put your aldc socks and unicorn slippers on (Shown Above).


"Oh my god! Not those socks!" Mackenzie said.

"What's wrong with them?" You asked.

"One time, Abby made me massage her feet, when she was wearing the exact same socks." Mackenzie buried her head in her hands.

You all walked down the stairs.

Kendall couldn't make the sleepover, because her mom wouldn't let her come, so there were only 7 girls.

"Hey kiddos!" Kelly said, when you came down the stairs.

"Hey." You all said, sitting down at the Hyland's larger table.

You sat down next to Josh and Chloe.

"Hey." You said.

"Oh hey! You excited for the dance tonight?" He asked.

"Very! The dress I bought is absolutely amazing! And Paige is doing my hair." You squealed.

"You girls and hair." Josh sighed.

You giggled.

"Yes! Kelly, you make the best waffles!" Chloe said.

"Thank you." Kelly said.

"Yeah Mrs. Hyland, these are really good." You said.

"Oh honey, you can call me Kelly. Since your on my daughters' dance team, and you're basically dating my son." Kelly laughed.

"Mom!" Josh said.

"Was I not suppose to bring that up? Kelly asked.

Josh just shook his head.

"Abby called and said that class is being cut short tonight, because of the dance." Kelly said.

"Really?! I thought she'd add more time, cause we're up against Cathy." Paige said.

"Well she said she wanted you kids to have fun. Considering its Abby, she wants something." Kelly laughed.

"So (Y/N), you excited for your solo?" Maddie asked you.

"Yeah. I just don't like the fact, that I'm going up against you." You said, pointing to Chloe.

"Get used to it. Me and Maddie are put up against each other all the time." Chloe said.

"I remember when Miss Abby put Asia on the team. She was nice, but an amazing dancer. I was compared to her all the time." Mackenzie said.

"Oh and when our moms stood in the parking lot for 5 hours to get Kelly back, and Abby replaced all of us. Then those moms got annoying, so she replaced all of them except Sophia. Really nice girl, but also amazing. I wasn't the favorite anymore. Now I know how you guys feel." Maddie said.

"Yeah. Maddie, we love you and everything, but we hate being compared to you." Nia said.

"I would too. I'm just too perfect." Maddie sighed.

"Madz! No need to be self centered." Paige laughed.

"I'm just joking. I would hate to be compared to my friends." Maddie sighed.

"Ok, so does anyone have any privates today?" Kelly asked.

No one answered.

"Then you kids don't have dance until 3:00. Use your time wisely." Kelly said.

"Movie marathon?" Paige asked.

You all nodded.

You guys put in 'Mean Girls', one of your favorite movies.

"Stop trying to make fetch happen! It's not going to happen!" You mimicked.

"Girls, it's almost time for dance. Get ready." Kelly said.

You all got changed, and Kelly drove you to dance.

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