Chapter 16**

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A/N: Hello friends! I'm sorry (not really) for being so mean yesterday. >:) To make up for it, we're JUMPING RIGHT IN. so:) enjoy

P.S. For those of you who opted to skip the last two chapters, PLEASE skip this one. Please. It's seggsy time. I will not be including a summary of the last chapter, or of this one. (I think you can guess what it's about). For those of you who are uncomfortable with smut, thank you for your patience! The fluff will return in Chapter 17.


Chapter 16


"If it's okay with you, I want to do this. I want to be yours," George whispers, moving to sit on Dream's lap, "please."

"Fuck," Clay says, leaning in to capture the boy's lips in a kiss and wrapping his arms tightly around him. George clutches at Dream's hoodie in an attempt to get them even closer, as Clay trails his lips along the boy's jawline. He stops to press a kiss in the sensitive spot behind George's ear, then continues his path across the boy's throat. Just as lips brush against the dip of skin that connects his neck to his collarbone, George gasps and throws his head back in an invitation for more. Dream focuses all his attention on that one spot, each kiss coaxing a soft noise out of George. When Clay licks a stripe up the boy's neck and bites down on his pulse, the merman lets out a loud moan that goes straight to Dream's dick.

Small hands sneak under his hoodie, and Clay shivers at the feeling of cold fingertips trailing up his stomach and onto his chest.

"Off," George whispers, voice practically dripping with desperation as he tugs at the bottom of the hoodie. Clay nods, pulling it off swiftly and moving to remove George's as well.

"Wait," George says, and Clay pauses, looking at George with worry etched into his face, suddenly concerned that he had misunderstood George's intentions. "No, no. Not like that. I just wanted to ask if you'd be patient with me? I don't really know what I'm doing."

"Of course, love" Dream murmurs, leaning back in to press a kiss against his forehead. "Let me take care of you." George nods and removes his own shirt, leaning back to lie down on the bed. For the first time, Clay has the opportunity to look, really look, at the boy. And he does.

At first glance, an observer might not recognize George as a merman, but Clay has taken the time to memorize all the little details, all the little clues that remain even after he changed forms. He notices the slight lines on his neck where the gills have been smoothed over. He notices the strands of seaweed that decorate the boy's hair, and the shells that dangle from his ears. He notices the few dark blue scales that are scattered across his waist and disappear below the hem of his boxers.

With a gentle finger, he draws a line connecting the spots to each other. Suddenly dying to leave his own marks next to them, he leans forward, pressing a kiss against George's waist. He gasps in pleasure as Clay unexpectedly bites down hard on the skin, leaving a mark that is already starting to turn purple. Dream sucks and kisses and bites his way down the line of scales until his lips meet the top of George's boxes. He stops to lean back and admire the marks that stand out so beautifully against his pale skin and match so perfectly with the midnight blue scales.

"Is this okay?" Clay asks quietly, fingers curling below the waistband.

"Yes. Please," George says, voice filled with need. How could Dream possibly say no to that? After sliding the underwear down, he takes a moment to appreciate just how beautiful George is. His dark hair falls messily around his face, contrasting wonderfully with Clay's white sheets. He is panting slightly, breath stuttering in his chest. His knees are parted, shamelessly exposing his fully hard dick.

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