Chapter 17

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A/N: Hello again! Thank you for being patient this weekend! I'd like to apologize for the late update.

For those of you who skipped the past few chapters, this one is completely safe! It's fluff time again woooohoooo ! (And you missed nothing for the plot. All you need to know is that Dream and George are cuddling in Dream's bed. As humans)


Chapter 17


When he wakes up, George's senses come to him slowly in his drowsy state. The first thing he notices is the feeling of warmth coming from all directions: the few rays of sunlight that heat up his back, the comfortable sheets that come up to his hips, the body that he's using as a pillow, the legs that are tangled with his, the arms that are wrapped tightly around him. Next, he hears the sound of gentle snores and deep, slow breathing, as well as a steady heartbeat coming from the boy beneath him. Then, he is greeted by the faint smell of salt, and sweat, and the deodorant that Clay must have been wearing yesterday. Finally, he lifts his head, and his eyes are met with a sight that makes his heart squeeze excitedly. There in front of him lies Clay. His Clay. The boy is on his back, deeply asleep. His lips, parted slightly in his sleep, are tinted a faint pink. His long hair is spread out on the pillow, gold curls surrounding his face like a halo. The soft light coming from the window makes his tan skin glow in a way that makes him look almost heavenly.

In his sleep, the boy shifts slightly, tightening his arms around George. The merman watches as he mutters something unintelligible, then relaxes again, face settling in a slight smile that highlights his adorable dimple. In that perfect moment, George is taken back to the very first day he had seen that dreamy surfer. He thinks about how beautiful he had found the boy to be, and about how much more beautiful he had become with each detail George learned about him. He remembers seeing that dimple and how much he had needed to touch it. Finally indulging in that desire, he presses a gentle fingertip against the dimple, then replaces his finger with his lips.

Clay stirs under the loving touch, and pulls George on top of him, holding him impossibly close.

"Hi, love," he says in a sleepy voice so low and raspy that the merman cannot help but blush.

"Good morning," George squeaks. "How did you sleep?"

"The best that I have in years," Clay replies, smiling. "Come. Let's take a bath."

The merman buries his head into the boy's neck, voice muffled against Clay's skin. "Noooo," he whines. "Comfy. Can't move"

"Oh come on now," Clay is met with yet another groan. "Alright. How about if I carry you there?"


George sits between Dream's legs in the boy's ridiculously large tub, body half submerged in bubbles. Eyes closed, he feels gentle hands work suds of shampoo into his hair. He sighs in contentment, pressing his back against Clay's chest, and sinking deeper into the pleasantly warm water.

This, George thinks, is pure bliss.


POV Change

"'Karl? Listen. I'm sorry for everything I said. It was all a joke. I didn't mean it. Can we be friends again?'"

Nick sighs, shaking his head at his own reflection. "No. I can't say that. That's a lie, and you both know it. Ughhhh." He goes back to his restless pacing.

"'Karl? I'm in love with you. It's okay if you don't like me back, but I really need you in my life. Please please please don't leave me. Even if we're just friends.'"

"Ughhhh nooooo. That's even worse. Why am I so bad at this."

Returning to the mirror, Sapnap gives his wary reflection a once-over. His exhaustion is really obvious. Ever since his embarrassing confession to Karl, the boy has not been able to get even a wink of sleep. His crush has clearly been avoiding him, since he has not come back to the beach since that last encounter. Plus, for some reason, Clay has not stopped by Nick's tower for quite some time. To put it simply, Sap is really fucking lonely, and really confused.

One of these days, the boy is sure to show up again, and Nick knows he has to be prepared.


Fortunately (or unfortunately ?) for Nick, that day finally arrives. He is sitting in his tower, bored out of his mind (per usual), when he notices a familiar mop of messy brown hair making its way down the shore. He steps back further into his hut to hide, but continues his observations. Nick watches Karl spread out his towel, but instead of lying down like he usually does, he sits crisscross applesauce, hands folded nervously in his lap. Surprisingly, it appears that the boy doesn't have his journal today. He just sits there, looking across the beach pensively. The boy looks concerned? or anxious? Sap cannot quite tell. A whole new wave of butterflies erupts in his stomach when the boy turns to face the ocean, giving Nick the perfect view of his flawless profile.

Oh God, he thinks. I'm gonna die.

And then.

Fuck it. I can do this.

Taking a deep breath and straightening his posture, Sapnap leaves his hiding place and confidently walks over to the boy. (well. as confidently as his shaking legs will allow him to)

"Hi Karl," he says hesitantly, sitting next to him in the sand. The boy looks up, surprised.


"I'm so sorry for ––um. uh. I didn't mean to make you uncomfo–– you mean a lot to m––," Nick stutters. In spite of all his practice, he cannot seem to get it right. "uh – fuck. Let me start over––"

Suddenly, Nick is interrupted by a pair of lips crashing against his. He pulls back, stunned. "What? Karl? I thoug–"

"Shut up!!" Karl giggles, interrupting yet again, "I like you, too."

"What? But you..?"

"I know. And I'm really sorry," the boy says, taking Sap's hands. "Out of the two of us, I should be the one apologizing, not you. To be honest, I kinda panicked. I. well. I've never felt this way about someone before, and I was really confused. And then you asked me out, and I got scared."

Nick just looks at him, eyes wide in confusion.

Karl continues hurriedly, all in one breath, "before you confessed, I had started having feelings for you, and I didn't really know what the honk was going on. I wanted to figure it all out before dragging you into it. And then you told me how you felt, and I should've just kissed you then, but I was so nervous. And I'm sorry that I've been avoiding you. I wanted to understand it before seeing you again." He stops, gasping for breath.

"I––," Nick says. "Can I kiss you?"

Karl nods eagerly and practically throws himself into the boy's arms. Nick cups his face gingerly, leans in, and captures his lips in a gentle, long-awaited kiss. 


A/N - Finally! Karlnap!! I missed writing about themmmmm

Also?? About chapter 16, the idea of innocent gogy and gentle dream makes me so happy. Wholesome in the least wholesome way. :)

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