Chapter 21

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This chapter is safe for all readers! Enjoy! :)


Chapter 21


"DREAM!" George shrieks, body flailing as he tries to get out of the boy's grasp. Clay just chuckles, tightening his arms around George and throwing him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Noooo," he screams gleefully when Clay tosses him into his salt water pool. As his body hurdles downward, he lets himself transform, and he hits the water with a large splash. When he resurfaces, George is met with the sight of Clay doubled over in laughter. His obnoxiously cute wheeze is so loud and high-pitched that George cannot help but think back to their dolphin encounter. While Clay is laughing with eyes squeezed tightly shut, George watches Sapnap sneak up behind him. Nick gives him a harsh shove and then all of the sudden, Dream is falling in, looking shocked and utterly betrayed. George giggles happily.

Nick follows soon after, effectively splashing everyone with an impressive cannonball. "Race you to the steps," he shouts and takes off, Dream following soon behind him. George just watches them. He knows that the odds are seriously weighted in his favor, and the race would be far from fair. Nick reaches the stairs just a moment before Dream does, and he relishes in the few milliseconds of his victory. Both boys turn back to look at George, who hasn't moved an inch.

"George!" Clay laughs. "I can't believe you lost!"

"Oh poor Georgie Worgie didn't wanna race cuz he knew he'd lose!" Sap teases.

The merman just rolls his eyes, flipping the boy off. "Fine. You're so on," he says before swimming to join them. The three boys line up on the edge of the pool and prepare to race.

"Last one to the other side is a rotten egg! Ready...... set...... GO!" Dream and Nick dive into the water, kicking with a ridiculous ferocity that the merman cannot help but find adorable. Feeling quite confident in his abilities, George waits until the boys have reached the halfway point before pushing himself off the wall. Even with their major head start, the merman beats them by an embarrassing margin. Giggling, he waits for them to catch up.

"Ughhhhh," Nick whines when he finally crosses the finish line. "It's not fairrrrr. He has a huge advantage!!" George just smirks.

"You're the one who made him race!" Clay says, smacking Sap across the top of his head.


POV Change

A few pleasant hours have passed, and Sapnap sits on the edge of the pool, feet moving lazily back and forth in the water. In one hand, he holds a family size bag of Lay's Cheddar Ruffles and in the other, he grips a pair of chopsticks. For the past half hour, he's been snacking and putting up with an endless barrage of criticism from his friends.

"Nick! What is WRONG with you?"


"Sapnap! You're doing it all wrong! Licking the cheese of your fingers at the end is part of the experience!!! It's the best part!!!"

Nick is a pretty stubborn guy, and this argument is one he'll never let himself lose. Sure, he may like fire and the color orange, but to hell if he'd get that dust all over his fingers.

"Hey, Clay?" Nick says around a couple of soggy chips he has just shoved into his mouth.


"Would you mind if I invite a ... um.. friend over to join us?"

"Oh? Sure! Well..." he trails off, turning to George, who is currently swimming laps around the pool. "George?"

The merman smiles, " a friend of Nick's is a friend of mine. Do you think they'd freak out? If so, I can just have legs while they're here."

"Nah, he's chill," Sap grins. "And I'm glad you said yes, because he's already on his way here."

"NICK," the boys shout out in unison, and Dream gives him another playful smack. "Sooooo," he says, smirking mischievously. "Tell me about this 'um... friend' of yours!"

"Clay!" he shrieks, turning a noticeable shade of red.

"Is it beach boy? With the brown hair and the notebook?"

Nick doesn't reply, but his worsening blush serves as a clear enough answer.

"Awwww," George says. "Does Sappy Nappy have a boyfriend?"

The boy turns a deeper shade of red before muttering a defeated "shut up" under his breath.

"Oh my God!" Dream practically screeches in excitement. "Tell me EVERYTHING"

Luckily, Nick is saved by his phone ringing. "He's here!"


Soon after, the boys are chilling in the hot tub together. Nick is amazed at how well the four of them get along, at the way they clicked as soon as they met. It was almost as though they had been destined to be friends all along.

Karl's introduction had gone even more smoothly than he had expected. Nick had presented them as his friends, and Karl had said a simple "nice to meet you" before turning to George and saying, "sweet tail, dude."

Sapnap allows himself to tune out the conversation for a moment so that he can focus his attention on the scene around him. George is snuggled up against Dream's side, practically on his lap, head resting tenderly on the boy's shoulder. Karl is sitting next to him, head thrown back in spirited laughter at some joke that the merman had just made. Every once in a while, he stuffs his mouth with Takis, munching on them enthusiastically and joyfully. The boy slips his hand into Nick's, intertwining their fingers, and drawing delicate circles with his thumb.

Here, surrounded by the people he loves most, Sapnap cannot help but think that this is what happiness looks like.

This is home.


A/N - Hooray!! This was the last official chapter of "A DNF Merman AU!" To be honest, I'm not quite ready to let the story and the characters go just yet. I also have a few more ideas that did not quite fit in with the plot. That's why I've decided to open the book up for some requests! I'd love to write some oneshots that take place in this setting. I'm down for double dates, more George history, fluff, seggs, anything ! Just let me know down below:)

Fluff requests go here! (DNF and Karlnap)

Smut requests go here! (Only DNF)

PS: I'll only do the requests I am comfortable with! (Obviously). This story is co-posted on AO3 under the same name, so some of the suggestions may come from there.

I won't be updating as consistently as before, since this will be much more casual.

Thank you for all your support! Love you all <3!

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