Chapter 19**

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Hello fellow simps! Today's chapter will begin as fluff and escalate to spice! It'll be the introductory section for the smut in the next chapter. I will label it so that you'll know where to stop if that's not your thing. Please read the first part, though! It's completely appropriate, and it's kinda important for the plot. (Also it's pretty cute)


Chapter 19


Clay unzips his waterproof backpack, shaking off the excess water that had gathered on it during his swim over. Pulling out a blanket, a mini cooler, some bread, and a cheese platter, he begins setting up the picnic he is about to surprise George with. Yesterday, Clay had told George to meet him here, in George's favorite cave, during the low tide. It is currently 11:50, and the boy should be here in just a few minutes.

For some reason, Dream is feeling extremely anxious. In spite of his attempts at trying the many breathing exercises he had learned from his therapist, he cannot quite seem to calm his rapidly beating heart. From everything they have done together so far, logically and in his heart, Clay knows how George feels. His overthinking brain, though, is not so sure. This picnic is certainly the biggest romantic gesture that Clay has made so far, and it makes him nervous. What if the merman didn't like it?

He peers around at his surroundings, looking for something to distract himself with, something to settle his racing nerves. Finding nothing, Clay pulls out the t-shirt and sweats he had packed earlier, just in case the merman had wanted to transform, and drapes them over a rock behind him. He sighs, fidgeting, and returns to waiting (not so) patiently for George to arrive.

Finally, finally, Clay sees a mop of brown hair pop up above the surface. Clay watches as the boy's eyes sweep across the set up, face changing from surprise to pure, unadulterated joy.

"Clay!" George shrieks excitedly, "you did all this for me?"

"Of course," grinning, Clay walks the few feet over to George, pulling the merman onto his lap, and wrapping his arms tightly around him. He leans down to press his lips against the top of George's head. "I love you," Clay whispers into his hair, hopefully too quiet for George to actually hear. More loudly, he confesses, "you're so special to me, George."

He can feel more than see the warmth radiating off of the merman's cheeks. Giggling slightly, he says, "you mean a lot to me, too." Turning to look up at Dream, he adds, "actually. There's something I wanted to show you."

"Oh?" Clay responds as George slides off of his lap. The merman reaches for the clothes, and Clay turns away to give the boy some privacy.

"Okay, you can look now," says the boy that is standing a few feet away from him."Ready for your surprise?" George asks, and Clay nods eagerly. The merman takes a few preparatory breaths, and then takes a tentative step towards Dream. He wobbles a little, but with arms stretched out wide, he regains his balance. Eyes still on his feet, George steps a second time, and a third, and a fourth. On the fifth step, he looks up at Clay with a huge smile on his face.

"I practiced for you!" he says, gleaming with pride.

"You sure did! Look at you go!" Clay cannot help but smile back at the adorable boy and his unsteady footsteps. George takes another step confidently, extending his foot just slightly too far in front of him. His brown eyes open wide in panic as he stumbles, falling toward the sand at an alarmingly fast rate. With a few large strides, Clay races towards him and catches him just before he hits the ground.

"Don't worry, honey," Clay murmurs. "I've got you." He allows himself to stare at the boy in his arms, at the trust and vulnerability that is evident in those beautiful eyes. George seems to be holding his breath, his face red and his lips parted slightly in surprise. "Thank you," he mutters.

A DNF Merman AUWhere stories live. Discover now