Ex. Chapter 5**

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A/N: Hello my beloveds! I apologize for the long hiatus. I've been working on developing a new idea for a story, and it's been taking up most of my time. Be sure to keep an eye out for that! <3

Here's a longer chapter to make up for lost time! Please don't hate me!

(But actually please don't. I crave validation from random strangers on the internet)

Warning! This chapter is straight up just porn with no plot. Proceed with caution. Thanks to @YEAHdaddyDREAM_oh for the suggestion. (Damn it physically pained me to write out that @ ). Unlike most of the other smut scenes in this book, this chapter is really not sweet and vanilla! If that's not your thing, please don't read!

TW: Curious George part 2, Georgie is a bad boy, toys, mild restraints/binding, rough sex, degradation/humiliation, etc


Ex. Chapter 5**

George is lying on his boyfriend's bed, completely bored out of his mind. It has only been a few minutes since Clay left for the grocery store, and the merman is entirely at a loss for what to do with himself.

He hates to admit it, but he might be just a little bit clingy.

Groaning, he flops over onto his back, letting his head loll off the edge of the bed. He stretches his arms out in front of him, eyeing his own slender fingers. Supposedly, Clay likes his hands, but George can't quite figure out why. He much prefers Dream's large, strong ones.

Head still hanging upside-down off the bed, he follows the line of his arms until his eyes catch on something hidden in the back of Dream's closet. From this strange angle, he is able to see a black box that he has never noticed before. Curiously, he hops off the bed, and standing precariously on his tip-toes, he pulls the box off of its ledge. The box's contents thump against each other as he places it down gently onto the mattress.

George reaches down to open the lid, but he stops himself as guilt begins to creep in. Should he really be doing this? Dream had hid the box, which meant that it was probably something personal. Should he really be going through his boyfriend's private things?

He definitely shouldn't be. But George is bored. Plus, there's no way that Clay could actually get mad at a cutie like him, right?

Fuck it, he thinks, prying the lid open.

At first, the merman isn't really sure what he's looking at. Inside the box is a couple of remotes, a rope, some indistinguishable pieces of fabric, a large ring, two metal circles linked by a chain, and some other things that he cannot identify.

George's heart practically stops when he notices a final object. At the far end of the box is a piece of silicone that looks remarkably like a ––



George blushes as realization finally dawns upon him and drops the object back in the box. He rummages through it again, jumping slightly when he accidentally flips a switch and one of the previously mysterious objects starts vibrating.

He knows that Dream would be more than willing to explain all of this to him. All he'd have to do is ask. But then George would have to admit to going through his boyfriend's things. George would have to ask him about the (presumably) neon-green object that bears a striking resemblance to Clay's dick. And George would be more than embarrassed.

But, as usual, the merman's curiosity wins.

He looks up at the clock. Clay shouldn't be home for a while. Maybe he has enough time to figure it out for himself.

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