Ex. Chapter 6

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A/N: Hello!! This chapter is safe for everyone!

I got a request from Elle_Meade for some angst, so here we go. Don't worry, I promise it'll be resolved eventually. I can't handle sad boi hours for too long, since writing this book is about happy juice for both y'all AND me.


Ex. Chapter 6

Sitting alone on the beach in front of Clay's house, George lets a handful of sand sift through his fingers. He pours it onto his feet, burying toes that he is longer surprised to see. It's been quite a while since he spent a day in the sea, and now that his life has begun to settle down, he can feel the ache of it deep within his chest.

As much as George loves spending time with Dream, he misses the ocean. He misses the soft mist of the seaspray on his face when he breaks through the surface. He misses darting after little fish and leaping with dolphins. He misses the hint of salt that perpetually lingers on his tongue. He misses floating in the waves, being swayed by the push and pull of the tides.

He misses being free.

Dream would understand, right? If he left for a day or two? If he returned to the ocean for just long enough to remember where he came from?


"Can I talk to you for a second?" George asks timidly when Dream joins him on the sand later that afternoon.

"Always," Clay replies. "Actually, I've been meaning to ask you about something important, too."

"Oh?" Turning to look at him, George cannot help but notice the seriousness on his face. He is immediately filled with dread. "You can go first."

Clay nods, taking a deep breath. He looks anxious. "Alright. Listen. I've noticed that you have been spending a lot of time here and I. . ."

George's world grinds to a halt. Dream is still talking, words falling out of his mouth in a meaningless torrent, but George understands none of it.

All he can hear is a tiny voice whispering,

he wants you gone.

he's tired of you.

you don't belong here.

you never belonged here.

he doesn't want you here.

Distantly, he registers the sound of Dream still talking, but it is all drowned out by the loud thoughts echoing in his mind. George stands abruptly before escaping into the ocean.


POV Switch :(

"I just don't know what to do, Nick."

"Let me get this straight. You asked him to move in with you, and he freaked out and ran away?"

"Pretty much, yep," Clay sighs. "He just swam away, and I haven't seen him since. I'm worried about him. The weather hasn't been all that great. What if he's hurt?"

"He's a fish. I'm sure he's fine," Sapnap reassures him with a pat on the back. "Did you try to get in touch with him?"

"Yeah. I left him a letter in a bottle on the beach. It's been a couple days since the bottle disappeared, so now I'm just kinda waiting for a response." Clay pauses, and then continues more quietly, "I miss him, Nick."

"I know you do. Just give him time. He's probably just scared. He'll come back to you eventually"

"You think?"

"Of course. He loves you."

Clay just sighs again in response, turning back to watch the ocean over the balcony railing. He hopes Sap is right. Dream spends a lot of nights out here now, facing the sea and waiting for some kind of sign. He's not entirely sure exactly what he's looking for, but that doesn't make it any easier to sleep. It's not the same without George here to warm the bed, to kiss him goodnight, and to steal french fries off his plate. It has only been a week since George left, but the hours have been passing so slowly that it feels like much more time has gone by.

A distant glimmer catches his eye, and he returns his focus to the sea.

Perhaps midnight blue scales catching light?

Unsurprisingly, there is nothing there.

Probably just the sun's glare on a wave.


POV Switch Again

George floats on his back, drifting through the waves only a short distance away. Sighing, he looks up at the sky and watches the clouds pass lazily overhead. Above him, a pair of seagulls are circling each other, diving down to catch fish in alternating swoops. They look good together, moving in a perfect dance of push and pull. He and Dream probably complement each other like that, too.

Fuck. Why does everything have to remind him of Dream?

George is fine with being alone, but he's not used to being so lonely.

Why does the wide expanse of the ocean feel so much more restricting now? Why does he feel like he's drowning in all the emptiness? Suddenly, the countless chances for aquatic adventures that used to intrigue him have begun to feel stifling. He had been so content before, so ignorant of the possibilities.

This is what you wanted, isn't it? The hateful little voice chides from the back of his head. You wanted to be free. Now you're free. Free from his expectations and free to be yourself.

But what if being this George isn't enough anymore? What if he likes being Clay's George, the one who laughs and smiles and feels human?

Maybe George was never meant to be a merman. After all, he had never exactly fit in with his fellow merfolk. But if George was really meant to be human all along, why had he missed the sea so dearly? Why had his yearning to return been strong enough to ruin the one good thing he had?

How could George possibly be expected to choose between his two worlds when he doesn't quite belong in either?


A/N: rip

don't fret! There will be a part two. I promise!! :)

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