Ex. Chapter 4.5

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A/N: Wow it's been a fat minute! I'm sorry that I've been neglecting y'all!

Anyways, I got a couple of requests for a part two for the last chapter, so here we go!


Ex. Chapter 4.5

Dream @Dreamwastaken

<image> my two loves

sapnap @sapnapalt

y'all are cute

Sapnap Simp @sap_simp

OMFG WHO IS HE #Dreamsboyfriend ????

MCYTs are Poggers @eliza_pog

Omg he's so cute who is that #Dreamsboyfriend

Notice me Dream @dreamboat

New friend?? Pog???

Patches Fanclub @patches_simp

Patches is precious!! Also ?? whomst? #Dreamsboyfriend

Dream SiMP @dreamsimp

#Dreamsboyfriend ??!!

Sapnaps girlfriend @dreamnap

Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh #Dreamsboyfriend

Dream Stan @dreamstan420

Someone new to stan???? #Dreamsboyfriend

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Unsurprisingly, Clay's tweet blows up within minutes. The tag "Dreamsboyfriend" is trending on Twitter in record time, and his fans begin begging for a formal introduction. And that's how Dream, forever the people pleaser, finds himself a week later starting a stream with George on his lap.

"You okay?" Clay says, wrapping his arms tightly around the boy perched precariously on his thighs.

"Yeah." George replies, but the waver in his voice betrays just how nervous he is.

"Don't worry. Just be you! They're going to love you," Clay says before unmuting himself. "Hi chat! I have George with me, and we're going to do a Q&A. Also, if we hit our subgoal, George will do a facecam stream."

"Alright. Let's see," Clay says when the first dono pops up on his screen. "Is he your boyfriend?" He chuckles. "I guess we're jumping right in! And yes. George and I are dating."

Dream presses a kiss to George's forehead as chat starts freaking out and spamming pride emotes. Clay is not really surprised to see so much support from his fans, but he cannot help the wave of relief that washes over him.

"Where did we meet?" Clay reads aloud. "Um.."

"The beach!" George chimes in enthusiastically. "I met him at the beach."

"Favorite thing to do?" Clay asks, "George?"

"Hmmmm...swim!" the merman says, winking at Dream before turning to read the next dono. "Favorite food? Hmmmm. Good question. Probably crab."

"Has George moved in?" Dream chuckles when the merman's face turns a pale pink at the question. "Not yet," he continues, relishing in the way George seems to perk up excitedly at the "yet." He looks up at him, eyebrow raised questioningly, but Clay just smiles.

As the donos continue to roll in, Clay watches his boyfriend's nervousness fade away. Sitting back, he allows George to take over the stream. The merman continues to interact with chat, and Clay lets his mind wander. He cannot help but smile at how well the boy is doing, at how comfortable George seems while talking to a couple hundred thousand viewers. If George is this good at streaming, how would he be in videos? Would he get along with all his friends? He and Sapnap had clicked almost immediately, and Dream's fans already love him. He's a natural.

Clay is disrupted from his daydream by the next dono.

"Am I gonna join the SMP or videos?" George says. "Hm. That's a question for Dream."

Clay smiles. "I don't see why not! He hasn't learned to play yet, but he's totally welcome if he wants to."


"NOOOOOO," George shrieks as the computer flashes the "you died" screen. The boys are in the middle of filming a video for Dream's channel, "Teaching my Boyfriend How to Play Minecraft."

"How did that happen," the merman whines, slumping over to gently hit his head against the keyboard in frustration.

Clay grins. "You pressed "r" for open inventory instead of "e" for sprint, and the creeper blew you up."

"Ughhhhhhh," George groans, voice slightly muffled against the desk. "This is so harddddd. How do you guys do this?"

"It's not hard!" Karl hollers from the bed behind them. "You're just actually dogwater at the game!"

"Karl!" Nick whacks Karl scoldingly, "he just started playing, and he's already better than you."

Karl gasps in mock shock, and Clay turns around in time to see the boy launch himself at Sapnap.

"Get your mitts off me," Nick says, blocking the boy's punches. Wrapping his arms tightly around Karl, he grabs his fists to still him. "Cuddle me instead."

"No," Karl giggles, but he curls into Sapnap's side eagerly.

Rolling his eyes, Dream turns back around in his chair. He slips a hand under George's forehead to cushion it.

"Let's try again," he says, guiding George's hands with his own as he presses "respawn."


A/N: hope you enjoyed! Just a mini chapter while I attempt to locate my motivation and will to live.

Also, if I accidentally used your twitter tag, please forgive me. I just made up random ones. 

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