Ex. Chapter 4

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A/N: Hi:) It's been a little while since I last posted because I forgot to take my SSRIs for a bit and I'm seriously lacking in serotonin, and by extension, motivation.

Anyways, here is my attempt at some free serotonin for y'all so that you don't have to go on meds like me, too. This chapter is long-ish and fluffy, aka the best type of chapter. Enjoy!


Ex. Chapter 4

It is three in the afternoon, and George is lying on Dream's bed. He's currently in that perfect state of laziness that sits just between sleepiness and boredom. As light thoughts drift distantly through his mind, he lets himself listen to his boyfriend's voice. He doesn't catch any of the words, choosing just to appreciate the fact that his voice somehow manages to be so unbelievably attractive no matter the tone or situation.

Clay's voice shifts from gentle encouragement to fond teasing to hypnotic laughter so quickly that George feels dizzy. Dream's chair creaks as he returns his attention to his computer and the couple hundred thousands viewers that this particular stream has.

When he had first found out about his job, George had been quite surprised. He'd been surprised at the prospect of it all, that you could sit there and play games and be funny, and if you had enough skill and luck, you'd get paid. At just how well Dream fit the occupation. At the millions of people who cared about him. Okay maybe that part wasn't that surprising. Clay was really fucking amazing. How could anyone not love him?

The thing that had surprised him the most, though, was the fact that no one knew what he looked like. The whole privacy thing made sense, of course, but to George, it seemed like a crime to hide such a handsome face. His fans were already simping for a couple of pictures of his hands, for Poseidon's sake. He was sure that the fanbase would grow exponentially at the sight of him.

(pretty privilege or something idk smh)

But clearly, Clay had not needed the help. Even without his ridiculously good looks on display, his crazy skills, pretty voice, and cute personality were more than enough to practically hurl him to fame.

The first time that one of their dates was interrupted by a stream, Clay had apologized profusely and George had insisted on staying to watch, mostly because he had not been ready to leave yet. The merman had loved it, though, and every time since then, George has begged to be there to watch Dream play.

So here he is, chilling just a few feet away from his boyfriend, who also just happens to be a famous streamer.

Out of the corner of his eye, George notices the door creak open slightly, and he turns to see Patches peering curiously inside. Rubbing her face against the door frame, she takes a few steps into the room and mewls. The cat saunters toward the bed in a way that could be interpreted as nonchalant if it weren't for the way her tail curves in excitement at the sight of George.

Much to Sapnap's disdain, Patches had immediately taken to the merman. Maybe it was his delicate, non-intimidating frame, maybe it was how patient he had been with her, or maybe she and Dream just had the same taste in men.

Jumping onto the mattress and sitting down a foot away from him, she chirps in what George can only assume is a greeting. She has made it a habit to announce herself like this quite often to the merman, meowing up at him the second he enters the house. And sometimes, if he talks to her in a voice that is soft and high enough, she'll respond with another meow.

George reaches out to scratch the right side of her jaw, and she leans into the touch. Cute, George thinks, but then Patches continues to follow the scritches, leaning towards his hand, head completely sideways. Just as the merman is about to be amazed at her balance, she falls to the side, thumping down onto the mattress gracelessly. George stifles a giggle. She doesn't seem to mind the new position, though, settling comfortably as if it were her plan all along. He runs his fingers gently through her soft fur and then scootches a bit closer, hoping to press a kiss against her forehead. As he leans down, however, she shrinks away, head tucking into her body like a turtle.

She moves another foot away from him, looking at him in annoyedly when he tries to pet her again and finds that she has moved just out of reach. George pouts a little, feeling quite hurt by the rejection, until he realizes that she's still purring. Pleased, the merman settles back onto his back, letting himself be lulled to sleep by the comforting sound.


George wakes up to the click of a camera shutter. Opening his eyes, he looks towards the sound to see Clay's face adorned with a ridiculously wide grin and eyes dancing with mirth. At some point during his nap, Patches must have crawled onto him, because now she is lying curled up on his chest. Her face is buried against him, and she whistles a bit with each exhale, her breaths coming out muffled by his shirt.

George runs a gentle hand down her back, and she lifts up her head, blinking at him drearily. She shifts a bit closer to him, and George stills completely, not wanting to ruin the moment. In her sleepy state, she stretches her neck out and brings her face to meet his chin in what was probably the closest to a kiss George could ever get from a cat who hates kisses. As she tucks her face back into his chest, George looks up at Dream, eyes wide in happy surprise.

"I got it," Clay whispers, clearly just as shocked. He turns his phone around to show a picture of the two of them cuddled up together.


"Hey George?" Clay says later that evening. "When I was streaming today I was just thinking... well. Can I introduce you to my fans? You're a huge part of my life now, and I'm ready for them to know now."

"...oh?" George asks.

"I completely understand if you don't want to, and I'll respect that choice. but I– you're so important to me. I love you, and I just know that they'll love you, too."

"Are you sure you're okay with them knowing about me?" George asks quietly.

"Very. I want them to know how lucky I am to have someone so special by my side."

"Oh," is the only thing that George can say for a minute.

"Okay, Dream," he says finally, biting back a smile. "Then I want that, too."

A few minutes later, Dream posts the picture of George and Patches with the caption, "my two loves."


A/N: Patches is based on my kitty. He is completely obsessed with me, but he pretends to be indifferent. Conveniently, but completely coincidentally, he just so happens to always be in the same room as me. He likes to pretend that he doesn't need me. And yet, I wake up every morning, and he's waiting patiently on the bathroom counter for me to get ready. I love him with my whole heart, and I have no idea how I'm gonna survive without him this fall at college.

Also, I was awake for a full 24 hours yesterday, and then I got three hours of sleep last night, so if you saw any mistakes. No you didn't ;)

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