Chapter 14**

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A/N: I'm changing the book to mature because this chapter is gonna introduce some spice! We're not exactly at full smut yet, but the topic of sex is openly discussed. If this makes you uncomfortable, please do not read this chapter! I'll have a pg summary at the start of the next chapter with any details that are important to the plot. There is also the option of reading until you reach the section that I'll have labeled!

Disclaimer: Please do not expect karlnap smut. Out of respect for Karl identifying somewhere on the ace spectrum, I'm keeping their relationship pg! Thank you for your understanding:)

Also! If I were to give this title a chapter, it would be called "Curious George" ;) hehe


Chapter 14


"Are we there yet??" George whines, "can I open my eyes now?"

"No, George. Just a while longer." The merman is sitting on the surfboard, tail tucked under himself as Clay paddles them to yet another surprise location. It was only fair, after the merman had shared his favorite place. Now it was Dream's turn.

"UGhhhhh hurry up already. I wanna be able to open my eyes so I can look you again"

"Simp," George hears Clay say, then feels the board coming to a stop. "Alright Georgie, you can uncover your eyes." The merman turns slightly red at the nickname, then excitedly peels his hands away from his face.

When George opens his eyes, he finds himself in a shallow cove. Tall rocks surround him on three slides, forming a barrier between himself and the open ocean. Water flows in through a small gap in the middle of the semicircle of rocks, waves soothed into calm ripples that give the pool a smooth, glassy finish. In front of him is a private beach, completely empty, except for one magnificent building. Where the sand turns to rock lies what George can only describe as a "huge ass mansion." He's not too far off.

Standing on stilts, the beachhouse rises three stories above the sand, casting a large shadow on the beach. Picture windows take up nearly the entire front of the house, giving the inhabitants what George assumes to be a fantastic view of the ocean. A large balcony wraps around the top floor, open sliding glass doors revealing what must be a bedroom.

On the side of the house is a little patio, with a swimming pool, a hot tub, an outside kitchen and shower, and a number of reclining beach chairs. George cannot help but think that the pool is a bit unnecessary this close to the ocean.

"Is this...?"

"Mine? Yeah. Welcome home, George"


Okay pals. it's horn time

"I can't believe you live like this," George says, still feeling entirely shocked. "You must be really rich or famous or something!"

Clay chuckles, "yeah. or something." The boys are lying right where the shore meets the beach, bodies half in the water and half on the sand. Dream is on his back, and George is nestled on top of him, hips and tail lying between his open legs. The merman leans down to press another quick kiss against Clay's lips, but as he separates, the boy immediately pulls him back in for another. George smiles at this, happy to accept. This kiss is much longer, the taste of Clay's lips sweet and lingering on George's.

The merman doesn't have much experience, and he is content to follow Dream's lead, allowing the boy to guide their movements with a gentle hand. He angles the merman's head to the side, and sweeps the tip of his tongue across George's lip, silently asking for permission.

A DNF Merman AUWhere stories live. Discover now