Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


"So....," clay begins. Nick turns to look at him. The boy is leaning against the lifeguard hut with a mischievous smirk on his face. "Tell me about your new girl!"

Nick can barely suppress a laugh at this. "What? I don't have a girl!" Nick says, grinning back at Clay.

"Don't lie to me, Sap. I saw you open a door for her and help her get into your car. I hadn't pegged you as the chivalrous type."

"I'm not lying," Nick responds, quite enjoying playing along.

"Nick! I'm not an idiot!"

"Hmm debatable, but seriously! I didn't lie. I said I don't have a g––"

"Yeah, yeah, I know what you said."

"Okay, Clay. You actually ARE an idiot. Stop interrupting and listen to me. I said I don't have a GIRL." The boy gives him a confused look, still not quite understanding. Nick sighs at his friend's stupidity. Sometimes, Clay was a genius, but other times, like today, he could be really, really dumb.

When Dream was kicked out of the house for being gay, Nick's family had welcomed him into their home. During that time, Clay was completely devastated and felt entirely alone, and Sap had done everything in his power to make him feel more comfortable. He even went as far as coming out as bisexual to Clay, a silent reminder that he would always be accepted and supported by Nick, no matter what.

In spite of all this, Clay STILL couldn't piece together what Nick meant by "not having a GIRL." He sighs, burying his face in his hands, and then points to Karl, who was sitting in the sand further down the beach.

"What?" Clay says, and then with suddenly wide, understanding eyes, "ohhhHHHHH!" He looks back and forth between the two boys, an excited grin growing on his face.

"Finally, dummy. Yeah! I got a boy!" Sapnap says, smiling just as wide. "Or. well. I'm in the process of getting a boy. I don't think he knows how I feel yet."

"That's crazy. Do you know if he likes you?"

"I think so? He keeps trying to hang out with me, and he's being very flirty. Do you think I should tell him?"

"Hmmmm," Clay ponders. "You would know better than I do. But I say go for it!"

"Yeah??? You know what? You're right. We have a not-quite-date this evening. I think I'll talk to him then! Thanks, man!"


It's a calm day out at sea, and George is swimming lazily in the clear, blue waters. He's moving a lot slower than normal and taking an unusual amount of breaks because today, he has a guest! Clay is following him, trying his best to keep up. As strong as the boy was, no human could possibly match the speed of a merman. George cannot help but giggle as he watches the boy squint his eyes, trying so hard to see underwater. He's been asking to come up for air way more frequently, which the merman takes as a sign of exhaustion. Unfortunately, they're not even halfway to the secret location that George is planning on sharing with him.

During their next break, George turns to the panting boy and says, "hey. I have an idea. Climb onto my back and wrap your legs around my waist. I'll swim for us. Tap my shoulder twice when you need to come up for air." He turns around, motioning for Clay to hop on.

Clay hesitates. "Won't I be too heavy and drown us both?"

George smiles at this. "I think you're seriously underestimating how strong of a swimmer I am."

"Okay, but––"

"No buts. I have been swimming for longer than you've been alive. I know my own limits. If I need to stop, we'll stop. Plus, there's no way you can swim there on your own." He turns around once more, and Clay holds onto him, slightly less reluctantly than before. Once he feels arms and legs tightly wrapped around him, George takes off. Just as he had expected, carrying Clay in the water is easy for him. In fact, he probably would not even notice his presence if it weren't for the hands that grip him a little tighter with each turn.

After a few minutes of this, they finally arrive at the merman's favorite location: a cave that's half underwater. It's been his hideout ever since he was a young boy, the special spot he would escape to whenever he needed to be alone. When it's low tide, about a third of the way in, the waves taper off to form a small beach with fine, black sand. Further in the cave lies a warm shallow pool filled with a small fish, crabs, and other colorful sea creatures. George has come to learn that if you wait patiently, some of the more brave ones will climb into your hand. A few rays of sunlight peak through the ceiling, streaming through a couple of holes that have been carved into the rock by years of wind and salt and rain.

George is happy to share his safe place with Clay. He reaches out his hand, inviting the boy to join him on the warm sand. Clay takes it, falling immediately when George tugs him down abruptly.

"Ow! What was that for," Dream complains, clearly not actually hurt. His brief protests are immediately silenced, though, when the merman presses a finger against his lips.

"Shut up and kiss me, will you?" George giggles, inching his body impossibly closer to Clay's.

The boys turn to face each other in the sand, and Dream holds the merman's face gingerly in his hand. George closes his eyes, waiting for the kiss, but it never comes. He opens one eye to peek, and sees that a smirking Clay has stopped about an inch away from him.

"What are you waiting forrrrrr," George whines.

"Say 'please!'" Clay grins.


"Fine! No kisses for you"

"Wait! I take it back! Pretty pretty pleaseeee, will you kiss me please. Pleaaaassseeeeeeee"

"Alright! C'mere, cutie."


Nick and Karl are leaning against Sap's truck in the parking lot of the beach. They've been standing there, side by side, for quite a while now, talking about anything and everything. It's been a wonderful evening, but Nick would've enjoyed it a lot more if he wasn't so nervous. He's been waiting for the right opportunity to share his feelings for the boy, or waiting for something that might hint towards Karl's intentions, or maybe just stalling.

Tentatively, he puts an arm around the boy's shoulders, and Karl accepts the embrace, leaning further against him and sighing just a little. That's pretty much all the confirmation he needs. Nick looks down at his shoelaces. "Hey so. I've really enjoyed hanging out with you and getting to know you. Turns out I really like being around you. Like, REALLY really. To be honest, I kinda um lik–– uh. Can I take you out to dinner? Like, as a date?"

Nick looks up from the floor to see wide eyes and a terrified expression. "Karl?"

"I–– I have to go," the boy says in a strained whisper. And just like that, Karl turns and runs away. 


A/N: Please don't hate me for thissssss

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