Pheonix Bar Pt. 3

23 3 79

And another one, cuz I know u love them 😏

Oh and, I'm gonna add more characters as we go (as in sushi and the squad 👀)


Blue: okay hear me out.

Blue: diamond body chains ✨

Hannah: hello to you too

Shreya: oh shit, she got something 😀

Bambam: do yall realise its 4am???

Hannah: yeah and?

Mark: why r u spamming a fcking gc at 4am?

Shreya: cuz we want to? Duh. Plus you're awake so calm yo tits down.

Yugyeom: if it were me saying 'calm yo tits down' to mark, he would have chased me down our house with a chainsaw 💀🤡

Jinyoung: as he should

Youngjae: hey now, we don't say shit like that to a kid.

Yugyeom: I'm 23.

Jackson: shut up, Yugyeom.

Jaebum: I'm ready to beat the fuck outta the one who started this shit and woke me up.

Blue: sorry jaebum, didn't know you were asleep 🥺👉👈

Jaebum: except you.

Shreya: obviously 😏

Hannah: because I'll kill him first.

Jackson: WHoah there, bby calm down jwhfjs-

Blue: you can mute us and go to sleep if you want 🥺

Jinyoung: he can't, our target moved and we have to watch over her.

Youngjae: he's right.

Hannah: aren't u supposed to focus on your target instead of texting us?

Mark: don't worry, we're pros.

Jackson: yeah, no one ever escaped us alive anyway.

Shreya: can we talk abt diamond body chains instead of murder 🤡

Jinyoung: diamond body chains?.. That's an interesting concept.

Bambam: bet I'll look gorgeous wearing one 😏

Yugyeom: oh hell yeah! YOU HAVE THE WAIST AND THE LEGS!

Blue: 👀

Blue: and I agree

Youngjae: I mean, Bambam would look really great in them

Jackson: you'll look really cute in some too, jaejae!

Mark: and han?

Jackson: especially Han.


Shreya: okay but a diamond body chain attached to a choker ✨

Jinyoung: you need to buy one, asap.


Jaebum: Blue, I'm buying you a diamond body chain.

Blue: I-

Yugyeom: quite straight forward, Hyung 👀

Blue: You don't even know which one I want!

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