story idea + cover pt.1

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In a very far away future, scientists are making perfect human, perfect beings in their laboratories. 

They make experiments, they pick dna from different people and mix them together, giving birth to a new human, a new puppet, a rat laboratory.

In a very far future, where humans could make other humans using chemicals and machines.

A scientist wanted to make himself the perfect woman he wanted, he wanted her to be beautiful, with a fair skin, soft hair, cute lips and all the things he liked, she would have them.

It took him only few weeks to finish his experiment, he then opened a huge glass door where a naked human body was floating in a greenish liquid.

The scientist, quickly realised the mistake he have made, he ended up with a male instead of a female.

He decided to get rid of his invention and just give it to someone else instead of killing it.

Another scientist took the new born male and named him Baekhyun.

As years passed more scientists were aware of Baekhyun's existence, and he was seen as a perfectly successful experiment result.

He was absolutely perfect to say the least.

He could sing, dance, play instruments, speak many languages, he was excellent in mathematics, he had a flawless skin, flawless soul, flawless everything.

He was innocent and perfect, he was kept in the science building, where the laboratories and experiments occurred.

He was taken care of like he was made of glass, he never fell, got hurt or felt any type of pain.

He wasn't aloud to go out alone, they were too worried he'll trip and get hurt.

Baekhyun wasn't even allowed to meet other people, he was kept in a beautiful lonely doll house.

Chanyeol' story is somehow the same but different too.

Chanyeol was also an experiment result, a successful one even.

He was made to be a soldier, a strong, athletic man.

When he was 'born' he was made to do different activities, train and the scientists studied him.

They were about to make different clones of him, so they'll protect the country and became powerful.

Chanyeol had more freedom than Baekhyun, he knew where he was, how he was made and why he was made in the first place.

And to say the truth he hated it, he hated the place and wanted to get out of there, to be treated like a normal human being, not an object.

Chanyeol one day wandered off around the science building to the library, he was bored so why not.

He walked through the shelf books until he found himself face to face with a petite male, on his tippy toes, trying his hardest to reach one of the books at the top.

Chanyeol just had a dorky smile on his lips and reached for the book himself, handing it to the male.

Baekhyun looked up at Chanyeol and felt his cheeks immediately heat up.

He grabbed the book shyly from Chanyeol's grip and thanked him before leaving.

Chanyeol swore he nearly had a heart attack from the boy's beauty.

Later during lunch time at the cafeteria Chanyeol sat with his friends at their usual table.

They were eating until Chanyeol spotted the same library boy, alone sitting on a table eating an apple as he read a book at the same time.

" What's his name ? And why is he all alone ? " Chanyeol asked still looking at the boy.

One of his friends stopped eating and looked up at Chanyeol like he was crazy, " You don't know who is he ? " he asked.

Chanyeol shook his head.

" Chanyeol, dude, that's Byun Baekhyun, he was made by accident but he's the most successful experiment out of all of us. " the male munched on some cookies.

" Apparently he's so precious, he's always surrounded by servants, they treat him like a glass doll. " the man continued.

" Plus he's extremely pretty, apparently he was supposed to be a girl but ended up as a boy, what a shame. " 

Chanyeol shook his head, " Really, Kai. "

" What ?! "

Chanyeol just sighed and glanced back at Baekhyun, he was all alone and even the tables around him were empty.

Chanyeol suddenly stood up.

" Where are you going ? " Kai asked.

" To Baekhyun, he seems lonely. " Chanyeol answered, already walking to Baekhyun's table.

" You can't- " Kai started.

But Chanyeol already reached the boy's lonely table.

He pulled a chair and sat facing the boy without a word.

" Hi. " Chanyeol grinned looking at him.

Baekhyun slowly looked up, he looked frantically around and leaned froward, " Leave, please. "

Chanyeol frowned, " Excuse me- "

" I'm not allowed to talk to anyone, you'll get in trouble if they see you with me. " Baekhyun said with pleading eyes.

Chanyeol titled his head to the side, " Who ? "

" C.P67, please go back to your table. " a deep voice said.

Chanyeol turned around and was face to face with a security guard.

" For fuck' sakes. " he mumbled.

" My name is Chanyeol, and i'm not moving. " he answered.

The whole cafeteria fell silent.

" C.P67, please go back to your table. " the man said again.

Chanyeol frowned, " Why ? "

" C.P67- "

" For the last time, my name is Chanyeol. " Chanyeol said through gritted teeth standing up.

The man stepped back immediately, if he had to fight Chanyeol he will lose, Chanyeol was the strongest human in the science building, and normal born humans are nothing against his strength.

Baekhyun's eyes widen as he looked up at the two male in worry.

" I- P-please leave. " he said looking at Chanyeol.

Chanyeol looked at the seated boy and his features immediately softened.

" Okay. "

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