The Fall

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hi, i got possessed and wrote this while gangsta by khelani played on shuffle :D

It was toxic.

Greed fuelled by lust for material gain.

Power brought thrill.

It made men sky high off the adrenaline.

So high, head thrown back in ecstasy, feeling as if the world was at their fingertips.

They would do everything and anything for power.

Drugs could not compare.

Blood on their palms meant nothing if they could feel their hearts thrum and eyes glint at the sight of paper green and gold yellow.

It didn't matter.

But that was no news.

Perhaps St. Augustine was right.

Perhaps Adam and Eve brought unbalance to the harmony of the world when they succumbed to the temptation.

St. Augustine claims that Eve first took a bite of the apple and was the fall of the man.

Our reason is corrupt, desire pushing down our will to get the immediate and irrational gratification it so selfishly wants.

If Eve truly was the fall of man, why do men still chase her and their own fall?

After all, men are weak, reason is flawed and the mind is driven by hedonism.

And now it could be seen more than ever.

A giant cage was set up in the middle of a warehouse, the silver bars were polished and glinting.

The warehouse was dark and drowned in shadows, lights were still shining but were focused in the middle, where the cage was.

Men in black sat around at different tables, speaking in hushed tones.

Drinks were poured, envelopes were slid across the tables and criminal acts were done in secrecy.

However their eyes were stuck to a rotating figure suspended in the air on a silver hoop.

A woman was in the cage, dressed in silver and diamonds, gazing at her audience from behind the bars like a treasured canary.

A heavy and intense melody played in the warehouse, captivating the audience, making their lips unmoving.

"I need a gangsta"

The song choice was stereotypical, yet fitting.

The men shifted in their seats, as if being addressed.

How amusing.

The woman smirked, the silver hoop getting lowered, getting closer to the ground and she spun around, back arched and body glowing.

The tip of her fingers caressed her curves, keeping eye contact with her audience before biting her lower lip to suppress a grin.

"I'm fucked up, I'm black and blue."  She mouthed, hanging upside down before sitting up again, wrapping her legs around the hoop and arching her back.

The dancer giggled, but no one could hear it over the orchestra.

She wasn't a dancer, she was a performer and a killer in disguise.

A/N: okay i snapped there, idk what came onto me but i tried to include philosophy into my writing as like revision cuz i have exams very soon and i wanna pass (i am passing but with the grade that i dont want :/)

Here's a lil something for people that i love:




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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2022 ⏰

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