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I find teenage girls so fascinating. I've never really thought abt teenage girls or what they usually do (some of them at least). I'm still a teenage girl, but I've never really realised it in some sense?? I just lived and went with the flow and as time passed by.

but when u think abt it, being a teenager, a girl, is such an odd period of your life. teenage girls see things from completely different lenses than others. they want to do so many things, run in fields, jump naked in ponds and braid each others hair.

I seriously believe there's something in girls that makes them feel emotions so much stronger than boys? the intensity of some things are unmatched when felt by a teenage girl?? I seriously feel like girls get emotional attached so much faster and stronger than others. And sometimes, emotional attachment turns to a sort of obsession.

I feel like teenage girls would study, write, draw whoever they like, keeping them close to their heart and wanting nothing more but to have them for themselves for the rest of the world. It doesn't matter who they like isn't a real person, a celebrity or their classmate, they'll think about them 24/7 and make them inside their head as this divine being, a perfect fantasy.

People might make jokes about how obsessed teenage girls are over certain people. They'll make fun of them for writing fanfictions online or drawing. But what they don't realise is how beautiful the way they see things are, they'll take one subject and make it into a whole different, more detailed and lovely creation, making you fall in love with it.

Sometimes when they do like someone, it's not real feelings but just an exciting feeling they want to experience to make living more fun. They like the attention they get from whoever they like, they enjoy making them into a sweet afternoon daydream and a fantasy to pass time.

Another random thought, teenage girls to me, tend to have weird obsessions, which they hide so well from people. It could be anything from making someone bleed to a sickening obsession with a colour or scent.

I feel like no one talk about how teenage girls are so strong. They're a whole walking target to boys and creepy men, to jealous old women, to danger and crime, to advertisement of unrealistic beauty standards. And they have to deal with puberty, their hormones fucking them over and body changing, bringing them pain with it. And yet they manage to be smart, mature, creative and emotionally intelligent in some sense?? That's not the case of everyone of course, but to certain girls.

Girls go through things no one else does and would never understand. Girls go through so much pain, they grow up, be mothers and go through the most terrifying change?? And if they ever lose their child, then who would could feel and understand that pain but them?

There's no in denying women are so much stronger than people think. and I feel like it's unfair how men don't respect women for going through so much?? I will never trust and respect any man who claims to know/understand women.

Sometimes it's scary how much rage I feel towards some men. I'm a person who doesn't like violence nor fights irl, but sometimes I want to do nothing but end some men with my bare hands :) (wattpad I'm just messing around pls don't ban me lolol :p)

So basically women are more superior than men. yh men suffer too but women are just so fucking special, there's just so much complexity to them?? They're so beautiful in every sense and they're so gentle yet strong and I don't know what to do with myself--

Then, why do I like men if they're boring compared to women?? 🤨☝️

*long sigh* I guess I'll be the boss, the queen, the special treasure and light of the house in the relationship 🙄✌️

idk why I wrote that, I just wanted it off of my mind and don't read it super seriously pls, I probably worded things a bit weird :D

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