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"You're just about ready to flash half the common room like that, Adreanna," A low voice laughed beside me, a teasing undertone carried with it that made me roll my eyes, though pat down my skirt, anyway.

Head hanging upside down from the leather couch, legs propped up on the backrest of it, I glanced over to the brunette sitting next to me as his eyes scanned my figure intently; lips turned upward into a grin.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you, Nott?" I snorted humorously, shaking my head as best as I could in the position I was in before letting my gaze fall straight ahead of me again. I was just about able to see past the coffee table between the two couches; my eyes levelled with Blaise's legs.

"'Don't think there's a single guy in here who wouldn't, in all honesty." My head shaking once more, I snickered at his comment, my gaze trailing back up to see he was no longer looking at me.

"Charming as always—"

A piece of crumpled up parchment flew through my field of vision so quickly, for a moment, I thought I simply imagined it before Theo cursed loudly as it hit the side of his head with a low thump.

"Ever heard of not discriminating, dickhead?" Pansy's voice beamed from my right, and my head snapped over to her, sitting against the leg of the sofa.

A dumb grin was gracing her features, eyes a little widened in surprise she actually managed to hit his head. Her aim was usually a little off.

Eyes trailing over to me, her face only a few inches from mine, her grin widened. "In the name of all women in the common room; we would like that, too," She exclaimed proudly, eyes trailing back over to Theo to emphasise her point.

My lips twitched into a wide smile, listening to her bicker back and forth with the boy sitting on the couch next to me.

"I'm honoured, Pans," I managed to get in during a short silence between them, watching her gaze flicker back onto mine, the grin still on her lips.

"What? And you're not honoured when I say it?" Theo complained, making both of our heads snap back in his direction just in time to see him cross his arms in front of his chest with a pout.

"Eh," I shrugged before a hearty laugh got the better of me. At once, I heaved my body into an upright position again, swaying slightly as I felt all the blood that had accumulated in my head rush back into my feet.

I felt dizzy for a moment, my smile probably a little lopsided as I held onto his shoulder for support until my vision cleared. "Don't take it personally," I murmured, leaning back into the sofa and giving him a light slap against his chest.

He huffed in return, rolling his eyes as he cracked a small smile.

Pansy scrambling up from her spot on the floor, she threw herself on the sofa not a second later, inevitably making me huddle over to giver her enough space to my right.

"Scratch what I said," Theo snickered suddenly, his head turned to look at the entrance of the common room behind us. "Think I just spotted the one person who would mind." His voice was filled with amusement; making both mine and Pansy's attention shift to whatever he was looking at.

Or whoever.

Groaning lowly, I turned back around, trying my best to focus on the conversation Blaise was having with Montague on the couch opposite of us.

Pansy laughed when she spotted the platinum blond head of hair a few moments after I had. Turning around once she did, she nudged my side in a playful manner.

"We all know he's still getting over that steamy kiss in third year," She then laughed, Theo joining in immediately after— making me cringe at the memory and shudder slightly.

Turning her head back around, she raised her voice. "Isn't that right, Draco?" She asked innocently, trying her best to keep the mischievous smile off her lips.

"What is?" The boy asked, a slight edge to his voice as he let himself fall on the opposite sofa after waiting for Montague to scoot over.

"That Adreanna here is irresistible," Pansy joked, ruffling through my red hair as she inched a little closer to me, throwing her other arm around my shoulder.

Amused, I rolled my eyes, and so did Malfoy. Though, I was sure he wasn't amused in the slightest.

"Hardly," He scoffed, diverting his eyes to have them roam through the rather full common room, instead.

"Come on, mate," Theo chimed in, not trying to hide the sheer enjoyment he got out of teasing the blonde. "You only say that because she's embarrassed you in third, Mr Too-much-tongue." Both he and Pansy broke into another fit of laughter, earning nothing but an annoyed groan from him.

I tried my hardest not to join in, my lips repetitively twitching upwards before I forced them back into a straight line. My eyes flickering back and forth between them, I let out a single laugh.

"Well, in all honesty, back then, I didn't mean to—" I began, suppressing my laughter becoming harder by the second as I watched them giggle on and on. In hopes it would make it easier, I shifted my gaze onto Malfoy.

I realised quickly that that was a big mistake. His ears red, a frown on his lips while shooting daggers at us with his glare; I couldn't help but laugh out loud at the sight.

"Lighten up, Malfoy," I chuckled after a moment, shaking my head at his serious attitude. "From what I've heard, it's only ruined your chances for what? A year? It's been almost three now." I pretended to think for a moment. "— and it seems you're all back on track with the girls, aren't you?"

"Not that it's any of your business, Hayes," He snickered. "Keep on asking about my sex life and I'll have to assume you're jealous." The frown on his face quickly turned into a smug grin as he tilted his head.

His posture relaxed as soon he felt he had the upper hand again. His leg crossed over the other, ankle resting on his knee, he leaned back into the sofa just like I had, hand ruffling through his hair only to realise seconds later that it was previously neatly laid.

He groaned to himself, trying his best to pat it back into place; to no avail.

"Jealous?" A singular, humourless laugh escaped my mouth. "Not after the way you shoved your tongue down my throat that day. I honestly still have nightmares about—"

"Well," He cut me off before I could go into greater detail. "Let's just say I took your... constructive criticisms to heart."

"Half of Hogwarts can thank me, then," I shrugged, finally diverting my eyes off of his, breaking our eye contact to see both Pansy and Theo following our conversation in amusement, lips still twitching into a smile every now and then.

"Whatever, Hayes."

A/N: Welcome to chapter 1.

You have no idea HOW excited I am for this; I just couldn't keep this to myself any longer jkbhvg

Please let me know what you think and how you feel about the first impressions dynamic/friend group and anything else mentioned in here jkbhvgcf

Whenever I start a new story I'm very insecure about it so I do hope you enjoyed this chapter. <3

See you in the next chapter!

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