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Draco Malfoy.

I never thought I'd spend so much time thinking about that irritating little twat.

And, though Potter and him have had this embarrassing little rivalry going on for years now, there must've been a reason why he was so adamant about accusing him.

He did say he saw Malfoy buy it. But, again, I'm sure the scar on his forehead wasn't the only remainder from that night— deflecting a killing curse must've had a similar effect to dropping your baby on the head once or twice; just... worse.

So, the chances of him filling in blanks with a narrative that fit his desired beliefs were more than just likely.

Nobody seemed to shut up about the topic, either. It's all anyone talked about during dinner. Pansy and Blaise responding with utter disbelief when I told them what Potter had said in that room.

"Let him come and say that to Draco's face; we'll see if he has such a big mouth, then," Blaise had grumbled, fork absentmindedly picking at his food, brows furrowed as the words left his mouth. Pansy nodded.

"Last time I remember, it was Draco who broke his nose. I'm sure he wouldn't mind doing it again— hell, I wouldn't mind having a turn," The girl agreed, shaking her head, eyes glued to the Gryffindor table behind me.

Malfoy, though, was nowhere to be seen, the spot next to Theo remaining empty for the rest of dinner.

I wasn't sure if it was suspicious timing or if I was just reading into it.

Whether it was or wasn't, I decided to get rid of the Venectu, either way. While Potter and his friends were accusing Malfoy of both attacks, I didn't need them somehow finding the deadly poison in between my belongings.

It knew who they'd accuse, then.

Walking the halls of the castle — still thirty minutes to go until curfew — I wondered where the best place to hide it would be. Where no one would find it, and in case someone did, wouldn't trace it back to me.

I sighed softly, hand in my pocket clutching around the half-empty vial. Somewhere I might be able to get it back from, should I decide to use it once more.

This time, I stopped in front of the tapestry showing Barnabas the Barmy. A slight smile on my face as I watched him trying to teach the trolls how to stand in one line and point their toes.

It was an oddly familiar feeling behind me that made me turn around, brows furrowed and on high alert.

Though, when I saw the door — one that was definitely not there before — I had to keep myself from growing out loud at my own stupidity.

The room of requirements. Of course.

Its existence completely slipped my mind after Potter and his friends had used it as a training room last year. It would be the perfect spot to hide a deadly bottle of poison, wouldn't it?

Maybe its solitude and emptiness would be more beneficial than hiding in the furthest corners of the library to read up on magic almost as dark as the one imprinted in my arm.

In any way, I was sure rediscovering the room of requirements would be beneficial for more than just hiding a bottle of Venectu.

Soundlessly, the door creaked open all on its own, inviting me in with no questions asked.

It looked different from the last time I saw its insides. Last time, the room was almost empty, gear and dummies to practise on all that was scattered around the room when the inquisitorial squad burst through the walls to find Dumbledore's army in it.

Now, there was so much more scattered around a room much larger; piles and piles of clutter—furniture, mirrors, boxes. I didn't think I wanted to know what kind of things were hidden in here.

All the different piles formed passageways and aisles to coordinate through. I wasn't quite sure what kind of spot I was looking for, but when I found an old desk, a few drawers open, a few closed, I decided.

Closing all the rest of the drawers, only leaving the middle one open, I placed the little vial in it carefully.

Deep down, I would've preferred just throwing it somewhere into the depths of the room in order to never think about it again. Though, not only would I have a broken bottle of deadly poison leaking then, but I also wouldn't be able to use it again, if I felt the need to do so.

So, with shaking hands, my eyes squeezed shut only for a moment, I took the vial out of my pocket carefully. Eyeing it one last time, admiring the shimmering that appeared as soon as I held the black liquid completely still before placing it in the back of the drawer.

I closed it a little too forcefully with a loud, shaky exhale of my breath, immediately feeling the pressure of carrying it around lift.

As I leaned against the desk, I let my head fall back before my eyes batted open. Any single one of my movements immediately freezing at the sight before me.

Piercing grey eyes observed me carefully, narrowed slightly as his blond brows knitted together. "What are you doing here?" Malfoy asked, seemingly tense himself as his eyes fell onto the desk I was leaned against.

How long has he been standing there?

My breath hitched painfully obvious, eyes still wide as I took him in. Though, I pulled myself together, swallowed thickly and then pointed my chin upwards defiantly.

"What are you doing here?" I shot back, proud to hear my voice sounding confident when I was crumbling apart from the inside.

Then, my eyes fell behind him, noticing — what I assumed to be — his bag and robe propped against an old looking cabinet. My brows furrowed as I tried to made sense of the picture before me, eyes flickering back over to him.

Taking in his scrunched up nose, the way his bottom lip was in between his teeth before his tongue poked the inside of his cheek in concentration, I knew he was thinking just as hard.

And then, it seemed to click. For both of us as our eyes darted down to the other's forearm before simultaneously looking back up at the other.

"So it really was you," He muttered under his breath. 

A/N: Hey besties sorry for not updating yesterday :( But I'm better now and can't wait to put updates out every day again hehe 

Tomorrow is THE chapter idk why I'm so excited for it but I hope you like it :)

See you tomorrow. <3 

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