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"My favourite sister," I sighed mockingly, amusement in my voice as I poked my head through her dorm door. I spotted her on her bed before the words escaped my mouth, head buried in the pillow and her body wrapped underneath the blanket.

You'd think it was nighttime by the way she chose to spend her afternoon. It was only five.

I knocked against the opened door once more, wondering whether she truly was asleep or just chose to ignore me. The sound coerced a disheartened grunt out of her, making me quietly close the door behind me and walk up to where she was lying.

"Erin told me you were here—" I began, voice softer at her seemingly fragile state. "They're a little worried, you know?"

My words only made her bury her entire being deeper into the surrounding pillows and blanket, turning her back towards me as soon as I sat on the side of her mattress.

Her red hair spilt across the sheets, subtly complementing the dark green of them. I sighed once more, tugging a part of the blanket underneath an exposed part of her back.

"I have to say," I began once more. "The least I expected was a hug from you after that letter—" My tone was teasing, once more trying to lighten the mood she was in.

A small smile played on my lips at my own words, knowing she wouldn't talk to me about what was bothering her and knowing the least I could do was try to cheer her up.

Instead, though, when she turned around with a sob stuck in her throat, it knocked the air right out of mine.

She sat up forcefully, her cheeks tear-stained, her skin paler and her under-eyes dark— almost blue, by the looks of it.

My brows furrowed in worry at the state of her, my breath suddenly heavy and unsure what to do about it. Gwen's eyes were still glassy, brimming with tears as she opened her mouth to speak.

"You didn't tell me," She spoke, her voice wavering and matching the tone of a whisper as she swallowed thickly. Her expression was broken, disappointed in... me? "Why didn't you tell me, Anna?"

Her brows knitted together, eyes twitching and blinking another wave of oncoming tears away as my heart broke.

"What?" My voice was soft, a whisper just like hers was as the question slipped past my tongue.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She repeated, breathing heavy as the occasional sniffle interrupted her. The question sounded sterner coming out of her mouth the second time, as if she was letting out built-up anger and frustration.

"About what—?" The question got stuck in my throat, cutting myself off as my eyes fell on my sister's forearm, her hand having pulled the sleeve of her jumper upwards to expose her bare skin.

It wasn't bare anymore.

My breath hitched at the dark mark writhing against her skin, eyes widening as my brows furrowed in utter confusion before a single tear rolled down my cheek at the words carved into her skin right next to it.

Hurry, Hayes, they read.

It was as if my heart dropped a million miles– down until it would hit solid ground and simply split open. It was still falling as I gasped,

"Gwen—" My gaze shot up to meet hers again, entire rivers escaping her baby blue eyes as her bottom lip quivered, holding back a sob. My heart ached, clenching at the sight of my sister— unsure whether the mark was worse or the fact they had tortured her because of me.

I knew how much the former hurt— how it reminded you it was still there every day, even after months. I still wasn't sure if it would ever stop. It hadn't for me, and, oh Merlin, it wouldn't for her, either. 

It was hard to grasp a coherent thought with Gwen's heart-shattering sobs against my chest and my own eyes wanting nothing more than to spill the oncoming tears at the sight of her.

"Why hasn't dad—" I cut myself off, shaking my head as I forcefully blinked another wave of threatening tears away. "Did father try to heal this?" I muttered, my finger gently tracing the words in her skin.

Her entire body shook lightly, and she nodded against my chest, one of my hands playing with her hair while the other held her arm. "He has," She reinforced, her voice weak as another sob rattled through her.

I forced my eyes shut, forcefully exhaling as I threw my head backwards with regret; guilt running through every vein in my body and replacing the blood in them so naturally.

"I'm so sorry—" My head shook as my heart ached, breath shaky with every inhale and every exhale as I wrapped both arms around her.

It was silent for a while between us, nothing but her occasional sniffles and our combined heavy breathing filling up the room as her head continued to rest against my chest, and my eyes fell down to her arm every so often.

To my surprise, it was Gwen who broke that silence.

"It was him—" She muttered lowly, inhaling a sharp breath at the memories that would surely haunt her for the rest of her long life. "The Dark Lord told—" She swallowed thickly. "Told me about what— what you had to do and—"

Even though I wasn't looking at her, couldn't see even a glimpse of her face, I knew she was trying hard to hold back those tears that were brimming against my eyes, too.

"— Why didn't you tell me, Adreanna?" At once, she sat up again, not bothering to hide the tears rolling down her cheeks, her red nose or even redder eyes as she scanned every inch of my face like I did hers.

"I didn't—" Another wave of guilt washed over me, seeing her like this— seeing her like this and knowing it was no one but my fault. I couldn't blame Malfoy for this one. I couldn't even blame the dark Lord.

It was me. Me alone, who took too long. Me alone, who messed it up the first time, got distracted along the way.

"Fuck—" I inhaled deeply. "I didn't mean for you to get involved, Gwen." I shook my head vigorously, chest heaving at the thought alone as I diverted my eyes from her frail figure before me. "The only reason I didn't tell you is so you wouldn't get involved—"

A singular, humourless chuckle escaped her lips, and she shook her head in disbelief as her gaze fell onto the Dark Mark against her skin.

"But I did," She breathed out, eyes batting open with a look in them I couldn't place. "Didn't I?"

I swallowed thickly, brows drawing together as I shook my head. "I'm sorry." 

A/N: I love gwen with my entire heart. 

Guess her zodiac sign btw LOL I'd like to see what you guys think

It's been a while since I wrote anything angsty and so I kind of really enjoyed it... oh oh *this action will have consequences* lmaoo

I hope you enjoyed it <3

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