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"What's your excuse this time?" Pansy rolled her eyes in annoyance, almost dismissing me completely as she diverted her gaze and propped her elbow up on the table to rest her head in her hand.

Her eyes roamed the great hall, though she was hardly paying attention to anything around her as she waited for me to reply.

"Don't say that—"

The raven-haired girl huffed, head snapping back towards me only for her eyes to narrow in on mine. "—Well, it's true. Isn't it?" She spat.

My brows knitted together tightly at her words as well as the tone she used them in. Nose scrunching up in annoyance and my hands balling into light fists before they fiddled with the ends of the black jumper I was wearing, I grumbled back;

"It's not my fault I actually care about my grades and education instead of being satisfied with an acceptable, Pansy." I tried to keep my voice low, not needing any more attention on the fact I wasn't going to Hogsmeade with them. Especially not from a certain silver-haired boy who could surely put two and two together.

Unfortunately, Pansy Parkinson wasn't known for keeping her voice down.

"Fuck off."

"You fuck off—" I retorted, diverting my gaze only for it to snap right back onto her when the next words left her mouth.

"I know you're hiding something." Before I was able to reply, she went on. "You don't even have any assignments due because you've already done them all, Adreanna! I don't know why you're lying— but either way, it's stupid of you to do so—"

"Oh, really?" I snapped, nose twitching as I snarled, "So it's not you who's been disappearing night after night? It's not you who continues to disappear during the days, too—?"

Pansy's brows raised in surprise before immediately twitching into a grim glare accompanied by a frown on her features. "—Adreanna," She warned, her voice suddenly no more than a harsh whisper.

Her brown eyes flickered over the table, my own gaze following to see a few glances our way. Theo watched our interaction with a worried frown on his face. Pansy's attention snapping back onto me, I continued.

"Don't talk to me about keeping secret's and lying when you keep your own and do the same, alright?" I hissed before I propped my hands onto the wooden table and pushed myself up.

Theo — face still distorted in worry — took that as his cue to chime in, immediately gaining himself glares from the both of us as he said, "Alright, why don't we all just... calm down a little—?"

His hands immediately raised in surrender at our expression, and he shook his head lightly. "Alright, alright. I'm just saying—"


My eyes darted over to Pansy as the word left our lips simultaneously, my glare deepening before I turned around without another word, eyes catching Malfoy's gaze in the last second; a slightly amused, smug expression on his face that made me almost turn around with my wand in hand, ready to hex him.

Instead, though, I continued to my dorm and didn't leave it until everyone else had left for Hogsmeade.

I knew they did once all the girl's swarmed into the room, hastily packing a small bag and throwing on jackets before practically running back out. Pansy was a little slower than the rest of them, though she didn't dare even throw a glance in my direction.

And so, eventually, even she had left silently— but not without loudly throwing the door into its hinges on her way out. I simply rolled my eyes at the gesture, waited a couple more minutes until the clock hit 11 AM and then got up.

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