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Tears still threatened to escape my eyes long after I left Gwen's room— still did when I was sitting in my empty dorm, the music box wrapped up in a nice gift box while everyone else was already having dinner;

Still did when I had wrapped Potter's invisibility cloak around my body and sneaked up to Dumbledore's office.

I had a hard time steadying my breath, on the verge of a panic attack even after I had dropped it off. And I had hoped to feel lighter after doing so— hoped relief would wash over me after setting an appointment with Dumbledore this evening already.

Though, neither seemed to ease my anxiety as I made my way to the great hall — the cloak back in my dorm.

I rounded the corner into it with light steps, trying my best not to seem uneasy in fear it would set anyone off—  set Malfoy off, of all people.

My eyes roamed the room, the loud chatter and laughter immediately drowned out by my louder thoughts that knew it would all be different tomorrow. With their beloved headmaster dead.

My gaze got stuck on Kai, a bittersweet smile on my lips as I diverted my eyes again before he could ever notice.

Knowing how disappointed he'd be if he knew it was me; if he knew I'd been conspiring against Dumbledore for months know— if he knew I did so because of the dark mark against my arm.

With his love for muggle books and how excited he was when he passed his driving test when he had absolutely no need for a muggle car— when he had a broom he could fly, instead— I knew.

Despite it, after what happened to my sister — after what happened to her because of me — I didn't think keeping a muggle loving friend around would turn out great for them.

Another misstep, and perhaps the Dark Lord would go knocking on Kai's door next. I simply wasn't ready to see someone else I held dear in pain because of me.

Especially not Kai Alire.

The boy with a heart of gold, the boy who deserved nothing but the best.

Continuing to make my way down to the Slytherin table, my head shaking slightly at my own thoughts, Dumbledore locked eyes with mine. Looked straight into them as if they gave him access to my every thought.

It almost made me stop in my tracks, though I managed to overcome the urge and continue down the aisle.

He nodded his head once, slowly, and in a polite manner before a light smile spread across his lips.

One that made me want to furrow my brows but instead had me fake a smile just as polite as his was. I sent him a singular nod as well, knowing that if he knew I'd be the first to find his dead body after I knocked on his door for our appointment, he wouldn't be smiling.

Not at me, of all people.

Diverting my eyes, they fell onto Theo sitting opposite my usual seat, and I quickly slipped onto the bench to catch his attention.

"Where's Pansy?" I wondered out loud, Theo's eyes falling onto me in delight. His brows raised at my presence, a smile on his lips as he shook his head until he had swallowed the food currently in his mouth.

"No clue—" He muttered as I filled my plate, and my brows furrowed at his reply.

"Again?" The confusion in my voice was prominent, and as he nodded, I let my head fall back with a groan.

"At this point, we can confidently say she's hooking up with someone," He concluded, his words accompanied by a shrug as he shovelled another bite into his mouth.

I huffed, and though I shook my head, I knew he was right. "She was never one to hide any of her... accomplishments," I said. "I don't see why she would start now."

It was quiet for a while, the both of us deep in thought before I offered once more, "Maybe she's embarrassed," while Theo blurted out,

"Maybe she's in love."

My brows furrowed at his words, grimacing as I thought of them before I quickly shook my head— vigorously so, right as a singular laugh rattled through my chest.

"In love?" I questioned, disbelief prominent in my voice. "She'd tell us—" My laughter as well as my sentence cut short at the thought, eyes flickering through the full room in hopes to find an answer. "Wouldn't she?"

Theo shrugged once more, a sigh escaping his lips simultaneously. "Would she?"

We continued eating in silence, and the question lingered in my head.


With my appointment being at 8:30, naturally, I had another hour to kill before I'd see how I had killed him.

And time slouched and sprinted all at the same time, unsure whether I was more relieved or anxious when the clock finally hit 8:20, and I shot up from the sofa without a word.

"Where are you going?" Malfoy's question was laced in mockery, his brow raised at the realisation I wanted to get away without anyone asking any questions. Now, though, the entire group's eyes were on me, their questioning glances only reaffirming Malfoy's actual question.

Nose scrunching up in annoyance, I turned back towards them. "I've got an appointment," I muttered, making my voice sound as uninterested as I could.

I walked off without waiting for anyone's reply, my hands fiddling with the sleeves of my robe. I could feel his eyes burning into my back relentlessly up until I disappeared out of his field of vision completely.

All I heard was a "That's what we're calling it now" — earning the blond a few laughs — before the stone wall to the common room slid shut behind me.

Despite the fact no one could see, I rolled my eyes as I rushed up the stairs and out of the dungeons. And though it wasn't curfew yet, the corridors seemed quiet— chillingly quiet so.

My steps echoed through the long hallways, the sound of my heel against the stone floor all there was up until a familiar sound kept it company.

My brows furrowed, and I came to a halt right as I was about to cross the corridor Pansy's laugh came out of. My head poked around the corner, another wave of her shriek laughter almost startling me.

Despite it, my eyes locked in on her figure, only visible for a split second before she disappeared through one of the doors; the sound of it falling into its hinges accompanied by a female laugh I couldn't quite identify.

It seemed familiar, though in the few seconds I had to think about it, I couldn't put my finger on it.

Both of their laughs subsided at once, the silence followed by the lock of that same door, an unidentifiable buzzing sound penetrating my ears until I brought enough distance between it and me.

With the shake of my head, I banished my inquiring thoughts into the back of my mind, coming to a halt and knowing what it meant as I did so.

I was unsure how to prepare myself for the sight to come. After all, I've seen a lot— but never a dead man. Not one that died at my hand, anyhow.

And I knew I should be proud as my knuckles knocked against the hollow wood for good measure alone. I knew my family would be proud. I knew He'd be. Yet, I couldn't help the sickly feeling creeping up within me.

As expected, it was quiet behind the door. No sound of chairs scraping against the floor, footsteps on the stone or even a "come in."

It was as it should be, and I felt myself calm down just slightly by the prospect of actually succeeding.

I revelled in the silence before I pushed the door into the office open.

A/N: drum rollllll

Why is this kinda exciting even though I know what happens lol

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed it hehe

See you. <3

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