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I was sure my detention would be extended until the end of term if anyone would see me here; on my way to Hogsmeade when Hogsmeade weekend wasn't until next week.

I made sure nobody followed me, told Pansy and the rest I was spending the day with Kai, while I told him I wasn't feeling so well and wouldn't get out of bed until dinner. I left as soon as I had my lunch, excusing myself from the table when others hadn't even arrived yet.

The village looked dormant when it wasn't bustling with Hogwarts students; it was almost unsettling. Hugging my own body a little tighter, the biting October winds making me shiver slightly, I strolled past Honeduke's.

My eyes lingered on the elderly couple entering the sweets shop, hands intertwined as they laughed at each other's jokes, both of their cheeks a little red from the cold.

The door closing with the ring of the bell that hung over it; I shifted my attention back in front of me, keeping my head low as I glanced into the illuminated windows, and slowed down my pace as I walked past Tomes and Scrolls.

It was grey outside, one of the first day's that truly felt like autumn. Up until now, it had been sunny, mostly; warm enough to wear skirts and leave the castle without a jacket. Though, I assumed the weather fit the occasion.

Taking a sharp turn into a narrow alley, I straightened my posture and shrugged off the hood on top of my head. One look back to make sure no one happened to walk past it right at that moment, I turned to my left before coming to a halt.

"Father," I greeted with a nod, eyes taking in the way his were dull, how dark his under eyes had gotten and the way this was the first time I've seen him with his beard not neatly trimmed.

"Adreanna," He exhaled with a sigh, taking me in just like I had him before opening his arms for me. My lips turning upwards into a smile; I didn't hesitate when I threw my arms around his torso, not being able to ignore how much thinner he had gotten.

I huffed into his chest, lingering in his arms and savouring the familiar warmth for a while before bringing a bit of distance between us.

"How are you holding up?"

"Oh, Merlin," He laughed lowly, shaking his head. "Don't you worry about me, okay?" He waved off my inquiry casually, head turning to look up and down the alley once. "Now, I understand there was something you required?"

Piecing blue eyes connecting with mine, his eyebrows were raised as he gave me an inquiring look I returned. Nodding sternly, I cleared my throat.

"Yes," I agreed. "I hope my letter was clear enough? I didn't want to be too descriptive when it came to the means—" He cut me off swiftly, then.

"It was, it was," He assured, hand fishing for something in the pocket of his dark navy blue coat already. Diving even deeper, his arm emerged in it up until his elbow, metals and coins rustled as he searched for it.

I watched in light amusement as he almost tripped before his eyes —previously narrowed and brows knitted together tightly in concentration — widened in excitement as he retracted his hand out of the magical pocket; Holding a small vial in between his fingers now.

"This was a hassle to get my hands on, Adreanna," He warned, a stern look on his face as he held the poison up between us. "Though, I see the appeal in it."

The dark liquid shimmered slightly even in the relatively dim light back here. Black as the night, almost looking solid when it wasn't swaying back and forth in the vial. "Be careful," He stressed, holding it out for me to grab.

And I did, holding it right up to my face to observe the almost mesmerising shimmer up close. "The vial won't accidentally leak, will it?" I questioned, eyes still on the dark poison that would turn into a clear substance once it comes in contact with a surface.

"Of course not."

"Then I'll be fine," I assured, lowering it before letting it fall into my own coat pocket carefully.

I took a deep breath, my eyes darting around the alley before they fell on my father again. "Thank you," I added, genuinely not knowing what I would've done if he wouldn't have been able to get the Venectu.

He huffed at that, shaking his head almost in amusement. "Thank you, darling," He repeated, a sad smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "I truly wish you didn't have to do this. I wish there was another way—" He swallowed thickly, his face contorting into an almost pained expression. "I know your mother would, too."

"I know," I admitted with a nod, though quickly caught myself. Tilting my chin up as I straightened my back, I added, "But isn't it such an honour, father? That he chose our family— me, of all people?"

"It is." He looked at me proudly. "I'm so glad you realise that." His eyes flickering back and forth between my eyes and around the alley, he continued. "You're very talented, Adreanna. He can tell—"

A low noise cut him off, making my father's eyes jump behind me at the same time as I turned around. Though, the alley was empty behind us. And even as I tip-toed over to the edge of it, checking my left and my right as my head peeked around the corner, there was nothing; no one.

Furrowing my brows, I turned back to him, his concerned expression matching mine as he walked over to where I was standing now.

"I know you won't let him down. And I know you won't let us down, either," He added quickly, placing a hand on my shoulder in reassurance. I nodded in agreement.

"I wouldn't dream of it, father." 

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