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Halloween had never been a particularly favourite holiday of mine, though I had to admit the occasional dressing up was fun. However, this year, altering my appearance and pretending to be something else entirely was more appealing than in previous years.

The prospect of getting drunk enough to forget the burden put on my back seemed nice and calming, even when my surroundings were nothing of the sort.

The chatter around me was loud, and Pansy's shriek of laughter louder as she poured the shot of fire whisky down her throat. While the rest of the group were sitting against the back of the sofa, Pansy and I ended up sitting opposite of them, blocking everyone's way from and to the dorms without much care.

Her short, dark hair matched her costume quite perfectly; usually neat eyeliner smudged, and her lips painted an abyss-like black as well as her body was covered with a short skirt and a detailed corset just as black as her hair was.

Her lashes batted open as she eyed the rest of us, waiting for us to mirror her gesture.

My head was tilted back not a second later, eyes on the ceiling before they squeezed shut at the burning sensation of the alcohol running down my throat. I shook my head lightly as I looked back at the group, eyes inevitably landing on Malfoy sat opposite me.

The small glass by his lips, he poured the alcohol down his throat with one sip, Adam's apple bopping as he swallowed it; the veins on his neck prominent before he straightened his head, gaze falling on me before it flew over Pansy, Blaise and Theo.

A smirk found itself on his lips as his eyes shot back onto me. Noticing my attention already was — and still is — on him, his brows raised slightly before his hand did, too. Making sure to hold our eye contact, his thumb slowly dragged over his bottom lip, wiping away what I assumed to be some of the fire whisky he must have spilt.

I couldn't help my eyes following the motion intently, noticing the way his tongue flicked over his bottom lip immediately after. The smirk on his lips turned into a knowing grin, revealing the extra sharp, pointy canine teeth that completed his costume.

In the few seconds that had passed, the glass in my hand had filled itself up again, and I quickly threw my head back to pour it down my throat once more. Eyes intentionally falling on Pansy next to me afterwards.

A loud but content sigh rattled through the girl's chest, head falling onto my shoulder and knocking against my ear. In amusement, she hummed at the contact, head immediately rising again to examine it.

"You should keep them pointy like this," She suggested, tracing along the shape of my ear enchanted to match that of a fairy's.

A light giggle escaped my lips — it was a bad habit of mine to giggle while intoxicated.

"The wings, too," Theo butted in, a bottle of butterbeer in hand and a wide smile on his face. "I like them."

"Well, if you like them, Nott, how could I ever get rid of them?"


An amused hum escaped my lips, my own head turning slightly to glance behind my shoulders; a set of light green translucent wings magically attached to my back matching the rest of my costume.

The colour a soft contrast to my red hair, a few strands of it tightly braided while the rest — a little messily — fell down my back and shoulders in light waves. Pansy had tucked them behind my ear on one side when she started examining it.

"They don't really suit you." My head snapped over the blonde boy opposite of me, eyes falling up and down his seated position like it was the first time I looked at him today. "A bit too... innocent, don't you think?"

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