x9. Bucket list

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When Ellie got up in the morning, the more shocking news was on its way to her.
First of many was the fact that her head was still exploding.

But Eric took care of that all ready for her.
On the coffee table (the palette covered with simple glass, let's be honest), she has found the 10-second medicine from the last night, glass, and a jug of water.

"Classy.", she murmured. "First you kidnap the girl, then you drug her into trusting you.", she swallowed the pill, counting to ten.

"Two... one...ahh.", Ellie opened her eyes and looked around. "What a way to live.", she spoke out loud to herself.

Someone headstrong like her didn't like to be dependant on anything, especially not the pills.

The clock showed almost 9 o'clock and she knew she might need to show herself in the Pit so that no one thinks that she died for real. And she needed to eat if she was planning on sticking around here for a little longer.


Shit, she had no clothes. She needed to change.

But, Eric solved that for her, too.

While looking around in slow motion, her gaze was stolen by the message on the 'coffee table' written in Eric's handwriting - which was remarkable, Ellie interpreted her transfer papers for two days until Uriah didn't come to rescue.

"Your bags are in the corner and keys are on the counter.

She was in shock. Was this man serious? Did Eric become her new roommate?

Was she to live with him? He can't just make decisions for her like she was a child in a need of care!

It was true, the Grounds were not the surest place to sleep anymore, but that was the place where her friends were.
She couldn't just sleep safely in here, with everybody else down there. Heck, she was even worried for Peter.

Peter was an idiot, but Ellie could swear that to her personally, he never meant any real harm.

If anything, they were still unconsciously devoted to each other, because of their whole history together before Dauntless.

The last couple of months before the breakup, they stayed together purely because they knew each other well.
It wasn't loved anymore, but devotion? That was for sure.

Anyway, she was already on her way to the Pit, having already prepared the bucket list for today, Eric included on it.

The first thing she saw, coming into the Pit, were her friends, Tris, too.

Alive and well.

Unfortunately, as Eric would say.

This thought stole a small smile from her.
How lucky they were that the trainers came.
She was almost not able to control the emotional sandstorm in her head anymore ever since, it was waving her from being grateful to be angry when it came to him.

But, first thing's first.
She needed to make sure her friends were alright.

''Hey! What happened to you last night?", Christina was first to shout it out loud, as always, when Ellie sat next to Will. Candor people stay candor. For life.

"Tris, is that your sweater?", Ellie threw a surprising look at the former Abnegation girl, accidentally ignoring Christina's question.

She had a male black sweater on, which was only proving Ellie's secret theory that she was up to something. Or someone, at least.

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