x18 Labyrinth

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Author's note:
Hi guys, I hope this chapter brings some joy into our everyday lives.
I was pretty inspired to write things like these recently.
I hope you like it!

Living in a fantasy world was not Ellis's style, but she gave in for the last two days.

She has been watching Eric coming, going, and battling with himself over everything he felt, and that last part she, admittingly, discreetly enjoyed.

Eric was ultimately trying to open up, but no matter how hard it was, he didn't give in.
He still had that reluctant need to rationalize his emotions and to find a logical reason why he had them; he was endlessly in the argument with himself after every time he found that impossible to happen.

He asked her just yesterday:

"Why was I so anxious until I came home today?", and she ended up explaining to him that sometimes it happens when you care for someone and are worried and that she felt like that couple of times so far because of him.

His eyes were dilated in shock and he worriedly asked:

"How did you survive that?"

And she couldn't pull it any further and ended up bursting into laughter because it was very amusing to instruct someone adult how to cope with his own heart.

At first, he got indignant.
But when he came to his senses, they spoke and everything was okay.

It was a lanky road to take, she knew it, particularly for him. But she wanted to support him all the way.

It only cost her her life and what was left of her dignity when she spilled "I love you" over him accidentally, but she considered it worth it now.
Because she'd do it all over again. And she would do even more if that meant Eric will stay with her forever.

And ...
suddenly, her phone rang.

"Yes?", she responded.

"El, are you there?", the voice from the other side spoke and she was alleviated. It was Peter.

"What happened to your phone number?"

"You know, Ellie, when you are being kidnapped, it usually means that they get rid of your phone.", she noted the sarcasm. "Can you come to the Intelligence?"

"It depends. Will anyone try to kill me again?"

"Stop being paranoid. You're Eric's girl. Come over here, it is important."

"Peter, that's not a title, for heaven's sake. I am coming."


"You see this?", he was showing her the bits and pieces of the device later

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"You see this?", he was showing her the bits and pieces of the device later." I disabled this memory card and we might need to get it back where it belongs, but as long as no information was carried, you should be safe.", he clarified.

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