x10. Penny for your thoughts?

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n the last couple of days, she needed frequently to process her thoughts somewhere quiet.
Her life has been a mess, the same as her new wardrobe, every single day 24/7.
A lot was going on in her mind. Sometimes it felt like a roller coaster.
Eric didn't speak that much since that night when she fell asleep in his lap.
First thing in the morning, he was gone and they never discussed it again. Mostly, their conversations consisted of business and small talks. She didn't argue, it was embarrassing for her.

Yes, she could say she did it.
Kind of.

She overscored Peter in every possible way until the end.

She developed feelings for someone very dangerous.

She was headed somewhere unknown and was not very delighted about it.

But... In the meantime, Tris was smiling more these days.
It was nice.
She was getting better and better every day since the beginning of the second phase.
Until the Finals, they will all be excepted as the full members of the Dauntless society.
Ellie was so happy about that. Being on the winning team gives you a chance to keep your friends for as long as you live.

Will and Christina often talked about taking a place together as they were both candidates for the Intelligence.

But Ellie ...
She did not know what to do and where will she end up after the Test.
Eric and she never defined the terms of her staying. Or until when will she be at his place.
But ever since it became common knowledge among the Dauntless members, and it did, she gave a thought about moving out minimally five times per day.
But, somehow when the day was over and she was back in that apartment, there was the realization that there is no place she'd rather be.
Eric didn't seem to complain.
As roommates, they did get along well.
Both of them were the same creatures of habit, fans of their own space and they both liked to have everything clean and in order.
How did he bring himself to the idea of bringing a girl he didn't even know that well to his place, it will probably remain a mystery for as long as the city of Chicago lives.

Her friends never asked about Eric as she rarely spoke of him.
Even Christina took a hint and contributed in silence. Even if she wanted to say something about that, she couldn't; she didn't know what to say.
Many of her days were spent more and more in the Leadership support, with or without him.
It was quite the usual for both of the young trainees(her and Peter) to be left with assignments to carry on their own, since they both adjusted pretty well, which was leaving her a very small amount of time to chill at the Pit.

"Hey, Lauren.", Ellie entered her so-called office today.

Peter was lucky to have her as his mentor. She was very intelligent and sharp but at the same time a warm and patient person. With Eric, things were always in a hurry or chaotic. But Lauren and Peter took time to cross everything and to sort things out. Ellie was amazed by her kindness and patience when it comes to explaining and talking.

"Hey, kiddo. Do you have those reports ready?"

"Yeah, the preliminaries are all set up.", Ellie placed the files on her old desk. "I am glad to see my friends have all been selected for the jobs.", a quick small evolved on her lips. Lauren looked at her meaningfully. "I am sorry, I had to take a peak.", she apologized poorly.

"That means you've kept yourself a good company.", Lauren winked and smiled, which released Ellie from feeling guilty.

"Yeah. I'll just go and continue with the program if it's cool with you. I couldn't find Eric to assign me anything.", she said. Lauren nodded in approval, taking the reports from her.

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