**A/N**: Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays (even though it's a bit late for that. I won't lie, I was gonna update on Christmas but got distracted). So I don't know how many of you know about my not-so-secret passion for art, but I wanted to let you know that I probably won't be starting a new story for awhile after ICHTETIT because I have a big art project that I have to have perfected by March. I will still probably be writing some one shots for the side project that goes between IISW and ICHTETIT, but only if I have great ideas for them. For instance, I have a cute date idea in my head right now that I might write for it... *cough*
Anyways, this is PROBABLY the second last chapter of ICHTETIT (who knows? I might feel good enough to write another one after chapter 20, since I haven't actually written the ending yet). On that note, you should vote/fan/comment and tell me your thoughts because I adore all of your feedback. Seriously, it is the reason I continue to post instead of giving up on this story the way I did with a number of my others (most of which I've never posted anywhere). I'm letting you know now, this chapter is all in the third-person.
Now go, read, enjoy.
P.S. Dedicated to @xninjacookielover because of her comments that made me want to cry tears of joy.
P.P.S. For anyone who is curious, my art project is to design a tattoo for one of my best friends based loosely on the sketch here (it gets squished if I put it in the media section): http://i.imgur.com/ORkKQ.jpg
I did say loosely, so it will have more flowers and creativity and colour and shading. And be less sloppy. I don't know why I'm being trusted to draw something that someone is going to permanently have on their skin, but whatever.
Liam blindly hits the snooze button on the alarm clock before rolling over to check the time. He notes that it is quarter to nine in the morning, and is tempted to go back to sleep for another hour or two. Instead, he looks at the calendar he posted by the bed and sees that the band is supposed to be at an interview today, though he forgot to write down which one.
“Niall,” Liam mumbles, his voice thick with sleepiness. “Niall, we have to get up now.” The brunette places a hand on the blonde boy’s shoulder and starts shaking him until the latter groans in annoyance.
“Why, Li? Why?” he whines, not bothering to open his eyes.
“We have an interview and live performance soon,” the older boy replies. “We have to get up and get ready.” He sits up and rubs his eyes, wiping away the crust that had developed there as he slept.
“Are you sure you looked at the right day?” Niall queries, hoping that he will be able to fall back asleep.
“Yes, Ni. And if you get up now, I’ll fix breakfast for us before we have to leave, alright?” Liam offers, knowing that food is his boyfriend’s one weakness.
“Fine,” the younger lad grumbles, sitting up and pushing off his covers in the process.
The two boys go about their morning routine, taking turns using the shower while the other brushes his teeth. After Liam finishes showering, dressing, and brushing his teeth, he heads into the kitchen to start cooking. He silently thanks the band’s hairdresser for suggesting that he cut his hair, glad to have the extra time in the mornings. As he is moving the last of the food from the pan to his and Niall’s plates, the latter walks into the room.

I Cannot Hide This Even Though I Try ~ A COMPLETED One Direction Fanfic
FanfictionNiall Horan and Liam Payne are living out their dreams as singers in the band One Direction. To their fans, it looks like they have everything they could ever want; they're famous, rich, beautiful and Liam is dating a gorgeous dancer named Danielle...