Hello my loverlies! I am here to tell you that I love you all! Actually, I'm here because I already wrote this chapter and didn't want to wait any longer to post it... And I'm celebrating receiving a new laptop for my birthday that is actually capable of running at normal speeds. YAY!
Moving on... Comment/vote/fan/pm/im to tell me what you think or if you just want to let me know that you like what I've written for you. I love getting feedback and it's not that hard to just click a little button. Besides... I'm heading off to university and am gonna have to start setting those silly little vote limits or else pick a couple of days each week to be posting because I won't have a whole heck of a lot of time to post every freaking day like I usually try to do. I won't start that until after chapter 3, though, probably. :D
Right, I'm writing way too much. Sorry if this chapter is shortish. I wrote it on my ipod and it seemed longer. ENJOY!
P.S. Dedicated to 1directioner1997 for winning my miniature contest thingy to be Zayn's girlfriend. :3
*Harry's POV*
I don't know what it is about seeing Louis upset that just hurts me deep down. I mean, yes, over the past two years we've become closer than I thought I could be with anyone, but that doesn't explain the pain inside of me every time something bad happens that involves Lou. And right now, I can see that he's upset and it's killing me. What am I supposed to do?
I get up from the reclining chair I had been sitting in and go into the kitchen. I pull out a kettle and stick it on, pulling out one of Lou's Yorkshire tea bags as well as sugar and milk. I wait not-so-patiently for the water to boil before pouring it over the tea bag I had placed in Lou's favorite mug.
After setting the tea in front of him, I try to coax him into telling me what's wrong. "I fixed you some Yorkshire tea," I tell him, drawing him from his trance-like state.
As Lou reaches out and takes the mug of tea, I can see a glimmer of a smile in his features. "Thanks, Harry. You're a good friend, but you really didn't have to do this for me," he murmurs, his voice not holding its usual excitement.
"You seemed to be taking the news from management pretty hard, so I wanted to cheer you up a bit," I explain, though I don't see why I should be explaining myself. He should know by now that I can pick up on these things with ease. "You know I hate seeing you upset, Boobear," I remind him, being completely honest.
I think Lou might've thought I was teasing or something because he smirked at me after that before replying by saying, "I know, just like you know that I hate when people hurt my Hazza."
Why does it hurt so much that he doesn't care as much as I do? I ask myself. Because you fancy him, idiot, the voice in my head responds, shocking me. Okay, let's be honest; I fight with the voice in my head all the time when it comes to this matter. It always answers my rhetorical questions involving my feelings for Louis and then I go into denial. This time, though, I'm not in denial about it.
"What's on your mind now, Haz?" Louis asks, catching my attention again. He's grimacing at me and I realize I must've been staring at him for a few minutes while I thought.
Smooth, Styles. Real smooth. Shut up. "Just thinking again," I tell him, not having to lie.
"What about?"
You. "Just remembering how early I got up and how late it is now," I say instead of speaking my mind. I gesture towards the clock on the wall that Lou got recently, showing us that it's past midnight now.

I Cannot Hide This Even Though I Try ~ A COMPLETED One Direction Fanfic
FanfictionNiall Horan and Liam Payne are living out their dreams as singers in the band One Direction. To their fans, it looks like they have everything they could ever want; they're famous, rich, beautiful and Liam is dating a gorgeous dancer named Danielle...