11 - Luncheon

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**A/N** I've decided that instead of trying to get you guys to vote and comment a lot to make me update, I'm just gonna try to update every Sunday and *possibly* one other day during the week. If there is another day, it'll be Wednesdays because that will be a perfect day to update next semester, too. ANYWAYS, I wrote this chapter yesterday and I wanted to make up for the fact that I couldn't update much during my first month and a half of school.

Dedicated to @KeepCalmAndLikeStuff for all of her awesome comments that had me speechless and blushing because of reasons.

ALSO, in terms of the whole updating Sunday/Wednesday thing, let me know what you all think of that idea. Yay/nay?



*Liam’s POV*

*Knock knock knock*


I groan as I sit up and rub my eyes. I blink a few times before getting up and stretching.

*Knock knock knock*


I slowly make my way towards my foyer where I open my front door.

“Sorry, did we wake you?” Zayn asks, taking in my appearance.

“It’s fine; I needed to get up anyways. Is there something you lot need from me?” I respond in a husky voice.

“We were going to invite you to join us for lunch in mine and Lou’s flat,” Harry explains.

“We thought it was about time we spent the day as a family,” Louis continues.

I run my fingers through my hair, blinking a few more times. “Uh, yeah, sounds like fun,” I reply.

“Perfect, we’re meeting in our flat at quarter to one,” Harry states.

We exchange brief goodbyes before I head into my kitchen. I look at the time and note that it’s only a few minute to ten, so I grab an apple from the fruit bowl on my counter and take a few bites.

*Buzz buzz*

I look at the screen of my phone to see who is texting me, surprised to see Rayne’s contact name show up on the screen. Curiosity gets the best of me, so I hurriedly unlock my phone to read the text.

‘Hey! Thanks for showing Morgan and I around yesterday! We saw the news and wanted to apologize for any problems we might have caused. :/’

I toss out the core of my apple and wipe my hand off before typing up a response to send back. ‘No problem! It was fun :). It’s okay; we were just worried that the paparazzi might ambush the two of you. :/’

*Buzz buzz*

‘Not yet! Apparently they didn’t get a good enough look at us so they haven’t recognized us yet. :D’

I chuckle, happy to know that my actions didn’t cause problems for my new friends. ‘Good to know! Well the lads and I are gonna have lunch soon, so I need to get ready. Talk to you later. :)’ I send my last text before locking my phone and heading to take a shower.


“LEEYUM!” Louis shouts after opening the door to his and Harry’s shared flat. “Come on in!”

I walk through the doors and slip out of my shoes, glancing around to see whom else is here. I catch a glimpse of the top of Zayn’s hair over the back of the sofa and know that Harold is probably cooking in the kitchen, but I can’t find any signs that my boyfriend is here.

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