**A/N** I wonder how many of you actually read this... Oh well! I just wanted to say that I had trouble with this chapter (it's kind of a boring chapter, honestly), but I still hope you all enjoy it. I mean, it was actually kind of fun to write, but still.
Anywho, as usual I ask that you comment/vote/whatever because I adore feedback. I also want to ask which day of the week would be best for updates because I only got one response to that question so far.
Dedicated to @SarahJaneDuplessis because I'm trying to distract her from the book she's reading. Actually, I'm kidding; she's my good friend that I talk to a lot about random things and she's kind of awesome so yeah.
- Somiena/Abby
*Niall’s POV*
“You mean to say…” Rayne begins, but seems at a loss for words.
“Niam is real?” Morgan finishes for her friend.
“That is exactly what I mean,” I affirm.
“So you’re not actually having friend problems so much as boyfriend problems, am I right?” Rayne asks.
I chew on my bottom lip as I nod in response to the redhead’s question. I don’t know why I agreed to tell these girls about my relationship with Liam, but I did. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that Liam and I spent hours talking to them about all sorts of things, or maybe it’s because I got sick of keeping my relationship a secret from everyone. Whatever the case may be, I am going to have a lot of problems with management if Morgan and Rayne break their pinkie promises.
“Well, fortunately for you, we both know what it’s like to have boyfriends,” Rayne quips with a smirk.
“Ha. Ha. Ha. You’re hilarious,” I retort, rolling my eyes.
“Seriously, Niall, we can actually be empathetic towards you in a sense,” Morgan says.
“I know, I know,” I grumble. I run my fingers through my bleached hair, unsure of what else to say.
“So, you said the issue is that he was scared off by something you said?” Morgan questions.
I sigh softly, my thoughts going back to the night Liam came home from his trip. “Yeah, something I said without even knowing I was saying it out loud,” I murmur.
“How do you unintentionally say something out loud without meaning to?” Rayne asks, confusion written all over her facial features.
“Uhm, well, the thing is, uh, I talk in my sleep,” I mumble.
“You talk in your sleep?” the redhead inquires, her confusion growing.
“Yup. Always have, probably always will. This is the first time it’s caused me problems, though, or I would have tried to find a way to prevent it already.”
“Do you know what you were dreaming about at the time?” Morgan inquires.
I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to concentrate on the task at hand. Don’t get emotional now, I try to order my feelings. “I was dreaming about-” I stop to cough, my eyes watering. “About Liam and-” I cough again, my voice growing thicker. “And I g-going out t-to th-the café where w-we went on our f-first d-date and w-we-”
“Shh, hush,” Morgan coos as Rayne takes my hand.
“You don’t have to tell us if you don’t want to,” Rayne murmurs in an attempt to calm me down.

I Cannot Hide This Even Though I Try ~ A COMPLETED One Direction Fanfic
FanfictionNiall Horan and Liam Payne are living out their dreams as singers in the band One Direction. To their fans, it looks like they have everything they could ever want; they're famous, rich, beautiful and Liam is dating a gorgeous dancer named Danielle...