*A/N* Hey guys, Abby here again. I am breaking my own thingy again because I WANT TO CELEBRATE! 1) ICHTETIT has made it to its first 1,000 reads AND 2) It's Canadian Thanksgiving tomorrow, so I want to show everyone just how thankful I am for the 99 votes and 98 comments and 1,013 reads and 112 fans by giving you all another chapter. Plus, I might try to finally add another one shot to the in-between story connected to this and IISW. Happy Thanksigiving my fellow Canadians!
This time, I'm not raising the comment/vote limit by as much because I want to write this story more and be able to publish it for you guys at a faster rate than I am right now. Personally, it's easier to push myself to finish chapters if I feel like I have to do it more quickly, so the limits for next chapter are 125 votes AND 125 comments (not jut one or the other this time) because they're already both at 100 and I know you all can easily get that done in a few days time.
I hope you enjoy this chapter!
P.S. Dedicated to damian543210 because his comments made me laugh a lot. :D
*Niall's POV*
Finally, I think to myself as I walk through the door of my flat. Today has been hellish for me; Liam has been acting distant ever since his trip, I'm almost positive the 'Charlotte' from the TV station is my ex-girlfriend's best friend, I accidentally slipped up on live television that I like somebody and I got yelled at by Simon Cowell. The part that irks me the most, though, is how distant Liam has been the last few days. Did I do something wrong? Is he mad at me? Did something actually happen between him and Dani when they were in Florida?
"Why didn't you or Li ever tell the rest of us how horrid it is trying to hide the truth from the public?" a voice asks from behind me.
I turn on my heel, surprised to find one Louis Tomlinson standing in the doorway to my flat. "It never mattered before because only Liam and I had to go through it," I point out, slightly shaken by the older boy's sudden appearance.
"You should have told us," he reprimands, raising an eyebrow as if daring me to argue with him.
I sigh, sitting down on that reclining chair in my livingroom. "Is there any particular reason you're bringing this up now?" I inquire.
Louis hesitates before walking over to the sofa and taking a seat. "Well, with Harry and I starting a relationship and not being allowed to tell anyone…"
"Right, of course, well, erm…"
The brown-haired, blue-eyed boy starts fiddling with his hands, his face starting to flush. "Does it ever get any easier?" he asks, looking directly at me.
"Honestly? No," I confess, turning away. "If anything, I think it gets harder."
Louis pauses a moment, taking in my responses before speaking up again. "You should have told us," he repeats. When I don't say anything else, he continues asking questions: "How has Liam been dealing with it? What is it like seeing him with Danielle? I mean, I know their relationship is fake, but what is that like for you? Have you guys even told your parents yet? How-"
"Cool it, motormouth. I can't answer your questions if you don't give me the chance," I tease my hyperactive friend.
"Sorry," he squeaks, blushing.
"I have no idea how Liam has been dealing with it because we try to avoid bringing it up. Seeing Liam with Danielle hurts like you would not believe, but I put up with it because I put Liam through that for a few months when I dated his cousin, Sara. I told my parents over the Christmas holidays the year we formed One Direction, but I have no idea if Liam ever got around to telling his parents because he always changes the subject when I bring it up," I reply, probably leaving Louis with even more questions.

I Cannot Hide This Even Though I Try ~ A COMPLETED One Direction Fanfic
FanfictionNiall Horan and Liam Payne are living out their dreams as singers in the band One Direction. To their fans, it looks like they have everything they could ever want; they're famous, rich, beautiful and Liam is dating a gorgeous dancer named Danielle...