*Zayn’s POV*
“Here we go one more time
Everybody’s feeling fine
Here we go n-“**
“Hullo?” I mumble into the phone after accepting the call.
“Zayn, are you awake? It’s Louis,” the caller says.
“No, Lou, I’m talking in my sleep,” I reply, my voice thick with sleep and sarcasm. I sit up against the headboard of my bed and rub my eyes.
“Damn it, Zayn, I need you to be serious!”
“Okay, okay… Why are you calling me at this ungodly hour?” I question.
“It’s almost noon, you doofus,” he tells me. “And I’m calling because I need your help.”
I turn my body and let my legs slide off of my bed, allowing my feet to hit the floor. “What do you need my help with? Is there an emergency?” I inquire, starting to worry.
“I need you to go online and read the e-mail I sent you,” he states. “It will explain everything, alright?”
I sigh, but agree to read the e-mail while he waits. I set my phone to speaker and put it on my bedside table while I go to get my laptop. “I don’t see why you couldn’t just tell me what’s going on,” I call out in hopes that he can still hear me.
“It’s easier to explain by writing it all out, plus I can explain further if you have any questions,” Lou says. “Oh, by the way, is anyone else there with you?”
“No, Louis, I’m alone here,” I tell him as I open my laptop.
“I was just making sure. For all I knew, you could have had a sleepover last night!”
I let out a low chuckle as my laptop turns on, and then begin typing in my password. “The only person I had over last night was Abby, but she left after our movie,” I admit. I open up the Internet and go to my e-mail, looking for the message Louis sent to me.
“Well the last time I saw you was at lunch, so I still had no way of knowing… Anyways, have you found the e-mail yet?” Louis asks.
“Not yet; I only just logged into my account… Oh, is it the one where the subject line says ‘Re: Operation Save Niam’?” I question in turn, silently laughing at Louis’ title ideas.
“Yup, that’s the one!” he exclaims.
“You’re a weirdo,” I mumble under my breath, clicking on the e-mail.
“Hey, I heard that!”
“You were supposed to. Now stop jabbering or I’ll never be able to finish reading the short novel of an e-mail you sent me,” I complain, successfully shutting Lou up for seemingly the first time. That boy has too much energy sometimes…
I turn my attention back to the e-mail, which reads as follows:
Li finally came to Haz and I about the whole issue with Ni. He hasn’t explained everything yet, but from what we know he was scared off by some dream of Nialler’s… Do you know what that was about?
Oh, anyways, we’re trying to work out this whole plan to fix things between them. We just need someone to make sure that Niall doesn’t do anything irrational out of anger. You know how his leprechaun temper gets when he bottles things up for too long…
Right. The plan. We don’t have anything specific set yet in terms of times, but Liam said that he would let us know when he’s ready for us to go through with it. Basically, what is going to happen is that during one of our performances in the upcoming tour, Liam is going to-no wait, I can’t get into that yet. That’s for him to tell you. For now, we need you to be keeping Nialler busy and, preferably, happy.

I Cannot Hide This Even Though I Try ~ A COMPLETED One Direction Fanfic
FanfictionNiall Horan and Liam Payne are living out their dreams as singers in the band One Direction. To their fans, it looks like they have everything they could ever want; they're famous, rich, beautiful and Liam is dating a gorgeous dancer named Danielle...