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       Cassandra fell into step beside Jor, who wearily continued to run her hands through her crop of amber hair. She was tired. So tired, and it had only been one or two encounters with opposition. She'd have to get used to this job- an emissary to the growing Inquisition. Perhaps she was becoming some kind of recruiter... the rebel mages would be a great asset to the depleted ranks serving Cullen and the others. 

           And I, I suppose. I am becoming part of this strange council of change. It was strange to think. She glanced at the sky- she could not see the Breach from here, it was miles away, but the continuous ache in her right hand made it clear it had no intention of vanishing to leave her in peace. 

             Cassandra was watching her. Jor fought not to meet the Seeker's storm gray gaze. She didn't like being studied. Perhaps this was how the dragonlings and bear cubs felt during all of Jor's years of bestiary research. She blinked away a memory that made her spine burn with dull pain. It would be best if she did not turn on Cassandra as the dragons had. "Can I help you, Seeker?" 

               Cassandra blinked, then turned her gaze to the horizon. Her steps were measured, matching Jor's pace along the road towards the Frostback Mountains. She said nothing. Varric chuckled softly from somewhere to Jor's right. "Testy, Herald?" 

               Jor smothered a stubbornly wide yawn, tugging at her scarf as a chill wind whistled across the frosted stones. "Apologies." 

                Varric laughed. "You'll need a long nap when we make camp again. You'd think you'd be jumping with joy after three days without a real bed and a bunch of self righteous priests spitting in your face. She's not one of us yet, Cassandra." 

                 The Seeker scoffed. "On the contrary. I find myself weary of certain company as well." 

                 "Oh, you wound me." 

                 "Jormungandr," Solas began in his soothing way, slightly in front of them. Jor found herself lengthening her strides to walk beside him. "Hm?" 

                 "Tell me of your travels. Perhaps it would be wise to pass the time." 

                 Again, she felt as if he'd read her mind. When she found her way back to Fiona she'd really have to ask if that was possible. "...What do you want to know?" 

                  "Anything that comes to mind." Cassandra and Varric were beginning to bicker, the dwarf was grinning the whole time. "I too would like a distraction." 

                   Jor smothered a weary smile. "Alright. Well... I spent several years of study in the Hinterlands. The Rebel Queen's ravine was particularly fascinating. I had a camp up there, gathering drakestone, testing minerals and watching dragonlings grow. I had so many hypotheses." 

                    "Was this while you were still associated with the Trevelyan estate? Why had you left Tevinter?"

                     Jor fought a scowl. "Too many deaths in the family. I was never really at home there anyhow. It was... complicated." 

                     "And you are simple?"

                     It was an interesting rebuttal. Cool and curious. Jor said nothing.

                     "Forgive me. I had not meant to pry." 

                     "There's nothing to forgive," Jor replied slowly, testing the words on her tongue. "You just have me thinking." 

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