Magister Alexius

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      The elf lead them into the wide, low building. It was almost palace like, columns lining the great hall and grand braziers blazing on the walls. Shadows danced here, and Kaisen caught one in a waltz so smoothly that Jor lost sight of her for good. 

        The elf continued down the hall and into a warm side room lined with mahogany and stained glass with tables full of empty chairs. Grand Enchantress Fiona was gazing out the window, colors casting her pale face in fragmented, sickly hues of pink. 

        "Fiona. These people have come to see you," the elf said.

        She turned. She looked wan, weary, dark circles dug deep beneath her eyes. "...You're Inquisition." She looked at Jor carefully, her gaze void of recognition. "And you are the Herald of Andraste. May I inquire what brings you to Redcliffe?" 

         "Y-" Jor cleared her throat, which suddenly felt raw. "You called us here, Enchantress. We were meant to discuss the mages." 

         Fiona flinched at the title, like a frightened animal. Her expression did not change. "I have contacted no one." 

         Jor, beginning to feel the inklings of frustration in her chest, swallowed a scowl. "You were outside of Val Royeaux. Less than a month ago."

          The mage's eyes widened slightly. "I have not left Redcliffe since the opening of the Breach."

          "Then who the hell-" 

          "Ah, the Herald of Andraste. So good you could come, to what do we owe this pleasure?" 

          Jor turned, as did her companions. Fiona shrank slightly against the wall. A man in a glaring, flared sleeve jacket of yellow and scarlet adjusted his hood as he strode into the room, smiling. Jor recognized the three triangles of lose cloth that swept back across the hood as Tevinter style. She glanced back at Fiona as her heart strangled itself, then faced the mage. A young, broad shouldered man with a messily shaved head and kind eyes hung back behind the spellbinder, looking nervous and pale. 

          "You're Magister Alexius I assume." 

           "That is me." He smiled gently, rubbing his stubbled neck. "You'll forgive the intrusion, but when I heard the Herald of Andraste had graced our little town with her presence, I had to see for myself. I thought you'd be... more imposing." 

             Bull snorted. Jor straightened, a scowl threatening to shatter her mask of calm. "Sorry to disappoint." 

            "No, not at all. It is a rare blessing to witness a gentle soul these days." Alexius seemed to relax slightly, though none of it showed in his face. 

            Jor didn't know how she was meant to take that. It felt patronizing. But could also be a compliment? She had a feeling that being honest with this mage would lead to trouble. 

            "What have you come for? Unfortunately we don't have many resources to spare." Alexius gestured about the relatively barren room. 

            Jor resisted the urge to look back at Fiona. She could feel the enchantress' anxiety radiating like a sickness through the room. She had been telling the truth, she had no reason to lie unless... "We've come to negotiate terms of occupation with Redcliffe," Jor bluffed, smiling slightly. "We hate to impose, but you'll find that Inquisition camps and alliances will do wonders for this place, Magister. With your permission."

          "Oh then by all means! Sit, sit." The Magister waved a hand towards the tables, beginning to pace over the stone. "Make yourselves at home. Fiona, be a dear and fetch some tea." 

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