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    Jor turned the page of her book, holding it aloft as she crossed her legs in the marble bathtub. Warm water lapped at her waist, sunlight spilled in from the wide glass window in pure, golden streams. She had slept again, no dreams, but that lingering sense of peace stuck with her. Even now, the simple joy of soft lathering soap and sun and water almost made her forget that she had work to do. The book in her hands spoke of ancient ruins and far off magicks, mana forming as nearly sentient beings-- extensions of the user's mind. Trees that fed on the residual spells in elven terrain, growing tall enough to brush their leaves nearly against the moon. 

     Enthralled, Jor was lost in the pages, sinking slightly in the tub as warm water soothed the aching scars on her spine. 

     There was a tap at the bathroom door. Jor blinked, yanked from the courtyard full of massive trees and glittering spectres. She hesitated, curling her legs beneath as a small wave of soapy water trickled over the edge of the tub and onto the floor. "Um... Who is it?" 

      "Inquisitor." It was Cassandra's voice through the door. "I apologize for the intrusion." 

      "Oh, it's no problem," Jor sighed, smiling ruefully as she shut her book and lifted her arm to place it on the dry nook of the windowsill. "Hold on just a moment." 

      "Of course." 

      The scholar rose to take a towel from the shelf and stepped out of the tub, wrapping herself in the soft cotton and striding to the door. She opened it a crack, one hand holding the fabric across her chest. "What is it?" 

     Cassandra was not wearing her armor. Jor blinked. The Seeker looked smaller, less formal, but no less imposing in a simple black jerkin and a red cardigan. Cassandra kept her gray gaze fixed respectfully on Jor's face, though she did smile slightly. "I hadn't meant to disturb you, but Lady Montilyet has summoned the council. Evidently there is something that must be discussed. I offered to fetch you."

      "I appreciate that." Jor flushed and cleared her throat, feeling awkwardly exposed. Her wardrobe was on the other side of the room. "I'll be right there." 

    Cassandra waited a beat, then seemed to realize that she was in fact the only obstacle. "Ah." Jor thought she could have been going mad, or the hint of a blush colored the Seeker's cheeks. She cleared her throat and turned away to exit the Inquisitor's chambers. "I will be outside." 

    Jor laughed softly. "Thank you." She heard the door shut and shed her towel in favor of a blue sleeveless undershirt, her usual gray leather coat and soft black breeches. She tugged on her boots and slung her belt of daggers around her waist. This only took a moment or two, and as she walked down the stairs to the door to the main hall she drew her damp hair back in a loose knot. It was starting to get long, she'd have to cut it soon. 

     She opened the door, and Cassandra wordlessly lead her to the War Room. 

     Josephine and Leliana were already there, discussing something quietly with a sheaf of letters strewn between them. There was no sign of Cullen. 

      Cassandra stood against the wall as Jor sat in her usual chair. "Afternoon. Where is the commander?" 

     "Undoubtedly on his way." Leliana smiled slightly. "In the meantime, I believe we can begin."

      Josephine hid her smile behind her hand. "He will not be thrilled with this news, he can afford a few moments of tardiness as freedom."

     Jor frowned. "Uh oh." 

   The Nightingale gave a breezy laugh. "Your alarm betrays you, Inquisitor." 

   The scholar sighed, leaning on her elbows. "Alright, what have I walked into." 

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