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    Jor found Solas draped against the tall stone base of a statue in the long, moonlit hall of the east wing. He was listening to a knot of nobles chatting, splitting his attention between them and the two whispering elves rearranging flowers and platters on a long table of food. 

    His staff was held in the crook of his arm, an air of casual power rolled off him in waves. He listened, blinking slowly at Jor as she approached quietly along the carpeted hall. She smiled as his lips quirked. 

    "Nice hat." She gestured playfully at the short red turban the elf wore. 

    "Hello, Jormungandr." He took a deep breath through his nose and let it out in a long sigh, closing his eyes as if soaking in the very air through every pore. "How I adore this place." 

    "Oh?" The Inquisitor grinned, settling beside the mage at the foot of the statue, perching on the lip of the carvings. Her gossamer skirt swished quietly around her boots, which didn't quite touch the ground. 

   "The history, the lies, the ambition and sex." The mage looked up at her, his eyes dancing in the dark. "It's steeped in intrigue, built on thin foundations of sugar and lace."

   Jor laughed softly, blushing. "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself." 

   "Very much." 

   "Just by listening, huh? Hear anything good?" 

   "The occasional secret. You seem to be making quite a stir." 

   "Oh? Tell me." Jor swung her legs, her smile fading slightly. Unease knotted her gut. Sometimes she forgot that she was supposed to be making the Court like her. Was she succeeding? 

  "You danced with someone, it was all very impressive, I hear. A minister, though no one seems to agree on his name." 


  "Albion," the mage repeated softly, turning the name over in his head, frowning. "That can't be right." 


   "First Minister Albion is rather elderly. By human standards of course." 

   "What?" Jor gave an incredulous laugh, startling the whispering servants. They shot her twin glares and slipped away into the shadows. 

    Solas frowned. "I know a little of Orlais' inner circle. The First Minister is perhaps eighty seven. Quite old, frail, suffers from several chronic illnesses. I don't believe he'd be invited to such an event, much less allowed to dance with the Lady Inquisitor in such a fashion." 

   The stone seemed to drop out from under Jor. She laid a palm flat against the robe of the statue to steady herself. "Oh."

   Solas looked up at her, expression grim. "Were your informants mistaken?"

   Jor shook her head, biting down hard on her lip. "He told me himself."

  "You were lied to." 

  "Yes, it looks that way," Jor said coldly. She slid down from the statue's base with the rustling of silk. And I believed it right away. Some investigating peacekeeper I am. "Come with me."

   Solas wordlessly fell into step beside her as she walked back along the hall. Someone stopped her in the darkness, a hand gripping her arm. 

  "Jor," Kaisen hissed.

  "Not now," the Inquisitor snarled. 

  "Important. Leliana wanted me to find you." 

  The scholar paused, scowling. "Quickly."

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