Easier Said Than Done

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I was standing outside my moms front door a bit scared to ring the doorbell in all honesty. Cas put his hand on my shoulder and gave me a soft smile and I pressed the button. After a few seconds it opened revealing not my mom but my dad actually and I was shocked to say the least.
"Son hello! Come on in, hi Castiel." he said moving out of the way for us to walk in.
"Hello father." I said walking in and seeing my mom in the living room.
"Dean!" she said getting off the couch and I walked over to her with a smile and opened arms.
"Hi mom."
"What are you two doing here?" my dad asked.
"Well we were at Julia's house to quote on quote welcome Lucifer home." I said and Cas sat on the couch with a sigh.
"Didn't go very good did it?" mom asked and he shook his head.
"Not in the slightest Mary, a lot of yelling and arguing was involved." he told her as we all sat on different couches.
"And pie, I had pie." I mentioned and Cas rolled his eyes at me.
"Well shit boys, sounds like I missed out." my dad said sitting next to my mom.
"No offense, but John what are you doing here?" I asked my dad.
"I'm here to see your mother, like you I was in the neighborhood and I just wanted to check up since no ones here with her. I try to check in more often since you kids are all grown up and out of the house, it was different when you were here."
"Interesting, okay sir." I said and Cas hit my arm making me look at him and he gave me a chill out look.
"Don't question the parents, they're adults sweetie."
"Speaking of adults and things of the sort, what the news on me having grandkids?" my mom asked and I sighed while Cas sat up completely straight with a smile on his face.
"Well we're officially on the list and now it's a waiting game Mary, but I am so excited for the day that we get to bring a little one home."
"Are you two just adopting or are you going to be foster parents?"
"Well I wanted to be applicable for being a foster parent but I don't think Deans into that." he told her and I looked over at her and she gave me a mom look.
"Mom don't look at me like that, I just don't more than I can handle." I told her and she put her hands up in defense.
"I don't have a look."
"Mary you know you have a look you give us when you mean serious business."
"Maybe I do, maybe I don't." she said laughing.
"You definitely do." Cas chimed in and she gasped at him.
"Castiel you're suppose to be on my side."
"I can't if it's not the winning side Mary." he laughed and so did she.
This was nice, having my family together like this. I wish Sam had been here then it would've been perfect, we'll get there one of these days maybe a birthday or holiday.
"Okay boys, it's 2021 what are your new years plans besides a child?"
"I don't know mom, being a better version of ourselves." I answered and Cas laughed.
"Easier said than done sweetheart." he told me and I shrugged my shoulders.
"I don't think we really have anything planned. Just living life to the fullest everyday." he answered way better than mine.
"Well it sounds like that could be a plan." my mom said and my phone buzzed in my pocket.
A text from Sam saying to tell mom hello, I looked at the time and it was almost 9pm already and I know Cas has an early morning at the hospital tomorrow.
"Mom I hate to cut this nice moment short but we must get going, it's late and Cas has to get up early tomorrow." I said getting off the couch and she looked at the clock on the wall and realized what time it was as well.
"Oh dear it is, you to have a good night and drive safely." she said getting off the couch and giving me a hug.
"You got it, Sammy also said hi. He would've been here but he had to get back to school." I told her and she gave me a confused look.
"He was here too for Lucifer, I'm shocked after the whole thing."
"I was too when he agreed especially on such short notice." I told her as she walked us towards the door.
She gave Cas a hug and my dad never left the couch just giving us a wave and of course Cas waved back and I just walked out the door and to the car.
"Well that was nicer than at my house." he said shutting the car door and I laughed.
"Hell yeah it was." I replied.

As soon as I opened the door to out house Cas walked in and took his shoes off at the door and disappeared into our room turning so many lights on to guide his way. I laughed to myself and took my shoes off as well. I put my keys in their respectable spot and walked to the bedroom turning off every light he turned on to get there. He had stripped down to his underwear and laid on the bet not even under the blankets.
"Are you suggesting something right now?" I asked leaning on the door frame.
He opened his eyes and looked at me with a smirk.
"I mean, if you think I am then sure." he responded and I chuckled at him.
I closed the door and made my way over to him taking off my shirt before climbing on the bed then him to straddle him.
"You seem tired, I think I'll let you sleep." I said and he grabbed my waist and frowned.
"Well then I guess I'm going to sleep." he said and I laughed getting off of him and taking my pants off.
I grabbed my clothes and his and put them in the hamper and when I turned around there he was knocked out and under the blankets this time. I grabbed his phone and set an alarm for 4am since he liked to wake up fairly early for work just to lay in bed doing nothing. I had tomorrow off so I didn't even worry about setting anything, I was gonna let the universe wake me up. Or potentially Cas when he leaves and wakes me up to say he's leaving. It's cute but not when I'm trying to sleep in till at least 8am. I turned the light off and climbed into bed next to my husband in the dark until I fell asleep. I was engulfed into darkness and silence up until the moment when I heard something ringing. Castiels alarm maybe? The sound didn't last long before it was turned off and I could feel myself falling back into a void of unconsciousness. I felt myself slipping back into the state I was just in went the bed shifted and I felt warmth on my chest. I was too far gone to just open my eyes so I stayed with my eyes closed feeling the hand creep lower and lower going under the hem of my boxers. I knew it was Castiel's doing and I still couldn't pull myself out of the void I was in. I felt his cold fingertips glide down my shaft which made me almost shiver at the sense. They quickly wrapped around it and a finger was placed at the tip ever so delicately gliding over it in a way he knew I liked. Just as fast as his hand was there I was gone and I felt the bed shift once again and this time weight at my legs as the blanket over me was pulled away and soon after part of my boxers. I felt warmth engulf me and his tongue work it's way across my shaft and head pulling me up out of the state I was in. I felt myself hit the back of his throat as his head moved and the bed shifted ever so slightly here and there, and soon I was able to open my eyes. I looked down at a beautiful man looking back up at me with his lips wrapped around me and I gave him a soft smile. He popped his head up and smiled a toothy grin to me.
"Good morning."
"Good morning my lover." I responded and he hummed in reply.
I grabbed his arm to pull him into me for a kiss and he didn't object he moved the rest of his body up to follow his lips which ended in him straddling me as I did him last night. The only difference was he began to rock his hips back and forth cause friction between us and I pulled away from him.
"So this is how you want to spend your morning relaxation time." I said and he nodded.
"A chance to ease my stress and get a good fuck in by my husband before work? How could I possibly pass that up?" He said and I laughed at him.
I took that opportunity of us laughing together to flip us around so I was on top of him and he quickly stopped laughing.
"Considering we both need to shower this lovely morning why don't we move this to the shower?" I suggested and he nodded eagerly.
I got off him to let him up and he walked into our bathroom first and I could hear the water from the shower begin to run. I walked in the bathroom him already in the shower and I grabbed two towels setting them on the counter before opening the shower door.
"You look good covered in water." I told him and he turned around to face me.
"As will you." he said turning us around so the water was running down my back.
He looked at me and gave me a smirk before kissing my chest then working his way down my torso. He got down on his knees and kissed my hip bones before I felt his tongue back on my shaft. I looked down at him as he wrapped his lips around me and began to bob his head, I ran my fingers through his hair and tried with every fiber in my body not to push his head down. Instead I used my fingers to pull his hair making his head go back, and I put my other hand around his throat and brought him back to eye level. I used this opportunity to push him against the wall of the shower and pull him into a kiss. He put his fingers in my hair and gave it a tug and I used my free hand to wrap around his cock and get him hard. He pulled my hair pretty hard which caused me to tilt my head back and his lips connected to my neck. He left little kisses but as soon as he got below my collarbone that changed into what I know would be marks. That was our rule since we both had high maintenance jobs, can't leave anything for others to see.
"My times running out." he whispered in my ear before biting it and I let out a low growl.
The thing this man does to me should be illegal. I grabbed him by the waist turning him around and pressed him again the glass right next to the door. I looked behind me and grabbed the lube we leave in here for times like this, we've dialed back the crazy sex adventures and habits but some we can't get over. I opened it and put a generous amount on myself. before putting it back on the shelf. I turned back to him one hand on his shoulder and the other on my cock to line it up.
"Fuck, you're so tight for me." I practically growled into his ear which made him arch his back and lean his head into me.
I loved when he just fell into whatever I do to him, aka when he became submissive for me. But he also had moments where he wanted to be in control and I gave myself to him whenever he wanted that. But right now was not one of those moments, Cas had levels to his submissiveness. Sometimes he would put up a fight but other times he was putty in my hands. Or he was somewhere in between like he is now, letting me have my way but still doing his thing to get what he wants. He loved when I had him pressed against the glass, sometimes I'd press his face into it and tell him if he made a sound I'd stop and see what he'd do. Other times I was gentle, he'd have his hands on the glass instead of his body and I'd just fuck him like that. But right now I had his body pressed onto the glass, not harshly or anything and had a hand on his shoulder along with his hip. However I was sick of his position so I used the hand on his shoulder to wrap around his neck and pull him into me. I moved the hand that was on his hip to his shaft and began pumping him.
"Remember you only have limited time, how long do you think we've been in here Cas cause I'd say over thirty minutes." I said to him and picked up my pace.
He let out a loud moan and I kissed his neck down to his shoulder and back up biting his other ear before moving over to the other side and doing the same thing. Cas brought his arms ups and around the back of my head pulling me in even closer than I already was of that was even possible.
"Dean I-" he started but was cut off by his own moan.
But I knew exactly what that meant, so I quicken my pace and my hand as well. Cas practically suck into my movements and I had to remove my hand from around his throat to hold him up. He was coming undone and to my mercy and I loved him like this.
"Cum for me baby." I said and he did letting out the loudest moan for the time we've been in here.
I had hold him up and support him with both of my hands. But he took my hands off of him and went to the floor I was about to kneel down to see if he was okay but he grabbed my legs and put his mouth back around my cock.
"Cas you gotta get ready."
"And you need to cum." he responded wrapping his pretty fingers around my cock.
This time I wasn't gonna hold back what I wanted. I looked down at him and he was looking up at me licking the top before going down and moving his hand out of the way. I placed my fingers in his hair working my way to the back of his head pushing it down a little. He winked at me telling me I could do whatever it was I was trying to do so I did it again but rougher this time feeling myself hit the back of his throat and I let out a moan tilting my head back. He caught on and kept doing that himself to get me off me thrusting into his mouth a few times until I gripped his hair with both hands and came down his throat letting out a moan and his name. He stood up and licked his lips pushing us back under the water.
"What we were meant to do." he said grabbed the shower gel and lathering his body.
He handed it to me and I mimicked him washing my body. I let him under the water to rinse off and get out and then I got under the water to rinse off as well. I turned the water off and grabbed my towel heading back into the bedroom. Cas was pretty much dressed. He had his scrubs on, today they were a turquoise color and he had old these ugly white shoes I like to make fun of him for. I opened my underwear draw and got a pair out and slid them on.
"Have fun saving lives today." I told him and he smiled grabbing his name tag and wallet off the night stand.
"Have fun having the day off." he replied walking over to me and I grabbed his hand spinning his around and walking with him towards the door.
We hit the kitchen and I turned the light on before I turned him back to me and pulled him in for a kiss.
"Don't forget to get you a coffee, do you want me to make your lunch?" I asked and he shook his head.
"I'll pick something up later in the day if I even get the chance." he told and I went into the cabinets grabbing two granola bars.
I placed them on the counter and handed him an apple out of the basket.
"So you eat something, can't have the man saving people pass out." I told him a d he laughed.
"Don't worry I'll be fine. Don't get into too much trouble while I'm gonna okay Dean." he said and I nodded with a big smile as he grabbed the food off the counter and headed to the door.
He grabbed his keys off the hook and turned around to give me one last kiss.
"Drive safely, I love you." I murmured into the kiss and he pulled away with a smile.
"I will, text you when I get there." he said walking out the door and to his car.
I stood in the doorway as he started it up, buckled up and back up out of the driveway. He drove off down our street and I closed and locked the door. Now what do I do with my entire day, for starters go back to bed.
I turned off the kitchen light and walking back down the hallway into my bedroom turning the lamp Cas turned on off. I moved my blanket out of the way before getting back into bed and letting sleep take over me.

trying to write smut!!! hard asf like jesus christ! it's been a minute since i last did that so let's hope it wasn't complete trash. i'll get back into the swing of it i promise! don't forget to follow me on twitter @/ loconnection

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