Let The Show Fucking Begin

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"Okay mom stop pacing it's giving my anxiety." Gabe said and I motioned my eyes to her.
She indeed was pacing around the lobby of the prison waiting.
"I'm anxious Gabriel, we haven't seen this boy in years." she replied with a bit of hostility and Gabe put his hand up in defense.
"Everyone just breathe, that means you too mom." Michael said and she stopped.
You could hear each one of us take a deep breathe in and as soon as we let it out the main door opened. Out first was a guard with a bag and behind him was Lucifer, still in cuffs and he just had a blank expression on his face. See the entire time he was here we weren't allowed to visit, even if we were the only person who would've was my mom. He had no visitation and spent half of his sentence in confinement. They reached us and the guard uncuffed him before handing my mom a bag with some of his other belongings. He was dressed in normal clothes my mom had sent for him to wear upon his release and here he was standing before us. My heart began to race a little as he stepped closer and closer going straight to mom for a hug.
"Hi my baby." she said and he let out a sob as he cried into her shoulder.
I learned closer over to Dean who didn't move and I could feel my eyes getting teary, Lucifer let go of my mom who was a sobbing mess and made his way to Michael for a hug. All you could hear was them patting each other's backs and light sniffles from Lucifer. Mike didn't say a word to him and next was Gabe who clearly looked terrified. The stood right in front of each other in silence just looking at each other. Then Lucifers gaze went to Dean and I but he didn't walk over nor hug Gabriel he just simply backed away and back to my mom. I grabbed Gabes arm gently and he turned to me for a hug and J could hear light sobs coming from him. I just hugged him tighter and let the tears I'd been holding flow down my face. Michael and Dean were the only two not crying in this moment. Dad didn't bother to show up, after what went down he started working less to be there for us more to get through the initial period of what the fuck before going back to working more. But he was here, probably at home watching tv or asleep. He was angriest with Lucifer out of all of us for reasons I don't know. I never bothered to ask I just wanted to move on and forget and for the most part that's exactly what we did. Gabriel let me go and I looked at him and gave him a soft smile.
"You're okay, we're okay, he won't hurt you okay." I said to reassure him and he nodded wiping his face.
I fully understand why he was so distraught over the thing, he watched a bat get swung at his boyfriends head that could've killed him. Like how it was suppose to kill me, I'd be in full panic mode right now if I were him too. I can only imagine how Dean is feeling right now all things considered. I looked over at him and he just looked angry, like the angriest I've ever seen him and I gave him a hug. The tightest hug I was capable of and his arms wrapped around me just as tight. Could I breathe? Not a chance but it was worth it, he was upset and hurting. Looking a man who almost killed your brother in the eyes definitely will do something to a man.
"How about we go home Lucifer? Let you settle in, I can cook dinner." mom said and he gave her a soft smile.
"Sounds good."

Once we all got back to my moms house and we all walked through that door it didn't feel real, Dean had texted Sam to come over for the event since he was apart of it and to my surprise he agreed and was there when we arrived. I gave him a hug and he gave me a smile, an actual smile not a sad smile like everyone else was giving each other today. My dad was upstairs presumably in his room not wanting to see Lucifer just yet.
My mom, Luce and Michael were all in the kitchen preparing dinner while the rest of us were in the living room.
"Well this is awkward." Sam said and let out a little laugh.
"You're not like traumatized?" Gabe asked.
"No I am, humor is my only defense mechanism here." he replied and I laughed at that.
"Well at least you can lighten the mood, you could cut the tension in here with a very dull butter knife." I added and that made everyone let out a laugh.
"Once your dad comes down, this is all gonna go south." Dean said and Gabe nodded his head.
"Hell yeah it is, and I'm ready for it." he said.
"Just don't let me sit across from the man who tried to take off my head okay." Sam said with a shaky voice and Deans head immediately snapped over to look at him.
"Sammy, you're okay. I'm not gonna let that dickhead hurt or try to hurt you ever again. If he even dares to hurt anyone in this room I'm gonna have to go to prison for first degree murder." Dean said and I just stared at him after that.
"Dean, don't kill my brother."
"If it comes down to it I will. In a heartbeat everyone in here is my family with the exception of him." he crossed his arms and leaned back on the couch he was on.
"That's a lot, I'll testify it being self defense." Gabriel laughed and my eyes just widened and I put my face in my hand to hide my smile.
"You guys are fucking insane." Sam said smiling.
"You say as we have a literal nutcase in the room over." Dean laughed.
"What if he can hear us?" Sam added and Gabe shook his head in protest.
"Mans always been slightly deaf, unless prison heightened his hearing I doubt it." he said and I agreed.
Time went on and we kept talking and laughing even hearing laughter from the kitchen until the moment mother dearest said dinner was ready. Let the fucking show begin I guess, we all gather around the table and I sat in between Gabriel and Dean and on the other side sat Sam across from Gabe, Michael across from me and Luce across from Dean. Mom and dad sat at the ends my mom being to my right by Dean and dad to my left by Sam. Spaghetti, salad, different types of breads and a pie were sat on the table for us. Everyone was silent besides an occasional can you pass me that being said and we just ate.
"Honey how has your day been?" my mom asked my dad and he looked up at her from his food.
"Dreadful." he responded and Lucifer lowered his head.
My mom out her hand on top of his for comfort and he looked back up at her. I simply rolled my eyes at the two of them.
"So we're really just gonna sit here like this is a normal in-law invited family dinner." Gabriel spoke up and we all looked at him.
""Gabriel don't start." mom said and he laughed.
"We were all thinking it, it's the elephant in the room is it not? The boy who tried to nark his own brother is back from prison and you're acting like he's your little baby." he said and I let out a chuckle.
"Castiel this is no laughing matter." Michael said and he never speaks.
"I know but he's right. So Lucifer you've been exceptionally silent. Didn't even give your two little brothers a hug, or the man you tried to oh you know take from me." I said with tone in my voice.
"I don't have time for this." my dad said trying to get up and Gabe grabbed his arm.
"No father, if we all have to endure this so do you." he said and my dad stayed seated.
"I just wanna know what was going through your head. Some sources say it was a psychotic break." I continued.
"I just want to know why my son, who I raised better than this would do something reckless, so stupid, so dangerous. Lucifer I thought your were better than that and now look at you, a former prisoner." my dad finally spoke, well more like yelled.
"Don't yell at him."
"Don't baby him, he's not a child he's a criminal Julia!" he yelled again and Lucifer sighed.
"Guys, I get it and I owe everyone at this table an apology. I did have a bit of an episode that day and did things I never thought I'd ever be capable of doing and for that I am deeply sorry. Not a day went by where I could see the look of horror that went across everyone's faces when I swung that bat. Sam I am incredibly sorry for that I'd never hurt you. Castiel I am sorry for even having the thought of killing you in my head in the first place I don't know what took over me, what started as petty teenage drama spiraled into something that should've never been. Lastly Dean, I don't even know where to begin I-"
"I don't care. I don't want to hear your apology cause I don't accept it. You put so many people here through so much pain and trauma a simple 'sorry guys' isn't gonna fix it. What happened happened and I wish you'd stayed locked up now that you're sitting in front of me." Dean cut him off and my eyes began to tear up along with his.
"Wow speak your truth." Luce said.
"Speak my truth? Fuck you Lucifer, you knocked me out, sexually assaulted me and then almost killed my brother. Do you really think a simple sorry is enough for that?" He yelled standing up with a few tears coming down his face.
"Dean." I said grabbing his arm.
"For months I had to hide the fact I would have nightmares about that from everyone so they wouldn't worry. I had to handle that on my own, seeing the look on my brothers face when he saw me in that room and not being able to tell him not to come in because you were there and seeing him almost murdered and not being able to do a god damn thing does something to a person Lucifer. There's a special place in hell for you. You need all the psychological help you can get because you're messed up man." Dean finished and walked away from the table.
I didn't dare move from my seat in order to give him space and time to breathe.
"I don't accept your apology either." Sam said.
"Only people who don't try to murder their siblings and almost kill someone else's sibling get to call me that. Only the mentally stable get to call me that. You're literally crazy man."
"Sam don't." my mom spoke, she's been trying to get words in since the beginning on Deans speech but he wouldn't let her.
Sam just got up from the table and left without another word.
"I've already voiced my opinions." Gabe said.
"Safe to say no one here is gonna accept your apology. I didn't even want you back." Michael added and I was shocked.
"Michael?" Lucifer said.
"It's true, the only person who wanted you back in their presence is mom because she wants to help you get better. We all only agreed to do this for her. We wanted to try for her cause she's important to us. If seeing you better and being a better person overall is what's gonna her happy we're here to back her up one hundred percent of the way." he continued and my mom had given up trying to talk.
My dad just had his head in his hands the entire time watching all of this unfold.
"Son, you know we love you, but this is a lot for all of us. There's a lot of mixed emotions primarily negative ones but I know deep down we all want to see you be better" my mom said and my dad sat up.
"Which is why you'll be here for two weeks before going somewhere where they can give you the help we can't." dad spoke.
"And that will be the day we can all breathe and get back to normal." I said, "I'm gonna go make sure the boys are okay." I finished and my mom nodded.

I left that table and as soon as my feet hit the wood in the living room I could breathe regularly again and it felt like a weight lifter off my shoulders. I opened the front door and there they were at the end of the driveway leaning on Deans old car he gave to Sam. I walked over to them and wrapped my arms around both of them.
"That was better than it could've been." Sam said hugging me back and Dean laughed before placing a kiss on my forehead.
"That was a lot." I said and crossed my arms leaning against Dean car now.
"Why did you never tell me you had nightmares?"
"Didn't want to bother anyone, plus I figured we were all going through some shit we probably need therapy for." he said.
"Talk about childhood trauma." Sam laughed and as did I.
"Tell me about it, we got a story to tell for years." I said.
"So what how?" Dean asked and I shrugged my shoulders.
"They said something about putting Luce in a psych-ward which is fitting." I said and they nodded.
"Also Michael pretty much said we don't like Luce to his face so bluntly I was amazed."
"Not me, he might be quiet but he's not dumb." Sam said.
"Thats incredibly true." I laughed.

We just stood out there talking till the sun began to fade away which made it chilly out and we went back in. Dean continued into the kitchen and on the couch were Michael and Gabriel.
"Where is everyone?"
"Upstairs still talking to Luce. He's going to a nut house and they're giving him a set of rules to follow while he's still here." Gabe said.
"Don't call it a nut house that's rude, they're not crazy they're just mentally ill." Michael and and Gabe rolled his eyes.
"Sorry bout it." he said shrugging his shoulders and Michael pushed him.
I heard footsteps making their way down the stairs and it was my mom.
"Hey mom."
"Tonight was horrible, but I wasn't expecting the best." she said and I just put my head down.
"At least you had all your kids together under one roof." Dean said from the doorway of the kitchen with a big slice of pie on a plate.
"That's true, I am thankful for that." she said and went to sit on the couch.
"You definitely need some rest mom." Michael said and I agreed.
"I know, and I will." she said.
"I'll stay here for the night." Michael said and she nodded.
"Speaking of which, I need to get back to home. I have homework I still need to finish and it's already getting late." Gabriel said.
"As do I." Sam said.
Now back in the day this would be a little suspicious but now it makes sense, they both focused on their studies on different campuses but for the same school which I thought was weird.
"Okay boys, drive safely." mom said and gave both of them hugs from the couch.
I hugged my little brother good bye and as did Dean giving Sams hair a ruffle.
"I think I'm gonna pay my mom a visit since I'm already right here." Dean said and I looked at him with a smile, awe Mary.
"Well you two drive safe as well." my mom said and we walked over to her to give her hugs.
"My favorite son and son in law." she said and I gave her a funny look.
"You're only son in law." Dean said and she laughed.
"Thats my point, now shoo." my mom finished and we walked to the door.
"Bye mom, bye Michael." I said and Dean waved as we walked back out of the door and to the car.
Today, was actually exhausting and I hope to never do this again.

almost 3000 words, wow. expect more long chapter like this. there's a lot going on this bad boy and i'm just barely beginning my true plot. also it's march which marks covids bday (disgusting bitch)

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