Christmas Special

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This has nothing to do with the actual storyline, I just thought it'd be a cute December update.

Christmas lights were up around the inside and outside of their house this season. The first time they've ever done both. Fairly lights lit up the long halls of their house leading into certain rooms of the family but all together in a bow on the living room ceiling. There was something going on in different rooms from the sound of flying to the smell of something sweet. The house was never a bore especially in the holidays.
"Daddy?" A child asked and Castiel turned around from the oven.
"Yes my dear." He replied leaning down.
"Can I have a cookie now?"
"Not yet, they need to cool down." He replied and picked the child up before walking down the hallway.
He walked until he reached a room filled with giggling and chuckles. Then there was Dean.
"There's my too love bugs!" Dean said and Cas put their child down.
"Hi dad, the cookies are done!" They said.
"The cookies! I want one!" The other said and Dean just laughed.
"Wait till after dinner otherwise you'll spoil it."
"What are you two doing in here?" Cas asked and his child was eager to answer
"We were playing pretend! Im a superhero and dad was one and we were saving the town. And and they were the bad guy." The child almost yelled pointing at their sibling at the end.
"That sounds like a lot of fun baby! Why wasn't I invited?" Cas asked sitting down with them.
"Because you were making cookies daddy, and dad said we shouldn't bother you."
"Why thank you. Dinner is ready if you're ready to eat."
"Christmas dinner!" One of them said running to the kitchen as Cas and Dean got up and the other followed their sibling.
"It's Christmas Eve dinner you two!" Dean yelled out and chuckled grabbing Castiel hand.
"We have some wild kids."  Cas pointed out.
"You did it."
"You love them." Cas smiled and Dean smiled back as they arrived in the kitchen.

The two children were already sat at the table awaiting their parents and food. The table was fairly big with a different sized candles in the center. The parents fixed the kids their plates with their favorites of what was made. Mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, chicken and a cookie for dessert before setting it down in front of them. After they fixed their plates everyone sat down.
"Does anyone want to say anything they did or how they felt today"
"I-I well I played with dad and drink hot chocolate today! And I feel happy and had fun." One child said.
"And I watched daddy make food and I drink hot chocolate too. And and I was a bad guy, I wasn't very good at it I'm nice." The other child said with a giggle.
"Well I had a fantastic day today with my favorite people in the whole world doing things and making Christmas memories." Dean said with a big smile.
"I had an amazing day too, spending time with my little babies and my husband." Castiel said and the two kids clapped.
"Now let's dig in!"


It was the next morning, Christmas morning for that matter. The kids were wide awake and jumping on their parents bed trying to wake them up. Low and behold Dean opened his eyes to his two beautiful babies and grabbed one leg of theirs making them fall on the bed laughing. Which caused Castiel to then wake up as well to the sound and sight of his little ones laughing on Christmas morning.
"Good morning!" He said before stretching.
"It's present time daddy." One of them said.
"Ah yes your presents from Santa are under the tree." Dean said sitting up.
One child grabbed Deans hand while the other grabbed Castiels and with that they dragged their parents into the living room that was home to their very tall tree. The lights were on filling the dimly lit room with the color of gold. The gold reflected onto the maroon decor all over the tree making ornaments look as if they were glowing but nothing could glow as bright as the gold star on top of the tree. Dean and Cas took a seat near the tree while the kids sat a bit further away awaiting their gifts patiently.

One by one they were handed gifts and opened them in excitement almost screaming in awe at each gift no matter how small or how big. All their screaming caused both boys mothers to wake up and come into the living room to see what the kids had gotten.
"Grandma Mary look at the shirt!" One said holding up a polo they'd gotten.
"It's looks very nice."
"Grandma Jule look look." The other one said holding up a book.
"Look, you can start practicing big words now too." She said smiling.
"Good morning mom." The boys said in unison then looked at each other and their mothers waved and smiled.
Dean and Cas continued handing out gifts and even eventually opening theirs until there were only a few for other people under the tree still left. By that time their mothers were finishing up breakfast for everyone and they helped bring everything to the table to eat.
"It sucks we missed dinner last night guys" Julia said.
"It's okay, you're here now and in good health and that's all that matters to me." Dean replied back to her before picking up his fork.
"Are you two excited to play with your new toys?" Mary asked and they both nodded with a mouth full of food.
"I'm glad they learned some table manners." Cas laughed and so did everyone else before digging into their meals.

It was around 2pm when the doorbell rang and Dean went to answer it revealing a dressed up red head at his front door in which he gladly let her in. Small talk was carried out through her and the adults while the kids were eager to show their Aunt Charlie what they'd gotten from Santa. So when the got the chance they went ham talking a mile and minute and over the other. Laugher, talking, the sound of Christmas music playing lightly in the background and the smell of a gingerbread dented candle filled the house bringing nothing but happiness to everyone inside for the rest of the evening. Leftovers from their dinner had been reheated and served for everyone to enjoy either again or simply for the first time. Everything was pretty much perfect on this Christmas Day. Surrounded by family, by the people they all love the most. It couldn't get any better than this.

Alright I know it's after Christmas i went back to make it more detailed so you could maybe feel like you were watching them in like a movie or something, plus I celebrate Xmas and kwanza. I also didn't wanna give away too much about the kids like age or gender so I'm sorry if that got confusing. Just know that they are not twins, spoiler alert. Anyways I hope everyone had a nice holiday season let's move on to 2021 now plz and thank you. See you guys in like another month or two! Jk I have the next like 3 chapters written :) k bye and happy NYE & 2021

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