Trophy Wife?

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It had been a month since Castiel put the crib together and three weeks since we signed up to be foster parents and to see if we're eligible to adopt. It's been rough, and tricky but none the less fun. I'm not sure how Cas expects us to be able to do this considering we both have full time jobs. You know, big kid adulting shit that nobody likes but can't escape. He already started a budget tracker for us so we can start saving money towards the baby and baby like things. He's a mad man honestly, but he's my mad man so I guess it's okay.
I was walking in the house from work to smell food. Listen, it's weird okay. Cas always is home before me but never is he cooking, that's usually my thing is to cook so I'm very much confused. I walked into the kitchen where I heard him mixing something and heard the sound of sizzling.
"Whatcha doing?" I said turning the corner into the kitchen and he turned around to look at me with a big ole smile.
"Why hello, welcome home. I'm making steak, potatoes and green beans for dinner."
"I practicing to be a, what are they called..." he looked at me confused.
"How am I suppose to know?" I shrugged my shoulders.
"Oh, a trophy wife!" He said and I just stared at him, mouth open in amazement.
"Did you just say a fucking trophy wife."
"Yes! Better to start now instead of when the baby gets here. One of us is gonna have to, and you not only have the better paying job but you also are not good with babies so that'll be my job."
"Or we can just get a nanny. Maybe Charlie for instance. She's good with babies!" I said giving him puppy dog eyes.
"That takes away my dreams of being a trophy wife." He laughed looking back at the food.
"It can wait." I said before kissing his cheek.
He turned back towards the stove to take the steaks off the pan.
"Why are you so against this?" I asked without turning back around.
"I'm not against anything Cas I just-maybe we should get married first." I said not even thinking about what had even come out of my mouth.
MARRIAGE something we've briefly discussed once and left the topic alone like 4 years ago. Yet here it is creeping it's way back into existence. Here in our state they just legalized marriage so it's recently became an option but neither of us have really thought about it nor talking about it. Until this very moment when I let the word slip out of my mouth. Now it's not that I'm scared to marry Castiel, no, in fact in my head we're already married and have been since high school. I always tell him, 'we don't need no piece of paper from city hall.' And we keep moving but this might be it. This might be the time he's like fuck it we're getting married.
But how would we do it? Would there be a ceremony? The whole shabam? Or just us in city hall with some family signing some papers. Before I could get anymore into it a plate was sat in front of me.
"You zoned out Dean." He said fixing his plate to match mine.
"Sorry, I got lost in my own thoughts." I chuckled and he took a seat next to me.

We sat in silence eating at our island bar for what felt like eternity but I knew was only a few minutes before he spoke up.
"Do you want to get married? Since you didn't hear my spiel earlier about it I won't repeat myself." He said putting his fork down to look at me.
I kept my head down, if I said yes then he'd go on a tangent about how we should or what not. And if I sat here and lied and said no then he'd go on an even longer tangent about how I don't love him anymore and I don't want either of those, but we'll go with our safer option here.
"Yeah I want to get married Cas. It wouldn't have crossed my mind if I didn't it's just-"
"Scary." I repeated grabbing his hand and facing him.
"Sometimes you have to do things you're scared of Dean. And this, us, being and starting a family. It'll be scary, but I know deep down in my heart we can do this. You can do this."
"I know. Let's just give it time okay." I faced my food again.
"Okay." Was all he said and we went back to eating.

After dinner I cleaned up the kitchen and heard Cas rummaging around a room. I went to go check it out and there he was, in the baby room. Running my fingers over the crib that he soon hoped would have a sleeping child in it. Looking around the room and the walls he'd painted a pastel blue, he likes blue. He bend over at the end of the crib and crossed his arm resting his chin on top of them. He looked at the rocking chair he'd put in there, it had an almost pastel yellow cushion in it and next to it was a bookshelf with all kinds of children's books in it. I stepped into the room and leaned on the door frame making it creak a little and Cas looking at me and wiping what I can only guess to be a tear away.
"Hey." was what I was greeted with as he laid his head in his arms looking at me now.
"You really want this baby huh?" I tilted my head to my question.
"Yeah. I want a lot right now per usual but what can I say."
"Well I think you could start with an I love you Dean." I smiled and walked towards him.
"I love you Dean." He said standing up straight and I wrapped my arms around him.
"I know baby, I know." He hugged me back so tight I thought I'd stop breathing but of course that never happened.
I could hear his breathing start to become shaky and his back was moving as if he were trying to catch his breathing from crying. But not once was there a sniffle or a whimper or even a sign that was was truly crying and it still broke my heart.
"I know you want a lot of things, things that will push us forward and even though I'm scared. I'll admit as long as I'm with you, I'm fearless. As long as I have you Castiel." I said pulling him off me and wiping his tears away. His eyes looked beautiful when he cried, the prettiest shade of blue. They looked this way when he was happy too and I prefer that a lot more. I put his face in my hands and smiled, I could feel the tearing in my eyes. I could pretty much see them too.
"As long as I have you, the literal love of my life everything will always be okay. We'll always be okay, our upcoming marriage will always be okay and our kids will always be okay. I love you, and that'll never change." I just poured my heart out to this man and I never ever ever do that. And he smiled and kissed me.
Not like any other kiss we share, more like a kiss from when we first said our 'I love you's' to each other. It was in this exact moment I knew I loved this man more than anything else in the whole world and I was fine with that. I was more than fine with that.

We had a lot of words this chapter, ya welcome. I tried to make this as MUSHY as I could and I'd say I did a great job.
Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter. How is everyone's quarantine going? It's currently 7am and I haven't been asleep yet so yay me! I also went online shopping so booo me, but that's okay! Anyways, stay safe out there and remember if you have any chapter ideas let me know!
Also, if anyone's a larry stylinson shipper out there....did you catch my reference towards them :)

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