This was overall the best day ever

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beep beep beep beep...
I opened my eyes and quite literally hit the alarm that rested on my nightstand. Dean moved a little but was none the less still asleep in my arms.
"Dean, today you actually have to get up for work." I told him.
Days like this were funny to me, he'd have a day off and I work then the next I'd have my day off and he'd work. And that was the case for today, sort of, I didn't have to go in till later as I had a few patients that wanted my care.
"I don't wanna get up."
"Too bad sweetie, get up and go." I replied and he sat his head up and looked at me.
I gave him a kiss on his nose and he smiled at me before getting up and stretching. I watched the way the muscles in his back moved as he did, the way he moved side to side to pop his back before he stood up and walked to the bathroom. I stayed laid in the bed still exhausted from the night before. Today I planned on doing nothing, maybe some self care. Watch a movie, eat popcorn, maybe even a face mask. Make some pie for when Dean gets home to eat after dinner. Speaking of him he walked out of the bathroom and to the closet for his uniform. We're both men in uniforms if you really thought about it, although him dressed as a firefighter has way more sex appeal than me in scrubs any day. I watched as he slid his shirt on and pulled his pants up giving me a smile and a wink before putting his belt on then sitting down to put his boots on. I could hear the zipper and the laces as he tied his shoes. He threw his body back and looked up at me laying down on the bed.
"You need to go."
"Oh, you're saying I can't admire my gorgeous ass husband?"
"You can, but not when you have to get to work sir." I replied and he frown sitting up.
He stood up and rolled his eyes at me.
"Fine, I'll leave you." he said and slapped his ass.
I watched as he walked out of our room and how the kitchen light turned on. I could hear him open the fridge to probably get his water and lunch out for the day. Then it closed and shuffling filled my ears. The sound of his boots hitting the hard wood floors in that exact room made me sad and gave me anxiety. Knowing what he does on the daily basis scares me a lot, but I know he's gonna come home of its the last thing he does. I heard a bag zip which took me out of my sad thoughts and then his footsteps coming closer. He popped back in the room with a smile.
"I'm leaving now." he said and I couldn't help myself but to get up out of bed.
I walked over to him and gave him a big hug, inhaling his sent and then a kiss on the cheek.
"Be careful okay." I told him looking him in the eyes as they dilated.
"I will do everything in my power, and you know I will. I'm coming home later at about six okay." he told me and I nodded my head.
"I love you so much." I said.
"I love you more." he smiled and kissed me on the lips.
These kisses were so filled with love and passion there was nothing like these kisses. I loved them the most out of all of them. He pulled away and gave me another kiss on the forehead.

He turned around and walked back out the room me right behind him. He grabbed his lunch and his work bag that he slung over his shoulder. I followed him to the door and he opened it grabbing his keys off the key rack we have. I watched and waved at him as he walked to his car and got in. Soon he was out the driveway and down the street where my waving could no longer be seen. I let a sigh and went back into my house closing and locking the door behind me. What should I do today? What could I do today? Maybe grocery shopping, see my mom, see Char. My options were limited to say the least. It was still early so I decided to get back in bed and get a few more minutes or maybe if I'm lucky hours of sleep. I pulled the covers up to my shoulders and relaxed my whole body before...

I opened my eyes and immediately shut them cause of how bright it was in the room. Earlier the sun was just starting to rise, but now it's up in the air. I checked my phone to see what time it was and it read eleven seventeen. Not too bad if i do say so myself. I didn't have any missed calls or texts which didn't to much surprise me. I put my phone back down and got a good stretch in before getting up to make the bed and change. I opted with a white loose sweater and jeans to stay casual and comfy that's for sure. I think I know what i'm going to do today. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a lunch baggie then began to make me a turkey sandwich. In another bag I threw in some Doritos (nacho cheese of course). I grabbed a juice out of the fridge as well as my water bottle. I grabbed a granola bar, put some strawberries and blueberries in a container and placed it all in my lunch bag. I put it over my shoulder and walked to the door grabbing my keys and slipping on some shoes. I locked the door back behind me and got in my car. Today was gonna be nice, give me space to think about everything for a little bit by myself. Nobody telling me how I should or shouldn't feel, no one else's emotions making me question mine. Just me, alone, to think.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2021 ⏰

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