Baby Shopping?

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Have you ever loved someone so much that nothing else mattered? Well that's how I felt in this moment. Waking up next to the love of my life, something I'll never get use to. Even though I've done it for years it never gets old. I laid next to him watching his eyes move ever so slightly as if he were looking at something in his dream. I lifted my hand out from under the blanket and caressed his cheek with my finger. His face scrunched and his eyes slowly opened looking at me. He gave me a sleepy smile and I let out a slight chuckle. I continued to trace my finger across his cheek and jawline ever so slightly until he brought his hand from under the blanket to interlock his fingers with mine. He placed our hand down in between us and we just simply looked at each other. I admired his face features which I knew like the back of my hand. But with age I swear this man just gets sexier and sexier it's unreal. I give him a faint smile and he gives me one right back before rolling over taking me and my arm with him. I sat up in the bed and rested my chin on his arm.
"Let go of me you weirdo!"
"I won't." His morning voice never, I repeat NEVER gets old.
"Dean." I whined and he let it go.
I say up straight in the bed and he laid on his back and looked at me.
"What's the plans for today my love?" He asked me and I shrugged.
"You tell me, we could stay in and be lazy all day! Or go shopping for no reason, unless it's for groceries then that's a reason! We could go see a movie, or hang out with our friends. Or maybe even go look at baby things." I said with a smile at the end and he rolled his eyes.
"All of those, sound awful!" He laughed before rubbing his face.
"Dean, they don't you're just lazy."
"You'd be correct!" He continued laughing as he leaned over to put his head on my lap.
I ran my fingers through his hair and I could heel his upper body relax a bit.
"I think, we should bring a friend to look at baby things with us. And by friend I mean Charlie cause all your other friends, well I don't like them Cas."
"Dean! That's so mean!" I slapped his head and he sat up.
"Okay, but baby stuff Castiel. Get ready." And with that he got out of our bed and stretched.

I couldn't help but to admire every muscle in his back, I mean how heavenly. He walked over to the closet and turned the light on walking into it. I reluctantly got out of the comfort of the bed and began to make it. It's a great start to the day in all honesty, just a little achievement you've done especially if you plan on being lazy. Once I'd finished I walked to the closet as well only to find Dean pulling up a fresh pair of boxers. I walked up behind him and kissed his shoulder then up to his neck as I wrapped my arms around his torso pulling him closer to me. I kissed his jaw then his cheek and let him go and he looked back and smiled at me. Now Dean and I's closet is quite massive if I do say so myself. All of his things were on one side and mine were on the other. I took at step or two over to my side and began to look for an outfit. I had a feeling Dean would go for some jeans and a solid color t-shirt. So I went for jeans and a white t-shirt. Gotta match the hubby am I right! Once I'd changed I tucked my shirt in and put a belt on before pulling out the shirt a little so it looked a bit loose. And just as I'd predicted, Dean was wearing jeans and a solid color shirt, navy blue to be specific.

And with our outfits chosen we walked out the room. Dean grabbed his car keys off the hook and and we were in his car. Now I WASNT all for having fancy cars, for crying out loud I drive a Nissan. Dean however, he drives one of those stereotypical black Range Rovers, ya know the SUV type and he's obsessed with it. Sometimes I think he loves it more than me! He unlocked it and I damn near have to hop in it & he started this bad boy up and we were off. He called Charlie as we drove to her house, she was towards the little strip mall we were going to.
"Hello?" She said.
"Hey Char, um...Cas and I are on our way to you he wants to go baby shopping."
"Baby shopping? Sounds like you're buying a baby Dean!" I said to him and he laughed.
"Well thanks for the heads up, that would've been embarrassing if you'd came here and I was still in my pj's! I'll be ready by the time you get here." She said laughing.
"Okay, we're about 20 out."
"Alright then, see ya in 20." She said and hung up.
"Baby shopping." I said and shook my head.
"What else am I suppose to say!" He laughed and I just shook my head.
The car was quiet, apart from the slight music playing. It was so inaudible I didn't even know what song it was. I was just watching us drive by familiar scenery till we got to Charlie's place. Dean said he'd call her to come out and I said no. So I got out the car and went up to the door. I pushed the button to ring her doorbell, she has that obnoxious doorbell too. The loud and long one, like who finds that appealing in any way, shape, or form. But alas she opened the door with a giant smile on her face. She'd recently cut her red locks short and it framed her face so well!
"Hey!" I smiled and she hugged me.
"Hi Cas, long time no see!" She said stepping out and locked her door.
"I know, been so caught up with work and adoption stuff we kinda forgot we had friends." I said as we walked to the car and she laughed.
I opened her door for her and she thanked me before stepping in and I got back in the front seat.
"Next stop, baby shopping." Dean said once again.
"Stop saying baby shopping!" Charlie laughed.
"Please." I rolled my eyes and just like that we're we're backing out of her driveway.

Here's to baby shopping.

LONG TIME NO FUCKING SEE BRO! How have y'all been?? Are you doing okay? Are you COVID free? Are you all safe from the hurricane? How y'all feelin bout the BLM movement? What about TikTok??!!?!? I'm asking so many questions! But it's been so long! Almost 6 freaking months and that's my bad! My job 🤢 so I quit that bitch! Oops? Anyways! I'm 19 now, my writing skills have changed and honestly idk where my mind was headed with this book when I first wrote it! But I have the climax chapter already written and I'm trying to fill in the gaps tbh! Oops!
Anyways, I've missed y'all! Any OG "Go Ahead Do Your Worst" readers here? Let's talk! I miss you guys! Y'all are my besties for life!
Anywho! Have a great day, or night, or afternoon...whatever it is wherever you are! Bye mwah!

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