• 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲

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hello , i'm y/n , i'm 17. My life is pretty boring but, Tomorrow is the first day of senior year. Ugh i can't believe the summer is almost over but at least i only have one more year of high school. I'm also really excited cause i get to see my best friends Ali & Cher.

I had got invited to a party tonight at the beach since its the last day of summer. Me and girls had our bathing suits on ready for the beach. We were sitting on the sand with our blanket, until we noticed there was these groups of boys playing soccer. At one point they were all in a circle kicking the ball.

We noticed Ali was looking at one of the boys, He looked up our direction and locked eyes with Ali, Ali looked at him smiling then at the waves then back at the boy. he then finally snapped out of it then ran with the rest of the boys running. Hey who's that blonde girl? Daniel says.

Oh that's hills. Daniel's friend said, what's that? Daniel said. that's rich. Daniel's friend said once again. later that night we had made bonfires, i noticed Daniel was looking over at Ali. i thought it was cute. he looked back at the fire, The blonde's looking at you Daniel looked up and sure enough she was smiling.

Why don't you go talk to her. one of the boys said. Daniel refused too, but the boys insisted so they kicked the soccer ball to us and we gave it to Ali to give back to him. She had got up and gave to him. hey did you lose something. Ali said smiling, yea i hope we're not bothering you Daniel said.

Ali has saw boys with dirk bikes up the hill, she knew exactly who they were so she grabbed the ball and kicked it.

hey Ali i wanna talk to you. johnny said, we're over it, i already told you i don't wanna talk to you alright Ali said. well i wanna talk to you alright, they continued to fight and at one point johnny was so mad he grabbed Ali's radio and slammed it to the ground. Ali pushed him, did you just break my radio.

yea. johnny says. i was starting to get fed up with johnny. if Ali didn't want to talk he should have took no as an answer but i had to stop the fight.

Why don't you just leave her alone i said. johnny turned his head towards me and walked up close to me he had pushed Ali where dutch and Tommy were to hold Ali back from getting in the way.

He walked close enough to where our body's were touching he just started at me and said what are you going to do about it.

I can do a lot more than what you think i can, johnny. you pulled Ali out of dutch's & Tommy's grip and ended up packing your stuff and left back home.

a/n: i hope you enjoyed this first chapter of the story there is more to come sorry if its a bit messy. it's really late right now - made with love :)

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