• 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞

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I woke up and got ready for school. I remembered what happened last night and I would have to face Johnny. Which was something I wasn't happy about.

I walked out of my apartment and got on my bike. I heard a voice behind me knowing who it was. Daniel. "hey- oh my does it hurt." Y/N says looking at his bruises. Ali walks towards us tapping Daniel tapping him on the shoulder then turning around.

"hey I've been looking all over for you." Daniel says smiling but Ali looks disappointed "I don't believe it." Ali says walking away. "There they are" Ali said. I looked and saw the cobra's. Johnny had a black eye.

"bye guys I think I'm gonna go" y/n said not wanting to hear Johnny's voice after last night. I went class and it was just like any other day. Some part of me missed Johnny, his smile, he made me happy.

After class was over I went over to my bike to go home but got stopped by Johnny. "Listen I'm sorry about last night but can you please hear me out?" Johnny said. I sighed "fine make it quick." Y/n said not making eye contact.

"I was just in the bathroom and all of a sudden Daniel hoses me with water." Johnny said. "Why would he do that." Y/n said. "He hates me obviously." Johnny said I looked at him and smiled. "Why are you smiling." Johnny said confused.

I forgive you, it's just cause I missed you a lot." y/n said blushing. Johnny put his arm around "aw miss y/n missed me." Johnny said. "You know I have to tell you something." Y/n said confidently going to tell him y/n liked him.

"what is it." Johnny said confused. "you know I actually just forgot." y/n said laughing so did Johnny. We walked to the other cobra's. "Hey y/n" they said. I smiled, "you should come to golf n' stuff with us." Johnny said.

"Ok I'll go." y/n said. I never really kissed Johnny only the last time y/n went with the girls but I couldn't help myself. I grabbed Johnny face and kissed him passionately his hands gripped my waist.

"get a room." Bobby said. I laughed and looked at Johnny. "im sorry if you weren't rea- y/n got interrupted. "it was amazing y/n." I smiled.

We went to golf n' stuff and I saw air hockey and wanted to play. I put my token in and played against Johnny, I ended up winning and Johnny wanted to do basketball so I played with him.

not going to lie I wasn't good but Johnny won. I walked over to the photo booth with Johnny. we posed for the picture one of us laughing, one of us kissing, and one funny one. I grabbed the pictures and looked at them.

"they're perfect." y/n said smiling. "I know this isn't our first date but it feels like it but would you go out with me." Johnny said.

y/n smiled and nodded. we went to the guys and got ready to leave. Johnny dropped everyone off one by one and left y/n and Johnny. He pulled up to my apartment. I looked at him "I had a lot of fun today thank you Johnny." y/n said. "I did too princess." I smiled at the nick name.

Before leaving I kissed him and waved bye. I couldn't stop thinking about how much fun I had tonight. I can't wait for my date with Johnny.

Ok now there's Johnny & y/n finally I've been trying to figure out how to get them together again but I know this is boring but bare with me people.

𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐋'𝐒 𝐎𝐔𝐓 // 𝐉𝐎𝐇𝐍𝐍𝐘 𝐋𝐀𝐖𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄Where stories live. Discover now