• 𝐜𝐨𝐛𝐫𝐚 𝐤𝐚𝐢 𝐝𝐨𝐣𝐨

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I woke up and saw the clock read 8:00 shit school already started. I got ready as fast as I can. I ran downstairs and went straight to school.

I got there and I had already missed homeroom. I put my things in my locker and got my things ready for my next class. i headed to class and sat at my seat. we didn't have assigned seats so anyone could sit wherever they wanted and of course it had to be a class with johnny. Normally when i came to this class johnny would be late so he couldn't sit next to me.

I sat down and hoping johnny wouldn't come and want to talk. I wasn't in the mood to talk right now. i heard the chair creak next to me i looked from the corner of my eye and saw a blonde boy. great.

"hey" johnny said softly. "hi" i said awkwardly. "look i'm sorry i've been-". "save it." i said. Class had started and we didn't talk the whole time we were there. i had already knew what johnny was going to talk about how he was sorry but, was he?. If he was he wouldn't have been hurting Daniel or fighting with Ali.

it was time for lunch Me & the girls where in line. Ali saw Daniel and said she was going to go with him. "you know johnny tried apologizing again but to me." i said. "to you? The person he should be apologizing to is Ali, she wouldn't stop calling me about that night at the beach." Cher said.

" i'm hanging out with Daniel today, wanna come?." i said. "Thanks for the offer but i can't." Cher said. [time skip] Lunch was over i said bye to Cher. I had headed out to meet up with Daniel who was waiting for me with his bike. "hey" Daniel said. "hi,where are we going." i said confusing.

"my mom's restaurant" he said. "how are we going to get there?" i said. "my bike duh" he said chuckling. "there's no way laRusso we both won't fit" i said. Daniel got on his bike and gestured me to come on the bike.

"oh alright," i said laughing. i loved the fresh wind hitting my face. We had finally reached our destination.

"hi ma i want you to meet y/n a friend of mine." Daniel said. "nice to meet you Mr.s laRusso." i said. "Nice to meet you y/n please call me Lucille." i smiled and nodded we ate and Daniel wanted to go to the dojo across the street. I followed behind him and looked at the dojo name and read "cobra kai" oh no.

Daniel was gonna probably hate me after this but don't say i didn't warn him. "Daniel wait i don't think it's a good idea" i said worried. "why not?" he said confused. 'it's just- i" i said. I didn't know what to say I didn't want to lie but i didn't want him to start a fight in there.

"I'm going in" Daniel said while shaking his head like he was fed up with me. I just followed him. it was to late. We looked around and saw a class going on. I knew who was here I've been here two or three times but that's when johnny & Ali were together.

We sat at this bench watching, "DEFEAT DOES NOT EXIST IN THIS DOJO DOES IT" a guy in a black gi yelled. i hated the man for crying out loud he was brainwashing them. "NO SENSEI" they yelled. "Mr. Lawrence warm them up." The guy said softer this time.

He got to the front of the class. He made a weird noise they all bowed johnny looked up and met our eyes. he smirked and made that weird noise again everyone came up and started doing air punches.

Daniel scoffed and walked out the dojo. i got up "Daniel wait." i said. He turned around and looked at me with hurt eyes. "you knew they train here and you didn't tell me." Daniel said mad. "i was going to bu-". "but what you wanted to make me look like a fool." Daniel said. "you know what forget it, i thought you were my friend." he said walking away hurt, he walked in the restaurant.

I just sat there for a good second thinking about how bad i made things between Daniel and i. I heard the door open to the dojo revealing johnny & his group laughting. they surrounded me.

"what are you doing here" johnny said. "oh please give me a break." i said. moving them out of the way, but johnny grabbed my arm. "leaving so soon princess." johnny said smirking. "don't ever call me that if you ever touch daniel that's the last you'll ever hear from me." i said even more upset.

"is that so" johnny said. "you know what i give up just leave please." i said angrily. They got on there bikes ready to leave. "wanna ride y/n" bobby said. i smiled he was the nicest one out of the group. "sure" i said. johnny looked a little sad and shocked almost like he was jealous.

bobby dropped me off home. "thanks for dropping me off, that was really nice of you." i said. "no problem y/n sorry about johnny you know he's still trying to process the breakup." he said smiling. i waved bye and saw him leave. god what a night. I hopped on my bed and though what just happened today.

a/n: hope you enjoyed this toke forever i like this chapter and i hope you do too. also pls comment ideas or things you want to see in my chapters it would help a lot but you don't have too, also 150+ reads WHAT thank you sm. :)

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