• 𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲

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Me and the girls started to get ready for school. i decided to wear a silk black tank top with black tight jeans and black heal boots with a black jean jacket. i felt so confident i looked in the mirror and smiled. this is something i normally wouldn't wear but i wanted to try something different.

"omg y/n you look amazing." Cher said with Ali by her side. i grabbed my bag. "shall we?" i said ready to go. they nodded and got in Ali's car and drove to school. Ali parked and everyone was looking at us as if we were popular girls. not gonna lie i was a bit confused myself then i realized maybe it was because of what i was wearing.

we walked down the hall but i had got grabbed and pulled into a empty classroom. i couldn't see who it was because my back was facing them but they turned me around and my back hit the cold wall giving chills down my spine. johnny, he leaned towards my ear. "what do you think you're doing wearing that at school". he said while having one hand on the side of me a little above my head and one on my thigh.

i gasped at his touch squeezing my thigh. i started to snap back to reality wth am i not pulling away? do I enjoy his touch? so many thoughts came through my head. "i mean this outfit really isn't revealing." i said looking into his gorgeous blue eyes. He looked at me like if i was joking he then pointed to my chest that had my cleavage showing.

i rolled my eyes "and? does it make you jealous" i said finally getting out of the classroom. i looked back and winked. i felt a hand grab my wrist and turn me around. "what now? i said irritated. He hesitated then spoke. "are you coming to the halloween dance tonight." i nodded and smiled i gave him a kiss on the cheek. (ok i know y/n was just hating johnny and she just kissed him on the cheek but pls bare with me)

 (ok i know y/n was just hating johnny and she just kissed him on the cheek but pls bare with me)

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I ended up wearing this to the Halloween dance I was a cat. The outfit was tight so it really showed my body off. The girls had finished getting ready Ali went as an angel and Cher went as a queen. There was high schoolers everywhere I went in to the smell of slight alcohol and saw some sucking their faces off.

I didn't really he want to be on the dance floor so we all stood on the side watching people dance. "Oh look there's Daniel." Ali said smiling and walking over to him. Cher had already left to go dance.

I was left alone by myself. Great, I just saw a group of guys danced as skeletons I swear if that's the cobra's I looked out in the audience and saw Ali with Daniel meaning she was still talking to him.

I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and low and be hold it's Johnny. "hey sexy." Johnny said which made me blush hard. "hi handsome." I said back while putting some punch in my cup. am I really falling for Johnny right now I thought I mean he is kinda hot in that costume. I thought

He smirked and said "wanna dance." I nodded and smiled we got to the floor and I placed both my hands around his neck and he put his around my waist.

He sometimes would move his hand down a little more to my ass to tease me. But Bobby called him to the bathroom for some reason but I shrugged it off. I found Ali and she was alone so we talked for a good 5 mins til we hear screaming.

I see Daniel running out "it's coming around." He says before running again. Johnny comes out running and the guys following him. Daniel had gave Ali a shower piece to his costume. Ali tripped the guys and they all fell but they were running after Daniel. shit

I started to run behind them, I almost twisted my ankle running since I had heels. I have no idea what happened in there but Daniel had to do something to make Johnny mad. I saw them jump a fence. crap.

I toke my heels off and climbed the fence with my bare feet which hurt. By the time I got down they were already beating up Daniel. I started running towards them.

"You couldn't leave well enough alone could you Little twerp, nah you had to push it but now you're gonna pay." Johnny said grabbing Daniels shirt

"Johnny stop it." y/n said grabbing Johnny. He looked at me in the eyes for a split second then went back to beating up Daniel. Johnny hit Daniel on the stomach and pushed him to tommy, and everyone toke turns beating him.

"Look Johnny he's had enough man." Bobby yelled. Johnny walked over to Bobby. "I'll decide when he's had enough." Johnny said about to kick Daniel.

He ran and hit the fence instead of Daniel. Someone was on top of the fence and pushed Daniel to prevent him from getting hurt.

I ran to Daniel and hugged him making sure he was ok. I saw this old man he was doing karate, I was surprised for people doing karate at his age.

He was fighting Johnny and his group. They all were on the floor groaning. The old man leading me outside a gate, to a door what looked like the old man's house.

He put a rag on Daniel. It was silent for awhile. "Thank you for you know what happened out there." I said to the old man. "Your welcome." He said.

"I'm y/n." I said. He looked at me then back at Daniel putting more liquid on the rag. "Mr. Miyagi." He said. I smiled. Daniel started to wake up and he was shocked when he found out who helped him.

They were talking about karate but I had left. I can't believe Johnny did that. He's going to hear it from me tomorrow.

A/N: hello you made it to the end of the chapter I hope you enjoyed idk what I want to do with this story I already have ideas for my next story but I'll just finish this one. Happy Easter !

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